Case C‑17/13
Alpina River Cruises GmbH
Nicko Tours GmbH
Ministero delle infrastrutture e dei trasporti— Capitaneria di Porto di Chioggia
(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato)
(Maritime transport— Regulation (EEC) No3577/92— Concept of ‘maritime cabotage’— Cruise services— Cruise crossing the Venetian lagoon, Italian territorial sea and the river Po— Departure from and arrival at the same port)
Summary— Judgment of the Court (Third Chamber), 27March 2014
1.Transport— Maritime transport— Freedom to provide services— Maritime cabotage— The term ‘sea’
(Council Regulation No3577/92)
2.Transport— Maritime transport— Freedom to provide services— Maritime cabotage— Definition— Cruise service within a Member State which starts and ends, with the same passengers, in the same port— Included
(Council Regulation No3577/92, Art. 1(1) and (2), point1(a) to (c))
1.The term ‘sea’ referred to by Regulation No3577/92 applying the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime transport within Member States (maritime cabotage) is not limited to territorial sea within the meaning of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10December 1982 (Montego Bay Convention), but also covers internal maritime waters which are on the landward side of the baseline of the territorial sea.
(see para. 19)
2.A maritime transport service consisting of a cruise which starts and ends, with the same passengers, in the same port of the Member State in which it takes place, is covered by the term ‘maritime cabotage’ within the meaning of Regulation No3577/92 applying the principle of freedom to provide services to maritime transport within Member States (maritime cabotage).
Since Regulation No3577/92 concerns ‘maritime cabotage’ alone, only cruises covered by that concept fall within the ambit of that regulation.
That concept being defined, in Article1(1) and Article2(1) of RegulationNo3577/92, by the phrase ‘maritime transport services within a Member State’, all cruise services normally provided for remuneration in the maritime waters of a Member State fall within the ambit of that regulation. When such a cruise starts and ends, with the same passengers, in the same port, the fact that the departure and arrival ports are one and the same and that the passengers are the same throughout the itinerary cannot render Regulation No3577/92 inapplicable. It is true that the transport services listed in Article2(1)(a) to (c) of Regulation No3577/92 are described as having different departure and arrival ports. However, that list, which is introduced by the term ‘in particular’, is not exhaustive and cannot have the effect of excluding from the scope of that regulation transport services having all the essential characteristics of maritime cabotage contained in the above-mentioned phrase ‘maritime transport services within a Member State’.
(see paras 25-29, operative part)