Case C-38/06
Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea

Case C-38/06

Fecha: 02-Ene-1998

Case C-38/06

European Commission


Portuguese Republic

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Duty-free imports of goods for specifically military use)

Summary of the Judgment

1.Community law – Scope – No inherent general exception excluding all measures taken for reasons of public security

(Arts 30 EC, 39 EC, 46 EC, 58 EC, 64 EC, 296 EC and 297 EC)

2.Own resources of the European Communities – Establishment and making available by the Member States – Duty-free imports of military equipment by a Member State

(Council Regulation No 1552/89, as modified by No 1355/96, Arts 2 and 9 to 11, and No 1150/2000, Arts 2 and 9 to 11)

1.Although it is for Member States to take the appropriate measures to ensure their internal and external security, it does not follow that such measures are entirely outside the scope of European Union law. The only articles in which the Treaty expressly provides for derogations applicable in situations which may affect public safety are Articles 30 EC, 39 EC, 46 EC, 58 EC, 64 EC, 296 EC and 297 EC, which deal with exceptional and clearly defined cases. It cannot be inferred that the Treaty contains an inherent general exception excluding all measures taken for reasons of public security from the scope of European Union law. The recognition of the existence of such an exception, regardless of the specific requirements laid down by the Treaty, would be liable to impair the binding nature of European Union law and its uniform application.

Furthermore, the derogations provided for in Articles 296 EC and 297 EC must, as with derogations from fundamental freedoms, be interpreted strictly. As regards, more particularly, Article 296 EC, it must be observed that, although that article refers to measures which a Member State may consider necessary for the protection of the essential interests of its security or information the disclosure of which it considers contrary to those interests, that article cannot however be read in such a way as to confer on Member States a power to depart from the provisions of the Treaty based on no more than reliance on those interests. Consequently it is for the Member State which seeks to take advantage of Article 296 EC to prove that it is necessary to have recourse to that derogation in order to protect its essential security interests.

(see paras 62-64, 66)

2.A Member State which refuses to calculate and pay to the Commission own resources which were not collected in the period from 1 January 1998 until 31 December 2002 inclusive, in relation to imports of equipment and goods for specifically military use, and by refusing to pay default interest arising from the failure to pay those own resources to the Commission, has failed to fulfil its obligations, respectively, under Article 2 and Articles 9 to 11 of Regulation No1552/89 implementing Decision 88/376 on the system of the Communities’ own resources, as amended by Regulation No 1355/96, in so far as the period from 1 January 1998 to 30 May 2000 inclusive is concerned, and under the same articles of Regulation No1150/2000 implementing Decision 94/728 on the system of the Communities’ own resources, in so far as the period from 31 May 2000 to 31 December 2002 is concerned.

A Member State cannot be allowed to plead the increased cost of military material because of the application of customs duties on imports of such material from third countries in order to avoid, at the expense of other Member States who collect and pay the customs duties on such imports, the obligations which the principle of joint financing of the European Union budget imposes on it.

(see paras 67 and 74, operative part 1)