(Case C-163/18 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (Netherlands) lodged on 1March 2018— HQ, on her own behalf and as the legal representative of her minor child IP, JO v Aegean Airlines SA
Fecha: 01-Feb-2004
Request for a preliminary ruling from the Rechtbank Noord-Nederland (Netherlands) lodged on 1March 2018— HQ, on her own behalf and as the legal representative of her minor child IP, JO v Aegean Airlines SA
(Case C-163/18)
Language of the case: Dutch
Referring court
Rechtbank Noord-Nederland
Parties to the main proceedings
Applicants: HQ, on her own behalf and as the legal representative of her minor child IP, JO
Defendant: Aegean Airlines SA
Questions referred
1.Must Article8(2) of Regulation No261/20041 be interpreted as meaning that a passenger who, under Directive 90/[314]/EEC2 on package travel (as implemented in national law), has the right to hold his tour organiser liable for reimbursement of the cost of his ticket, can no longer claim reimbursement from the air carrier?
2.If the answer to Question 1 is in the affirmative, can a passenger nevertheless hold the air carrier liable for reimbursement of the cost of his ticket if it is to be assumed that his tour organiser, if it were to be held liable, would be financially incapable of actually reimbursing the cost of the ticket and that tour organiser has also not taken any safeguard measures to guarantee reimbursement?