Order of the Court (Seventh Chamber) of 6March 2014—
Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture and Rural Development v Commission
(Case C‑248/12 P)
Appeal— EAGGF, EAGF and EAFRD— Expenditure excluded from European Union financing— Admissibility of the action for annulment— Situation of the appellant not directly affected by the contested decision
Actions for annulment— Natural or legal persons— Measures of direct and individual concern to them— Whether directly concerned— Criteria— Commission decision excluding certain expenses incurred by Member States from EU financing under EAGGF, EAGF and EAFRD— Action by a regional body benefiting from that financing and acting as management authority for the funds received— Not directly concerned— Inadmissibility (Art. 263, fourth para. TFEU) (see paras 21-26, 32-34, 40)
Appeal against the Order of 6March 2012 in Case T‑453/10 Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture and Rural Development v Commission, by which the General Court (Eighth Chamber) dismissed as inadmissible an action for partial annulment of Commission Decision 2010/399/EU [notified under No C(2010) 4894] of 15July 2010 excluding from European Union financing certain expenditure incurred by the Member States under the Guarantee Section of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), under the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) (OJ 2010 L184, p.6), to the extent that it excludes certain expenditure incurred by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. |
Operative part:
The Court:
1. |
| Dismisses the appeal. |
2. |
| Orders the Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to pay the costs of this appeal. |