In Case T-426/09
Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea

In Case T-426/09

Fecha: 24-Ene-2012


24 January 2012 (1)

(Rectification of a judgment)

In Case T-426/09 REC,

Bayerische Asphaltmischwerke GmbH&Co.KG für Straßenbaustoffe, established in Hofolding (Germany), represented by G. Würtenberger and R.Kunze, lawyers,



Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), represented by P. Geroulakos, acting as Agent,


the other party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal of OHIM, intervener before the General Court, being

Koninklijke BAM Groep NV, established in Bunnik (Netherlands), represented initially by J. C. H. van Manen, subsequently by M.L.J.van de Braak and
R. M. Sjoerdsma, and lastly by M.L.J.vande Braak, lawyers,

ACTION brought against the decision of the Second Board of Appeal of OHIM of 11 August 2009 (Case R 1005/2008-2), relating to opposition proceedings between Bayerische Asphaltmischwerke GmbH & Co. KG für Straßenbaustoffe and Koninklijke BAM Groep NV,

THE GENERAL COURT (Second Chamber),

composed of N.J. Forwood (Rapporteur), President, J. Schwarcz and A.Popescu, Judges,

Registrar: E. Coulon,

makes the following


1On 26 October 2011 the Court gave judgment in Case T-426/09.

2By letter lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 9 November 2011,
the intervener requested the Court to rectify its judgment rendered on
26 October 2011.

3In accordance with Article 84(1) of the Rules of Procedure, the parties having been given an opportunity to lodge their written observations pursuant to Article 84(2) of those rules, it is necessary to rectify the clerical mistakes found on the first page of the judgment, in the description of the lawyers representing the intervener.

On those grounds,

THE GENERAL COURT (Second Chamber)

hereby orders:

The description of the lawyers representing the intervener, Koninklijke BAM Groep NV, should read as follows:

“the other party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal of OHIM, intervener before the General Court, being

Koninklijke BAM Groep NV, established in Bunnik (Netherlands), represented initially by J. C. H. van Manen, subsequently by M.L.J. van de Braak and R. M. Sjoerdsma, and lastly by M.L.J.van de Braak, lawyers”.

Luxembourg, 24 January 2012.

E. Coulon

N. J. Forwood



1 Language of the case: English.