Order of the Court (Tenth Chamber) of 7March 2013— Marcuccio v Court of Justice
(Case C‑433/12 P)
Appeal— Action to establish non-contractual liability— Refusal by the Court Registry to act on letters addressed by the appellant to the First Advocate General of the Court— Article256(2) TFEU— Request to initiate a review procedure in respect of certain decisions terminating proceedings delivered by the General Court in certain cases on appeal
Appeals— Grounds— Assessment of the General Court’s classification as applications for reexamination of letters received by the Court Registry and addressed to the First Advocate General of the Court — Ground seeking an assessment of the facts falling within the General Court’s exclusive jurisdiction and which, save where the clear sense of the evidence has been distorted , are not subject to review by the Court (Art. 256(2) TFEU; Statute of the Court of Justice, Art. 56; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, Arts 20(1) and 181) (see paras 14, 17)
Appeal against the order of the General Court (Second Chamber) of 3July 2012 in Case T‑27/12 | Marcuccio | v | Court of Justice | , by which that court dismissed an action seeking damages for the harm allegedly suffered by the appellant as a result of the Registry’s refusal to act on documents addressed by the appellant to the First Advocate General of the Court of Justice requesting that a review procedure be initiated in respect of decisions terminating proceedings delivered by the General Court in Cases T‑278/07P, T‑114/08P, T‑32/09P and T‑166/09 P. |
Operative part:
1. |
| The appeal is dismissed. |
2. |
| Mr Luigi Marcuccio is ordered to pay the costs. |