(Case C‑53/14
Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea

(Case C‑53/14

Fecha: 21-May-2015

Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 21May 2015—
JAS v Commission

(Case C‑53/14 P) 1(1)

Appeal— Customs union and Common Customs Tariff— Community Customs Code— Article239— Community Customs Code Implementing Regulation— Article905— Importation of jean trousers from the United States— Import duties— Decision declaring the refund of those duties unjustified— No ‘special situation’

1.Appeals— Grounds— Mistaken assessment of the facts— Inadmissibility— Review by the Court of the assessment of the facts and evidence— Possible only where the clear sense of the evidence has been distorted— Legal classification of the facts— Admissibility (Art.256(1) TFEU; Statute of the Court of Justice, Art.58, first para.; Council Regulation No2913/92, Art.239; Commission Regulation No2454/93, Art.905) (see paras38, 56)

2.Appeals— Grounds— Specific criticism of a point of the General Court’s reasoning necessary (Art.25(1) TFEU; Statute of the Court of Justice, Art.58, first para.; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, Arts168(1)(d) and 169(2); Council Regulation No2913/92, Art.239) (see paras61-63)

Operative part


The appeal is dismissed.


JAS Jet Air Service France SARL is ordered to bear its own costs and pay those incurred by the European Commission.

1OJ C102, 07.4.2014.