(Case C-636/19 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Centrale Raad van Beroep (Netherlands) lodged on 26August 2019— Y v CAK
Fecha: 26-Ago-2019
Request for a preliminary ruling from the Centrale Raad van Beroep (Netherlands) lodged on 26August 2019— Y v CAK
(Case C-636/19)
Language of the case: Dutch
Referring court
Centrale Raad van Beroep
Parties to the main proceedings
Applicant: Y
Defendant: CAK
Questions referred
Must Directive 2011/24/EU1 be interpreted as meaning that persons referred to in Article24 of Regulation (EC) No883/2004,2 who receive benefits in their country of residence at the expense of the Netherlands but who are not insured in the Netherlands under the statutory health insurance scheme can rely directly on that directive for the reimbursement of costs of care provided?
If not,
Does it follow from Article56 TFEU that, in a case such as the present one, not granting reimbursement for care provided in a Member State other than the country of residence or the country providing the pension is an unjustified obstacle to the free movement of services?