(Case C-379/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Østre Landsret (Denmark) lodged on 11August 2020– B v Udlændingenævnet
Fecha: 11-Ago-2020
Request for a preliminary ruling from the Østre Landsret (Denmark) lodged on 11August 2020– B v Udlændingenævnet
(Case C-379/20)
Language of the case: Danish
Referring court
Østre Landsret
Parties to the main proceedings
Applicant: B
Defendant: Udlændingenævnet
Question referred
Does Article13 of Decision No1/80 of the Association Council of 19September 19801 on the development of the Association, which is linked to the Agreement establishing an Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey, signed at Ankara on 12September 1963 by the Republic of Turkey, on the one hand, and by the Member States of the EEC and the Community, on the other, and concluded, approved and confirmed on behalf of the Community by Council Decision 64/732/EEC2 of 23December 1963, preclude the introduction and application of a new national measure under which family reunification between an economically active Turkish national who is lawfully resident in the Member State in question and that person’s child who is 15years of age is subject to the condition that very specific grounds, including the consideration of family unity and the consideration of the best interests of the child, support such reunification?