(Case C-666/21 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Hovrätten för Nedre Norrland (Sweden) lodged on 5November 2021– AI and Åklagarmyndigheten
Fecha: 05-Nov-2021
Request for a preliminary ruling from the Hovrätten för Nedre Norrland (Sweden) lodged on 5November 2021– AI and Åklagarmyndigheten
(Case C-666/21)
Language of the case: Swedish
Referring court
Hovrätten för Nedre Norrland
Parties to the main proceedings
Appellants and respondents: AI and Åklagarmyndigheten
Questions referred
Must the term ‘carriage by road of goods’ in Article2(1)(a) of Regulation (EC) No561/20061 be interpreted as including carriage by a vehicle with a total mass of greater than 3.5 tonnes the main use of which is to provide a temporary living area for private use?
In such circumstances, is the vehicle’s cargo capacity or how the vehicle is registered in the national road traffic register of relevance?