(Case C-497/21 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Verwaltungsgericht (Germany) lodged on 13August 2021– SI and Others v Federal Republic of Germany
Fecha: 13-Ago-2021
Request for a preliminary ruling from the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Verwaltungsgericht (Germany) lodged on 13August 2021– SI and Others v Federal Republic of Germany
(Case C-497/21)
Language of the case: German
Referring court
Schleswig-Holsteinisches Verwaltungsgericht
Parties to the main proceedings
Applicants: SI, TL, ND, VH, YT, HN
Defendant: Federal Republic of Germany
Questions referred
Is national legislation under which an application for international protection can be rejected as an inadmissible subsequent application compatible with Article33(2)(d) and Article2(q) of Directive 2013/32/EU1 if the unsuccessful initial asylum procedure was conducted in a different EU Member State?
If the answer to Question 1 is in the affirmative: Is national legislation under which an application for international protection can be rejected as an inadmissible subsequent application compatible with Article33(2)(d) and Article2(q) of Directive 2013/32/EU even if the unsuccessful initial asylum procedure was conducted in Denmark?
If the answer to Question 2 is in the negative: Is national legislation under which an application for asylum is inadmissible in the event of a subsequent application and which makes no distinction in that respect between refugee status and subsidiary protection status compatible with Article33(2)[(d)] of Directive 2013/32/EU?