(Case C-517/21 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landesgericht Korneuburg (Austria) lodged on 20August 2021– Laudamotion GmbH v TG, QN, AirHelp Germany GmbH
Fecha: 20-Ago-2021
Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landesgericht Korneuburg (Austria) lodged on 20August 2021– Laudamotion GmbH v TG, QN, AirHelp Germany GmbH
(Case C-517/21)
Language of the case: German
Referring court
Landesgericht Korneuburg
Parties to the main proceedings
Applicant: Laudamotion GmbH
Defendants: TG, QN, AirHelp Germany GmbH
Questions referred
Is Article3(2)(a) of Regulation (EC) No261/20041 to be interpreted as meaning that the regulation applies to a passenger who checks in online but does not present himself or herself at the check-in counter at the times specified in that provision?
Taking into account the judgment in Sturgeon and Others,1 is Article5 of Regulation No261/2004, in conjunction with Article7 thereof, to be interpreted as meaning that– where the operating air carrier cannot avoid liability, as provided for in Article5(3) of that regulation– the passenger has the right to compensation if:
–the flight is delayed in arriving at the final destination by at least three hours,
–it was already apparent prior to boarding that the flight would reach its final destination with a delay of at least three hours, and
–the passenger did not appear for the boarding of that flight?
If Question 2 is answered in the affirmative:
Is this also the case where the passenger, without the involvement of the operating air carrier, books an alternative flight with which he or she reaches another airport serving the same city or region (Article8(3) of Regulation No261/2004) as his or her originally booked flight only slightly later than he or she would have reached the final destination of that flight as scheduled?
If Question 2 is answered in the affirmative:
Is this also the case where the passenger, at his or her request, is rebooked by the operating air carrier onto an alternative flight with which he or she reaches his or her final destination earlier than he or she would have with the delayed originally booked flight, but nevertheless later than he or she would have with the flight originally booked had it been on schedule (and the flight onto which the passenger was rebooked does not itself have a ‘long delay’)?