Chancery Division of the High Court

Chancery Division of the High Court

Case No. CR-2020-BRS-000017

Fecha: 26-Mar-2021

9.On the basis of the material before me, I find the following facts. The organisation which became the claimant was founded in 1977, but the claimant in its current form was incorporated on 13 February 2009 as a company limited by guarantee. It is also registered as a charity with the Charity Commission. The aim of the claimant (as set out on the ...

Case No. 5293-2011

Fecha: 23-Jun-2011

JusticeStrand, London, WC2A 2LLBefore: MR JUSTICE HENDERSON Between: Digital Transcription by Marten Walsh Cherer Ltd.,1st Floor, Quality House, 6-9 Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP.Tel No: 020 7067 2900. Fax No: 020 7831 6864 DX: 410 LDE e-mail: [email protected])MR. ANDREW NOBLE (instructed by Gateley LLP) for the Applicant...

Case No. CF084-2021CA

Fecha: 26-May-2022

1.This appeal raises the question of the validity of a landlord’s notice to quit agricultural premises under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986 (the “1986 Act”), addressed to, and served upon, the original tenant shortly after the lease had been assigned by the original tenant (without the knowledge of the landlord) to a company of which the origin...

Case No. A30BM545

Fecha: 25-Abr-2017

1.In this claim the Autocal Holdings Ltd (which I will refer to as "the claimant" or "Holdings") seeks:i)Repayment of a loan of £131,000 made by it to the defendant Mr Jeffery in 2009 to fund the purchase of shares in itself. The claimant's case is that the loan is repayable on demand, which has been made and not complied with. Mr Jeffery's positi...

Case No. HC06C02304-&-HC06C02305

Fecha: 12-Oct-2007

tells us that the invention “relates to the use of a compound of formula (1) in the manufacture of medicaments for providing an antihistaminic effect in a hepatically impaired patient in need thereof comprising administering to said patient an effective antihistaminic amount”. And paragraph ...

Case No. HC-04-CO-2495

Fecha: 15-Jun-2007

trandLondon WC2A 2LLBEFORE: MR STEINFELD QC BETWEEN: CITY INN (JERSEY) LIMITED Claimant - and - TEN TRINITY SQUARE LIMITED Defendant Digital Transcript of Wordwave International, a Merrill Communications Company PO Box 1336 Kingston-Upon-Thames Surrey KT1 1QTTel No: 020 8974 7300 Fax No: 020 8974 7301(Official Shorthand Writers to the Court)Mr G Fe...

Case No. HC0005544

Fecha: 12-Mar-2003

Hearing dates : 10,11,15,16,17,18,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30 Oct 2002, 1,5,6,7,8,11,12,13,14,15,18,19,20,22,25,26,27,28 Nov 2002, 16,17,18,19 Dec 2002, 12 March 2003Judgment ...

Case No. HC-2016-002870

Fecha: 17-Nov-2017

1.This is my reserved judgment following the hearing before me on 18 September 2017. This judgment is concerned only with the Defendant’s application by notice dated 30th March 2017 to strike out claim no: HC-2016-002870. That application was directed by the court of its own initiative on 11th May 2017 to be treated also as an application under CP...

Case No. CR-2022-BRS-000042

Fecha: 15-Jun-2022

1.On 9 May 2022 I heard the claimant company’s application (by notice dated 20 April 2022) for an injunction to restrain presentation of a winding-up petition. On 13 May 2022, I handed down judgment in this matter, giving my reasons for striking out the application. This was on the basis that one of the only two directors of the company, Mr Mark St...

Case No. EWHC-1475-(Ch)

Fecha: 22-Jun-2011

1.This is an application by the Defendants for summary judgment dismissing the claims that have been advanced in Paragraphs 28.1 and 29.1 of the Amended Particulars of Claim or alternatively for an Order that those paragraphs be struck out. ...

Case No. EWHC-2244-(Ch)

Fecha: 16-Jul-2008

Claimant - and AZIZ Defendants Wordwave International, a Merrill Communications Company PO Box 1336, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey KT1 1QT Tel No: 020 8974 7300 Fax No: 020 8974 7301 Email Address: [email protected] Mr J Hall (instructed by Messrs Pritchard Joyce & Hinds) appeared on behalf of the ClaimantMr O Kalfon appeared on behalf of th...

Case No. EWHC-704-(Ch)

Fecha: 04-Abr-2006

(instructed by Clive Sutton, Solicitor) for the DefendantsHearing dates: 21 - 24 February 2006...

Case No. EWHC-1788-(Ch)

Fecha: 20-Jun-2018

If this Transcript is to be reported or published, there is a requirement to ensure that no reporting restriction will be breached. This is particularly important in relation to any case involving a sexual offence, where the victim is guaranteed lifetime anonymity (Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992), or where an order has been made in relation ...

Case No. CR-2022-001103

Fecha: 09-Feb-2023

1.This application for permission to act as a director of V1CE Limited despite disqualification by undertaking was last before me on 19 October 2022. I identified a number of concerns and adjourned it for further evidence, whilst continuing the interim permission previously granted by Chief ICC Judge Briggs on 13 April 2022. I reserved judgment on ...

Case No. HC11C00054

Fecha: 11-Jul-2013

1.This is a claim for loss suffered by the Claimant when two companies, Insureprofit Ltd (‘Insureprofit’) and Mariona Ltd (‘Mariona’) defaulted on their obligations to pay margin calls under open-ended contracts for difference entered into between the Claimant and those two companies. When the defaults occurred, on 10 July 2008, the Claimant had t...