Chancery Division of the High Court

Chancery Division of the High Court

Case No. HC09C01612-&-HC09C01931

Fecha: 28-Jul-2009

[1975] 1 WLR 758, namely that parties cannot, consistently with public policy, contract out of the mandatory provisions of the Insolvency Act 1986. The Trustee is concerned to obtain the indemnity to which it is entitled before it is required to take any of the steps the noteholders demand. It regards with apprehension the possibility that it migh...

Case No. HC09C00708

Fecha: 10-Dic-2009

1.These proceedings have been brought to determine whether an ...

Case No. CP-2018-000038

Fecha: 20-Jul-2020

1.This judgment concerns applications by the First to Third Defendants for security for costs. The issue in dispute is not the question of security as such, since the Claimant (“P4U”), which is in administration, has agreed to provide security to all the Defendants. However, the First to Third Defendants seek security at a higher level than the 65%...

Case No. CH-2020-000100

Fecha: 11-Ene-2022

BETWEEN: (1) Victus Estates (2) Limited (2) Victus Estates (3) Limited (3) Deepak Raj Agrawal (4) Simple To Finance Limited Claimants/Respondents And (1)… (4) Monica Munroe Defendant/Respondent And Shawbrook Bank Limited Third Party/Appellant AND BETWEEN: Julietta Sonia Benjamin Claimant/Respondent And (1) Victus Estates (1) Limited Defendant/Resp...

Case No. HCO3C04152

Fecha: 09-Oct-2006

1.This is a very strange case. One of its central issues is whether or not a prior judgment was procured by perjury. That is not a wholly unfamiliar point (though it is unusual). What makes this case strange is that the person attacking the earlier judgment on this basis (the claimant) does not seek to prove the perjury from evidence external to t...

Case No. HC10C01636

Fecha: 19-Oct-2012

1.Following my decisions granting summary judgment to the eighth defendant (“...

Case No. CH-2007-APP-0724

Fecha: 02-Abr-2008

MR JUSTICE LEWISON:1. National Insurance is one of the cornerstones of the Welfare State, introduced by the first post-war Labour Government in the wake of the wartime Beveridge Report. As its name suggests it was an insurance scheme under which contributors made regular periodic payments in return for which they would be entitled to a variety of n...

Case No. EWHC-1566-(Ch)

Fecha: 29-Jun-2010

1.This is an application for a declaration that the deed of appointment made by the trustees of a settlement is void pursuant to the so-called Hastings-Bass principle, or alternatively for rectification of the deed. There is also in the alternative a claim for a determination of the true construction of the effect of the deed and the Settlement in...

Case No. EWHC-3316-(Ch)

Fecha: 16-Nov-2022

MR JUSTICE MICHAEL GREEN:1This is an application by the sole director of CargoLogicAir Limited (“the Company”) to put the company into administration. There is also a subsidiary or ancillary application to permit the proposed administrators to use the Insolvency Services Account to carry out their functions as has been approved on certain similar a...

Case No. HC_2016-002774

Fecha: 04-Jul-2019

v Design and Display Ltd [2016] EWCA Civ 98. The effect of those authorities, as they relate to overheads, was, helpfully, summarised by HH Judge Hacon, when OOO Abbott was remitted to IPEC for further consideration (...

Case No. BL-2019-001160

Fecha: 01-Jun-2020

7.The Prince of Wales public house at issue in these proceedings is one of around 12,000 “tied pubs” in England and Wales. Under the tied pub model the tenant pays a lower rent to the pub-owning business than they might otherwise pay, in return for an obligation to purchase some or all of the alcohol sold at the premises from the landlord (or assoc...

Case No. CH-2008-PTA-0493

Fecha: 22-Abr-2009

[1954] 1 WLR 1489. However, as the notes in the White Book, in particular at page 1508, make clear, the criteria in Ladd v Marshall are not restrictions on the scope of the jurisdiction of the court to admit evidence. The criteria in Ladd v Marshall have always been and continue to be statements of common sense and good guidance as to the way in w...

Case No. HC0504081

Fecha: 13-Jun-2008

1.1189, the year in which King Henry II died, is generally regarded as the beginning of legal memory. However, the story in this case starts at least half a century earlier, which has made the fact finding exercise unusual, to say the least. Mr Roberts, the first defendant in this case, claims to be entitled to exercise royal prerogative rights ove...

Case No. HC-2013-000590

Fecha: 10-Nov-2017

12.Before addressing the parties’ submissions on Zumax’s application for summary judgment, it is necessary to set out the background in a little more detail. 13.Board minutes of IMB2 show that in December 1996 Mr Chinye disclosed to the board of that bank, of which he was managing director/CEO, that he had been appointed a director of Zumax to repr...

Case No. CR-2016-000129

Fecha: 30-Jun-2016

DigitalTranscription of Marten Walsh Cherer Ltd.,1st Floor, Quality House, 6-9 Quality CourtChancery Lane, London WC2A 1HP.DX: 410 LDETel No: 020 067 2900. Fax No. 020 7831 6864.e-mail: [email protected] MR. DAVID ALLISON QC and MR. STEPHEN ROBBINS, (instructed by Allen & Overy LLP) for the ...

Case No. EWHC-1625-(Ch)

Fecha: 08-Jun-2015

(instructed by Hogan Lovells International LLP) for the RespondentHearing date: 11 May 2015...