Asunto T‑231/04

Fecha: 18-May-1969

«Recurso de anulación — Representación diplomática común en Abuja (Nigeria) — Cobro de una deuda mediante compensación — Reglamentos (CE, Euratom) nos1605/2002 y 2342/2002 — Principio de buena fe en Derecho internacional público» Sumario de la sentencia 1.Recurso de anulación — Competencia del juez comunitario — Cooperación entre la Comisión y los ...

Case C‑35/09

Fecha: 01-Jul-1969

Directive 69/335 11.As is clear from the second recital in the preamble to Directive 69/335, the objective of the Directive is to eliminate, by means of harmonisation, obstacles to the free movement of capital consisting in discrimination, double taxation and disparities caused by indirect taxes on the raising of capital which were then applicable ...

Case T-231/04

Fecha: 18-May-1969

(Action for annulment–Common diplomatic mission in Abuja (Nigeria)–Recovery of a debt by offsetting– Regulations (EC, Euratom) Nos 1605/2002 and 2342/2002–Principle of good faith in public international law) Summary of the Judgment 1.Actions for annulment – Jurisdiction of the Community judicature – Cooperation between the Commission and the Member...