(Access to documents – Basle/Nyborg Agreement – Action for annulment – Challengeable acts – Statement of reasons – Plea of illegality – Decision 93/731

Fecha: 27-Nov-2007

23By letter of 6 April 1999, received at the General Secretariat of the Council on 9 April 1999, the applicant – who at that time was preparing a doctoral thesis in law at the University of Thessaloniki (Greece) – sought access, pursuant to Council Decision 93/731/EC of 20 December 1993 on public access to Council documents (OJ 1993 L 340, p. 43), ...

(Action for annulment − Commission decision approving a project relating to border security in the Philippines – Decision adopted on the basis of Regulation (EEC) No 443/92

Fecha: 23-Oct-2007

20The Parliament claims that the Court should: –annul the contested decision; –order the Commission to pay the costs. 21The Commission contends that the Court should: –dismiss the action as inadmissible or, in any event, as unfounded; –make an appropriate order as to costs. 22By order of the President of the Court of 28 March 2006, the Kingdom of S...

(Action for annulment – Council Decision 2004/281

Fecha: 23-Oct-2007

17The relevant events begin with the negotiations for the accession of the Republic of Poland to the Union. 18As is clear from a document on the position of the Republic of Poland for the negotiations relating to agricultural matters, adopted by the Council of Ministers on 9 December 1999, and from the response of the Republic of Poland to the Comm...

(Action for annulment – Decision 2004/01

Fecha: 08-Nov-2007

15Following adoption of the SCCPs Directive, the Netherlands Government informed the Commission by letter of 17 January 2003 that it considered that the scope of the harmonisation under the SCCPs Directive affected only the uses of SCCPs expressly prohibited in point 42.1 of the Annex to Directive 76/769, as amended by the SCCPs Directive. Conseque...

(Action for annulment – Environment – Directive 2003/87

Fecha: 06-Nov-2007

8The applicant, Cemex UK Cement Ltd, a company incorporated under the law of England and Wales, is a subsidiary of Cemex España SA, a company incorporated under Spanish law, which produces and supplies cement, ready-mixed concrete and aggregates. The applicant operates a new cement plant at Rugby in the United Kingdom. The commissioning of that new...

(Action for annulment – Regulation (EC) No1854/2005

Fecha: 11-Sep-2007

9The applicant is an association whose members produce and market honey. The applicant’s members have been marketing several varieties of mixed honey under the name ‘Honig aus der Provence’ (honey from Provence) for decades. 10Pursuant to Article 6(2) of Regulation No2081/92, on 30 October 2003 the Commission published the application of the French...

(Action for annulment – Regulation (EC) No2269/2004 and Regulation (EC) No2270/2004

Fecha: 09-Ene-2007

15In its application the applicant claims that the Court should: –annul the Annex to Regulation No2269/2004, in so far as it concerns the fishing opportunities allocated to Estonia; –annul Part 2 of the Annex to Regulation No2270/2004, in so far as it concerns the fishing opportunities allocated to Estonia; –order the Council to pay the costs. 16In...

(Action for annulment – Social security – Regulation (EEC) No1408/71 – Articles 4(2a) and 10a – Annex IIa – Regulation (EC) No647/2005

Fecha: 18-Oct-2007

8Annex IIa to Regulation No 1408/71 lists the special non-contributory benefits which the persons to whom that regulation applies can be granted only in the territory of the Member State in which they reside, pursuant to Article10a of that regulation. 9The Member States did not raise any objection to the Commission proposal to amend Article4(2a) of...

(Action for annulment –Directive 2003/87

Fecha: 01-Oct-2007

8The applicant operates in the Slovak steel industry. According to its own statements, it accounts for the entire industry and generates around one-sixth of Slovak greenhouse gas emissions. 9The preparation of the Slovak NAP commenced in November 2003. In April 2004 the applicant submitted to the competent authorities an application for allowances ...

(Action for annulment–Common diplomatic mission in Abuja (Nigeria)–Recovery of a debt by offsetting– Regulations (EC, Euratom) Nos 1605/2002 and 2342/2002

Fecha: 17-Ene-2007

7Following the transfer of the capital of Nigeria from Lagos to Abuja, the Commission has, since 1993, rented a building in Abuja to house its delegation as well as, temporarily, the representations of a number of Member States, including the Hellenic Republic. Under an arrangement with those Member States (hereinafter the ‘Abuja I project’), the C...

(Actions for annulment – Directive 2003/87

Fecha: 30-Abr-2007

I–The Commission’s letter of 17 March 2004 21In a joint letter from the Directors General of DG Environment and DG Competition to the Member States, dated 17 March 2004, on the subject of ‘State Aid and [NAPs]’, the Commission set out the procedures to be followed and the criteria of which it intended to take account in assessing possible State aid...

«Acuerdo de Asociación CEE‑Turquía – Artículo 59 del Protocolo Adicional – Artículos 7, párrafo primero, y 14 de la Decisión nº1/80 del Consejo de Asociación – Directiva 2004/38

Fecha: 04-Oct-2007

7De los autos se desprende que el Sr. Polat, nacido el 25 de junio de 1972, entró en Alemania en 1972, poco después de su nacimiento, con objeto de la reagrupación familiar con sus padres, que residían en territorio alemán. Su padre trabajó por cuenta ajena, con interrupciones, desde 1971 hasta 1991 y recibe una pensión de jubilación desde el 1 de ...

«Agricultura – Lucha contra la fiebre aftosa – Directiva 85/511

Fecha: 07-Jun-2007

9En febrero de 2001 se declaró en los Países Bajos una epidemia de fiebre aftosa. En esas fechas, los demandantes del procedimiento principal gestionaban explotaciones ganaderas en las que criaban animales de pezuña hendida. Sus explotaciones estaban situadas a menos de 2Km. de las explotaciones que habían sido declaradas contaminadas por la fiebre...

«Agricultura − Régimen de restituciones a la exportación para los productos agrícolas − Reglamento (CEE) nº3665/87

Fecha: 28-Jun-2007

14Durante el año 1998, Bonn Fleisch exportó carne de vacuno directamente desde Alemania a Rusia tras haberla sometido al régimen de depósito aduanero y, conforme a su solicitud, recibió el pago anticipado de restituciones a la exportación. 15Tras haber presentado el 8 de abril de 1998 la declaración de exportación al Hauptzollamt de Bremen, el 13 d...

(Agricultural structures – Community aid schemes – Article 7(6) of Regulation (EEC) No 1765/92 – Article 9(2) of Regulation (EEC) No 3887/92

Fecha: 04-Oct-2007

15It is apparent from the order for reference that Mr Kruck, a farmer established in the Land Brandenburg, applied, in respect of the marketing year 1996/97, for area compensatory payments for 13.3830 ha of protein crops, 45.9521 ha of seed flax and 29.2247 ha of voluntary set-aside. 16By decision of 6 January 1997 the Landkreis Potsdam‑Mittelmark ...

(Agriculture – Control of foot-and-mouth disease – Directive 85/511

Fecha: 07-Jun-2007

9In February 2001, an epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease was declared in the Netherlands. At that time, the appellants in the main proceedings were in charge of cattle-breeding holdings in which biungulate animals were kept. Their holdings were situated less than two kilometres from the holdings which had been declared to be infected by foot-and-mo...