(Appeal – Community trade mark – Article 7(1)(b) and (c) of Regulation (EC) No40/94

Fecha: 19-Abr-2007

5On 30 June 2000, Celltech filed an application with OHIM, pursuant to Regulation No 40/94, for registration of the word mark CELLTECH as a Community trade mark. 6The goods and services for which registration was sought are ‘pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations, compounds and substances’, ‘surgical, medical, dental and veterinary ap...

(Appeal – Directive 2001/18/EC – Decision 2003/653

Fecha: 13-Sep-2007

6On 13 March 2003, the Republic of Austria notified the Commission of a draft law of the Land Oberösterreich banning genetic engineering (Oberösterreichische Gentechnik‑Verbotsgesetz) (‘the notified measure’) of 2002. That draft law is intended to prohibit the cultivation of seed and planting material composed of or containing GMOs and the breeding...

(Appeal – European Union – Police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters – Common Positions 2001/931/CFSP, 2002/340/CFSP and 2002/462

Fecha: 27-Feb-2007

5By application lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 13 November 2002, the appellants claimed that the Court should: –order the defendant to pay the sum of EUR 1000000 to Segi and the sum of EUR 100000 each to Ms Zubimendi Izaga and Mr Galarraga, as compensation for the damage allegedly suffered as a result of Segi’s inclusion i...

(Appeal – Interim measures – Application for suspension of operation – Directive 91/414

Fecha: 03-Abr-2007

7By application lodged on 25 November 2005, the appellant brought an action before the Court of First Instance under the fourth paragraph of Article 230 EC for the partial annulment of the contested directive in so far as it includes, in Annex I to Directive 91/414, chlorothalonil with a purity level for hexachlorobenzene that excludes the product ...

(Appeal – Non-inclusion of metalaxyl in Annex I to Directive 91/414

Fecha: 18-Jul-2007

17IQV is a company governed by Spanish law, the activities of which include the production and marketing of chemical products and plant protection products. In particular, IQV imports metalaxyl into Spain and markets products containing that active substance in a number of Member States. 18In April 1995, IQV and the German undertaking Ciba Geigy AG...

(Appeal – Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001

Fecha: 18-Dic-2007

11In response to an application by the Federal Republic of Germany under the second subparagraph of Article 6(4) of the Habitats Directive, the Commission on 19 April 2000 gave an opinion favourable to the carrying out of an industrial project on the Mühlenberger Loch site, an area protected under that directive. The project consisted of an enlarge...

(Appeal –Regulation (EEC) No1430/79

Fecha: 18-Oct-2007

7On 30October1991, Nordspedizionieri, made up of customs brokers and having its registered office at Trieste, made to the customs office at Fernetti (Italy) an external Community transit declaration regarding cardboard boxes originating in Slovenia and bound for Spain. On 5 and 16November1991, Nordspedizionieri made two further Community transit de...

(Appeal–Community trade mark–Regulation (EC) No40/94

Fecha: 11-Sep-2007

4The facts at the origin of the dispute were set out by the Court of First Instance at paragraphs 1 to 8 of the judgment under appeal as follows: ‘1On 26 February 1999, the applicant filed at the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), under … Regulation … No 40/94 …, an application for registration as a Co...

(Appeals – Actions for annulment – Inadmissibility – Act without binding legal effect – Own resources of the European Communities – Infringement proceedings – Article 11 of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No1150/2000

Fecha: 21-Jun-2007

5The factual background to the dispute was summarised by the Court of First Instance in paragraphs 1 to 9 of the order under appeal as follows: ‘1.On 17October2003, the Commission initiated infringement procedure No2003/2180 against the Republic of Finland and subsequently adopted a reasoned opinion pursuant to Article 226EC, considering that the M...

(Appeals – Competition – Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89

Fecha: 18-Dic-2007

12The findings of the Court of First Instance in paragraphs 1 to 15 and 295 to 298 of the judgment under appeal allow the background to the case to be summarised as set out below. 13Before the putting into effect of the concentration which underlies the dispute, Coöperatieve Verkoop- en Produktievereniging van Kalkzandsteenproducenten (‘CVK’), a co...

(Application for annulment–Environment–Directive 2003/87

Fecha: 25-Jun-2007

6On 30 April 2004, following public consultation and the publication of a draft NAP, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (‘the United Kingdom’) notified a NAP to the Commission, expressly stating it was provisional (‘the original NAP’). According to paragraph 1.13 of that plan: ‘[T]he total quantity of allowances to be issued t...

(Application for interim measures – Health measures – Regulation (EC) No 999/2001 – Eradication of certain transmissible spongiform encephalopathies – Regulation (EC) No 727/2007

Fecha: 28-Sep-2007

8TSEs are neurodegenerative diseases which affect both animals and humans and which include BSE and scrapie in sheep. 9The rules introduced by Regulation No 999/2001, which apply to bovine and small ruminant animals (ovine and caprine) were laid down on the assumption that there was a link between BSE and the new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Diseas...

(Application for interim relief –Directive 91/414

Fecha: 11-Dic-2007

21FMC Chemical SPRL, FMC Foret, SA, F&N Agro Ceská republika spol. s.r.o., F&N Agro Slovensko spol. s.r.o. and F&N Agro Polska sp. z o.o. are subsidiaries of FMC Corp., a chemical undertaking serving agricultural, industrial and consumer markets, which manufactures and markets crop and plant protection products, and especially insectici...

«Arancel Aduanero Común – Nomenclatura Combinada – Clasificación – Trozos de pollo deshuesados, congelados e impregnados de sal – Validez del Reglamento (CE) nº1223/2002

Fecha: 18-Jul-2007

16En el período comprendido entre el 5 y el 11 de agosto de 2003, FTS importó en los Países Bajos trozos de pollo procedentes de Brasil, deshuesados, congelados y con un contenido de sal en peso comprendido entre el 1,4 y el2,9%. 17Basándose en el Reglamento nº1223/2002, las autoridades aduaneras neerlandesas clasificaron esta mercancía en la subpa...

(Article 56(1) EC – Directive 69/335

Fecha: 25-Oct-2007

15Fortum would transfer its entire holding in the capital of Fortum Heat and Gas to Fortum Project Finance. The latter, having increased its capital by an amount equal to the value of the shares received, would issue new shares in favour of Fortum. 16Following that transaction, Fortum Project Finance would have to pay capital duty of 1% in Luxembou...

«Artículo 104, apartado 3, párrafo primero, del Reglamento de Procedimiento – Derecho de patentes – Medicamentos – Reglamento (CEE) nº1768/92

Fecha: 17-Abr-2007

5Desde el 19 de julio de 1989, Yissum es titular de una patente europea titulada «Composiciones cosméticas y dermatológicas que contienen 1-alfa-hidroxicolecalciferol». Dicha patente tiene por objeto, en particular, una composición, destinada a tratar localmente enfermedades de la piel, que contiene una composición de 1-alpha-hidroxicolecalciferol ...