Asunto T‑611/13

Fecha: 07-May-1991

«Marca comunitaria— Procedimiento de nulidad— Registro internacional en el que se designa a la Comunidad Europea— Marca figurativa HOT— Motivos de denegación absolutos— Inexistencia de carácter descriptivo— Carácter distintivo— Artículo 7, apartado 1, letrasb) yc), del Reglamento (CE) nº207/2009— Artículo 75, segunda frase, del Reglamento nº207/200...

(Case C-248/19 Action brought on 20March 2019— European Commission v Republic of Cyprus

Fecha: 01-May-1991

Language of the case: Greek Parties Applicant: European Commission (represented by: D.Τriantaphyllou and E.Manhaeve, acting as Agents) Defendant: Republic of Cyprus. Form of order sought The applicant claims that the Court should: Declare that the Republic of Cyprus, by failing to: provide a collecting system for 31 agglomerations (Αradippou, Ipson...

Case C-280/02

Fecha: 01-May-1991

(Failure by a Member State to fulfil its obligations – Directive 91/271/EEC – Article 5 – Urban waste water treatment – Failure to identify sensitive areas) I–Introduction 1.In these Treaty-infringement proceedings, the Commission asks the Court to declare that the French Republic has failed to fulfil a number of obligations under Council Directive...

Case C‑13/20

Fecha: 09-May-1991

1.This case provides the Court with a further opportunity to examine the particularities of the legal protection of computer programs. Although it is accepted, both under EU law(2) and in international law,(3) that computer programs are protected by copyright as literary works, they do however differ from such works in several respects. Their speci...

(Case C‑248/19

Fecha: 03-May-1991

(Failure of Member State to fulfil obligations– Article258 TFEU– Directive 91/271/EEC– Treatment of urban waste water– Articles3, 4, 10 and 15– AnnexI, points A, B and D– No collecting systems for urban waste water in certain agglomerations– No secondary or equivalent treatment of urban waste water– Construction and operation of treatment plants– C...

(Case C‑38/15

Fecha: 04-May-1991

Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations— Directive 91/271/EEC— Urban waste water treatment— Collection and treatment systems— Discharges in sensitive areas— Monitoring methods— Collecting of samples 1.Environment— Urban waste-water treatment— Directive 91/271— Implementation by Member States— Obligation to achieve a result— Failure to satis...

(Case C‑427/17

Fecha: 03-May-1991

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations— Directive 91/271/EEC— Collection and treatment of urban waste water— Exceptional circumstances— Best technical knowledge not entailing excessive costs— Principle that the costs should be proportionate— Burden of proof— Means of proof) 1.Actions for failure to fulfil obligations— Proof of failure— Bu...

Case T‑611/13

Fecha: 07-May-1991

(Community trade mark— Invalidity proceedings— International registration designating the European Community— Figurative mark HOT— Absolute grounds for refusal— No descriptive character— Distinctive character— Article7(1)(b) and (c) of Regulation (EC) No207/2009— Second sentence of Article75 of Regulation No207/2009— Cross-claim before the Board of...