Asunto C‑168/03

Fecha: 01-Dic-1992

«Incumplimiento de Estado – Directivas 89/655/CEE y 95/63/CE – Adaptación defectuosa del Derecho interno – Período de adaptación adicional» Sumario de la sentencia Política social – Protección de la seguridad y de la salud de los trabajadores – Directiva 89/655/CEE, relativa a las disposiciones mínimas de seguridad y de salud para la utilización po...

Case C-168/03

Fecha: 01-Dic-1992

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Directives 89/655/EEC and 95/63/EC – Incomplete transposition – Additional adjustment period) Summary of the Judgment Social policy – Protection of the safety and health of workers – Directive 89/655 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at w...

Case C‑399/09

Fecha: 01-Dic-1992

(Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Nejvyšší správní soud, Czech Republic) (Freedom of movement for workers – Social security – Regulation No1408/71 – Agreement on social security concluded between two Member States before their accession to the European Union – Old-age benefit – Member State competent to determine value of contribution pe...

Case C‑578/19

Fecha: 01-Dic-1992

The applicant, X, and her husband entered into a package travel contract with Kuoni Travel Ltd (‘Kuoni’), a travel organiser established in the United Kingdom. During her stay, X encountered N, an employee of the hotel who, on the pretext that he wished to accompany her to reception, raped and assaulted her. X claimed damages against Kuoni in respe...

Joined Cases C-281/03 and C-282/03

Fecha: 31-Dic-1992

2.Relevant to this case are both the Dangerous Substances Directive and the Biocidal Products Directive.(3) The former harmonises conditions for the marketing and use of certain dangerous substances and preparations listed in an annex, which has been amended on a number of occasions. The latter seeks to harmonise conditions for the authorisation an...