In Case C‑489/09

Fecha: 27-Ene-2011

16Vandoorne is registered as liable for VAT in respect of the wholesale trade in manufactured tobacco. It acts on that basis as an intermediary in the supply chain for those products between manufacturers and/or importers, on the one hand, and re-sellers and/or retailers, on the other. 17It is clear in this regard from the case-file submitted to th...

In Case C‑90/09

Fecha: 20-Ene-2011

10By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 8 March 2006, the appellants brought an action under Article 230 EC for the partial annulment of the contested decision. 11They raised three pleas in law in support of that action. The first was based on a manifest error of assessment and a lack of reasoning in relation to the joint an...

In Case T-389/09

Fecha: 10-Ene-2011

15By application lodged at the Registry of the Tribunal on 25 June 2009, registered as Case F-64/09, the applicant brought an action for a declaration that the Commission had failed to act within the meaning of Article 232 EC. 16By order of the 29 September 2009, the Tribunal referred the action to the General Court, which was registered at the Reg...

In Case T‑136/10

Fecha: 20-Ene-2011

5By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 16 March 2010, the applicant brought the present action. 6By document lodged at the Court Registry on 7 June 2010, the EMA raised an objection of inadmissibility pursuant to Article114(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court. In that objection, it observed, as a preliminary po...

(Industrial and commercial property – Directive 98/71

Fecha: 27-Ene-2011

20On 23 November 2006, Flos brought proceedings against Semeraro before the Tribunale di Milano (Milan district court) complaining that Semeraro had imported from China and marketed in Italy a lamp called the ‘Fluida’ lamp, which, in its submission, imitated all the stylistic and aesthetic features of the Arco lamp, an industrial design in which Fl...

(Joined Cases C-205/10 P, C-217/10 P and C-222/10

Fecha: 12-Ene-2011

Appeal – Actions for damages – Public health implications of the nuclear accident that occurred near Thule (Greenland, Denmark) – Directive 96/29/Euratom – Commission’s failure to adopt measures against a Member State 1.Actions for failure to fulfil obligations – Commission’s right to bring judicial proceedings – To be exercised at its discretion –...

«Política social – Directiva 2001/23

Fecha: 20-Ene-2011

11El 27 de mayo de 2003, CLECE, empresa que prestaba servicios de limpieza, celebró con el Ayuntamiento de Cobisa un contrato que tenía por objeto la limpieza de colegios y dependencias municipales, sin que conste que la prestación de los servicios contratados exigiera el empleo de «especiales elementos materiales». 12Sobre la base de este contrato...

«Propiedad industrial y comercial – Directiva 98/71

Fecha: 27-Ene-2011

20El 23 de noviembre de 2006, Flos ejercitó una acción judicial contra Semeraro ante el Tribunale di Milano por haber importado de China y comercializado en Italia lámparas, denominadas «Fluida», que, según ella, imitan todas las características estilísticas y estéticas de la lámpara Arco, obra de diseño industrial de la que Flos afirma poseer los ...

(Social policy – Directive 2001/23

Fecha: 20-Ene-2011

11On 27 May 2003, CLECE, a company that supplies cleaning services, entered into a contract with the Ayuntamiento de Cobisa for the cleaning of schools and premises belonging to the council. It was not established that any ‘special equipment’ was required for the provision of services in question. 12Pursuant to that contract, Mrs Martín Valor was e...