Asuntos acumulados C‑211/03, C‑299/03, C‑316/03, C‑317/03 y C‑318/03

Fecha: 08-May-1997

(Peticiones de decisión prejudicial planteadas por el Oberverwaltungsgericht für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen) «Libre circulación de mercancías — Distinción entre medicamentos y productos alimenticios — Producto comercializado como complemento alimenticio en el Estado miembro de origen, pero considerado medicamento en el Estado miembro de importaci...

Case C-108/05

Fecha: 15-May-1997

2.Article 1 of the Trade Marks Directive defines the scope of the Directive as applying to every trade mark in respect of goods or services which is (a) the subject of registration or of an application in a Member State for registration, or (b) the subject of a registration or an application for registration in the Benelux Trade Mark Office or (c) ...

Case C‑346/04

Fecha: 04-May-1997

(Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof (Germany)) (Article 52 of the EC Treaty (now, after amendment, Article 43 EC) – Direct taxation – Income tax – Exclusion of non-residents from entitlement to deduct expenditure incurred in obtaining tax advice for the purpose of preparing their tax return) 1.In this reference for a prelim...