(Case C‑119/11

Fecha: 28-Feb-2012

Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations— Directive 2006/112/EC— Articles 99 and 110— Value added tax— Reduced rate— Application of a reduced rate for admission to the first performances of concerts held in establishments providing refreshments during the performance Tax provisions— Harmonisation of laws— Turnover taxes— Common system of val...

(Case C‑178/12

Fecha: 01-Feb-2012

Articles53(2) and 99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court— Social policy— Principle of equal treatment— Directive 1999/70/EC— Framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP— Clause 4— Fixed-term employment contracts in the public sector— Determination of length of service— Difference in treatment between civil servants a...

(Case C‑191/11

Fecha: 08-Feb-2012

Appeal— Community trade mark— Regulation (EC) No 40/94— Article 8(1)(b)— Opposition proceedings— Application for Community figurative mark with the word element ‘yorma’s’— Earlier Community word mark NORMA— Relative ground for refusal— Likelihood of confusion 1.Appeals— Grounds— Incorrect assessment of the facts and evidence— Inadmissibility— Revie...

(Case C‑208/11

Fecha: 15-Feb-2012

Appeal— Access to documents— Action for annulment of the Commission’s decisions refusing access to documents concerning a contract for the co-financing of a medical aid programme in Kazakhstan— Action inadmissible because brought out of time— Incorrect determination of the moment from which the time allowed for bringing the action began to run 1.Ac...

Case C‑24/19

Fecha: 04-Feb-2012

(6) 8.The Order of the Flemish Government of 1June 1995 on the general and sectoral provisions with regard to environmental health (‘VLAREMII’), adopted in implementation of earlier provisions of the Flemish Government,(7) was significantly amended in 2011(8) to include section5.20.6, headed ‘Installations for the generation of electricity by means...

(Case C‑255/10

Fecha: 16-Feb-2012

Article104(3), first subparagraph, of the Rules of Procedure— Freedom of establishment— Freedom to provide services— Betting and gaming— Collection of bets on sporting events— Licence required— Action to be taken following an infringement of European Union law in the awarding of licences— Award of 16300 additional licences— Principle of equal treat...

(Case C‑279/10

Fecha: 16-Feb-2012

Article104(3), first subparagraph, of the Rules of Procedure— Freedom of establishment— Freedom to provide services— Betting and gaming— Collection of bets on sporting events— Licence required— Action to be taken following an infringement of European Union law in the awarding of licences— Award of 16300 additional licences— Principle of equal treat...

(Case C‑368/11

Fecha: 16-Feb-2012

Article 104(3), first subparagraph, of the Rules of Procedure— Freedom of establishment— Freedom to provide services— Betting and gaming— Collection of bets on sporting events— Licence required— Action to be taken following an infringement of European Union law in the awarding of licences— Award of 16300 additional licences— Principle of equal trea...

(Case C‑404/11

Fecha: 02-Feb-2012

Appeal— Regulation (EC) No 1/2003— Competition— Cartel— Sodium chlorate market— Concept of an ‘undertaking’— Presumption of decisive influence— Scope of that presumption— Factors not capable of rebutting the presumption— Personal fine— Unlimited jurisdiction 1.Appeals— Grounds— Specific criticism of a point of the General Court’s reasoning necessar...

(Case C‑413/10

Fecha: 16-Feb-2012

Article104(3), first subparagraph, of the Rules of Procedure— Freedom of establishment— Freedom to provide services— Betting and gaming— Collection of bets on sporting events— Licence required— Action to be taken following infringement of European Union law in the awarding of licences— Award of 16300 additional licences— Principle of equal treatmen...

(Case C‑421/11

Fecha: 07-Feb-2012

Appeal— Regulation (EC) No1/2003— Competition— Cartel— Market for methacrylates— Concept of ‘undertaking’— Presumption of decisive influence— Obligation to state reasons— Principle of sound administration— Extension of the authority of a final decision— Deterrent multiplying factor— Indivisible nature of the fine— Unlimited jurisdiction 1.Appeals— ...

(Case C‑442/11

Fecha: 09-Feb-2012

The first subparagraph of Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure— Medicinal products for human use— Supplementary protection certificate— Regulation (EC) No 469/2009— Articles 4 and 5— Sole active ingredient for which such a certificate is granted— Scope of protection— Medicinal product containing more than one active ingredient, including the ac...

(Case C‑501/10

Fecha: 16-Feb-2012

Article104(3), first subparagraph, of the Rules of Procedure— Freedom of establishment— Freedom to provide services— Betting and gaming— Collection of bets on sporting events— Licence required— Action to be taken following an infringement of European Union law in the awarding of licences— Award of 16 300 additional licences— Principle of equal trea...

Case C‑514/10

Fecha: 02-Feb-2012

(Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Nejvyšší soud České republiky (Czech Republic)) (Enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters— Temporal scope of Regulation (EC) No44/2001— Article66— Obligation to enforce a judgment given in another Member State before the accession to the European Union of the State in which enforcement is...

Case C‑523/10

Fecha: 16-Feb-2012

(Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Oberster Gerichtshof (Austria)) (Judicial cooperation in civil matters— Jurisdiction— Regulation (EC) No44/2001– Infringement of a trade mark as a result of the registration by a competitor of a sign identical to the trade mark with an internet search services provider— Registration of an AdWord— Nationa...

Case C‑542/09

Fecha: 16-Feb-2012

Treaty provisions 3.Article45 TFEU states: ‘1.Freedom of movement for workers shall be secured within the Union. 2.Such freedom of movement shall entail the abolition of any discrimination based on nationality between workers of the Member States as regards employment, remuneration and other conditions of work and employment. …’ 4.Pursuant to Artic...

Case C‑549/10

Fecha: 02-Feb-2012

(Appeal— Competition— Abuse of a dominant position— Market for machines for the collection of used beverage containers— Exclusivity agreements, quantity commitments and loyalty rebates forming part of a strategy of excluding competitors from the market) 1.In the present case the appellants (referred to collectively as ‘Tomra’) are asking the Court ...

(Case C‑556/11

Fecha: 09-Feb-2012

First subparagraph of Article 104(3) of the Rules of Procedure— Social policy— Directive 1999/70/EC— Clause 4(1) of the framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded by ETUC, UNICE and CEEP— Fixed-term employment contracts in the public sector— Non-university teaching— Right to six-yearly continuing professional education increments— Exclusion o...

(Case C‑574/11

Fecha: 09-Feb-2012

The first subparagraph of Article104(3) of the Rules of Procedure— Medicinal products for human use— Supplementary protection certificate— Regulation (EC) No 469/2009— Articles4 and 5— Sole active ingredient for which such a certificate is granted— Scope of protection— Medicinal product containing more than one active ingredient, including the acti...

(Case C‑612/11

Fecha: 16-Feb-2012

Article104(3), first subparagraph, of the Rules of Procedure— Freedom of establishment— Freedom to provide services— Betting and gaming— Collection of bets on sporting events— Licence required— Action to be taken following an infringement of European Union law in the awarding of licences— Award of 16300 additional licences— Principle of equal treat...