En el asunto T‑509/10

Fecha: 25-Abr-2012

23Mediante escrito presentado en la Secretaria del Tribunal el 20 de octubre de 2010, la demandante interpuso el presente recurso. 24Mediante escrito presentado en la Secretaría del Tribunal el 3 de febrero de 2011, la Comisión Europea solicitó intervenir en el presente procedimiento en apoyo del Consejo. Mediante auto de 11 de marzo de 2011, el Pr...

En los asuntos acumulados C‑578/10 a C‑580/10

Fecha: 26-Abr-2012

12La Sra.van Putten y el Sr.Mook son nacionales neerlandeses. La Sra.Frank es nacional alemana. Todos ellos estaban domiciliados en los Países Bajos en el momento en que se produjeron los hechos que han dado lugar a los litigios principales. 13Con ocasión de un control, los agentes del Belastingdienst (administración tributaria) constataron que los...

«Espacio de libertad, de seguridad y de justicia — Artículo34 de la Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea — Directiva 2003/109

Fecha: 24-Abr-2012

31El Sr.Kamberaj es un nacional albanés que reside y tiene un empleo estable en la Provincia autonoma di Bolzano desde el año 1994. De la resolución de remisión se desprende que es titular de un permiso de residencia de duración indeterminada. 32El demandante en el litigio principal fue beneficiario entre los años 1998 y 2008 de la ayuda a la vivie...

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations— Directive 2003/109

Fecha: 26-Abr-2012

20Having received complaints from third-country nationals regarding the levying of charges provided for by the Netherlands legislation concerning the issue of residence permits to such nationals, the Commission, by letter of 30November 2007, asked for clarification from the Dutch authorities. 21The Dutch authorities set out their interpretation of ...

In Case C‑221/10

Fecha: 19-Abr-2012

16Artegodan is the holder of a marketing authorisation for Tenuate Retard, a medicinal product containing amfepramone, an amphetamine-like anorectic substance. It took over the marketing authorisation and the marketing of Tenuate Retard in Germany during September 1998. 17Following a re-evaluation of amfepramone at the request of a Member State, th...

In Case C‑456/10

Fecha: 26-Abr-2012

10By an action brought before the Tribunal Supremo (Supreme Court), ANETT requested that several provisions of Royal Decree No1/2007 be annulled, on the ground that they modified Royal Decree No1199/1999 without resolving an alleged contradiction between European Union law and the rules governing the tobacco market and the monopoly over tobacco dis...

In Case C‑461/10

Fecha: 19-Abr-2012

25The applicants in the main proceedings are publishing companies which hold, inter alia, exclusive rights to the reproduction, publishing and distribution to the public of 27 works in the form of audio books. 26They claim that their exclusive rights have been infringed by the public distribution of these 27 works, without their consent, by means o...

In Case C‑549/10

Fecha: 19-Abr-2012

3In their action for annulment of the contested decision brought before the General Court, Tomra relied on six pleas in law. 4In the judgment under appeal the General Court rejected all those pleas in law. ...

In Case F‑108/11

Fecha: 25-Abr-2012

9The applicant claims that the Tribunal should: –annul EPSO’s decision not to admit him to open competition EPSO/AD/198/10; –order the European Commission to take all the measures necessary to put him in a position similar to the one he would have been in, if he had been admitted to the competition; –order the Commission to pay the costs. 10The Com...

In Case T‑166/10

Fecha: 24-Abr-2012

9By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 7April 2010, the applicant brought the present action. 10On 16January 2012, in response to a measure of organisation of procedure adopted by the Court, the Commission produced certain documents and responded to written questions from the Court. 11The applicant claims that the Court shou...

In Case T‑49/09

Fecha: 19-Abr-2012

19By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 30January 2009, the applicant brought the present action. 20Acting upon the report of the Judge-Rapporteur, the Court (Eighth Chamber) decided to open the oral procedure and, by way of measures of organisation of procedure under Article 64 of its Rules of Procedure, invited the parties...

In Case T‑509/10

Fecha: 25-Abr-2012

23By application lodged at the Registry of the Court on 20 October 2010, the applicant brought the present action. 24By document lodged at the Registry of the Court on 3 February 2011, the European Commission applied to intervene in the present proceedings in support of the Council. By order of 11 March 2011, the President of the Fourth Chamber of ...

In Case T‑554/08

Fecha: 24-Abr-2012

20By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 8 December 2008, the applicant brought the present action. 21When the composition of the chambers of the Court was altered, the Judge‑Rapporteur was assigned to the Sixth Chamber, to which this case was, consequently, assigned. 22By means of a measure of organisation of procedure, the ...

In Case T‑75/10

Fecha: 24-Abr-2012

Subject-matter of the requests 10The applicants made requests for confidential treatment relating to certain data and information contained in the application and the annexes thereto, in the defence, in the reply, in the statement in intervention of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in their observations on that statement...

In Joined Cases C‑578/10 to C‑580/10

Fecha: 26-Abr-2012

12Mrs van Putten and Mr Mook are Dutch nationals. Mrs Frank is a German national. They were all resident in the Netherlands at the time of the facts at issue in the main proceedings. 13In the course of checks, officers of the Belastingdienst (tax authority) established that the defendants in the main proceedings were using cars registered in other ...

«Incumplimiento de Estado — Directiva 2003/109

Fecha: 26-Abr-2012

20Dado que nacionales de terceros países le habían presentado denuncias acerca de la percepción de las tasas previstas por la normativa neerlandesa en materia de expedición de títulos de residencia a dichos nacionales, la Comisión solicitó aclaraciones a las autoridades neerlandesas en un escrito de 30 de noviembre de2007. 21Éstas expusieron su int...

(Interim relief – Council decision – Application for suspension of operation –Application for interim measures – Decision 2011/863

Fecha: 18-Abr-2012

11By application lodged on 16January 2012, the European Commission requested leave from the Court to intervene in support of the form of order sought by the Council of the European Union. 12By order of the President of the Court of 2February2012, the Commission was granted leave to intervene in support of the form of order sought by the Council. 13...