Case C‑154/11

Fecha: 24-May-2012

(Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Landesarbeitsgericht Berlin-Brandenburg (Germany)) (Judicial cooperation in civil matters— Jurisdiction— State immunity from jurisdiction— Jurisdiction over individual contracts of employment— Dispute concerning the validity of the dismissal of the applicant who had been employed as a driver in a Member ...

Case C‑160/11

Fecha: 24-May-2012

(Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny (Poland)) (Directive 2006/112/EC— VAT— Special arrangements for taxable dealers— Sale of second-hand vehicles to a final consumer— Application of the profit margin scheme where the dealer purchased the vehicle exempt from tax from a person who had himself exercised a right to...

(Case C‑341/12

Fecha: 08-May-2012

Appeal— Article181 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice— Community trade mark— Figurative mark including the letter ‘G’ and the two symbols of gender— Opposition by the proprietor of the figurative mark including the letter ‘G’ and the symbol ‘+’— Refusal of registration by the Board of Appeal 1.Appeals— Grounds— Incorrect assessment o...

Case C‑376/11

Fecha: 03-May-2012

(Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Cour d’appel de Bruxelles (Belgium)) (Industrial policy— Internet— .eu Top Level Domain— Regulation (EC) No874/2004— Articles12(2) and 21(1)(a)— Regulation (EC) No733/2002— Article4(2)(b)— Concept of ‘licensee of prior rights’— Speculative and abusive registrations— Registration of a name without ‘rights...

Case C‑44/11

Fecha: 08-May-2012

3.In 2008, the tax year in issue in the main proceedings, Article56(1) of the VAT Directive provided, in so far as is relevant: ‘The place of supply of the following services to customers established outside the Community, or to taxable persons established in the Community but not in the same country as the supplier, shall be the place where the cu...

Case C‑570/19

Fecha: 03-May-2012

impossibilium nulla obligatio est 71.According to this principle, obligations which are objectively and absolutely impossible to perform cannot be imposed by such law on individuals(23) and provisions of EU law are to be interpreted in such a way that the imposition of such obligations is precluded.(24) 72.However, the existence of difficulties in ...

Case C‑62/11

Fecha: 24-May-2012

(Reference for a preliminary rulingfrom the Hessisches Landessozialgericht (Germany)) (Privileges and immunities of the European Union— Legal nature of the Headquarters Agreement of the European Central Bank— Public law contract— No effect in relation to everyone— Statute of the European System of Central Banks— Article36(1)— Conditions of employme...

Case C‑79/11

Fecha: 15-May-2012

European Union (EU) legislation 3.At its special meeting held in Tampere on 15 and 16October 1999 on the creation of an area of freedom, security and justice in the European Union, the European Council resolved, inter alia, to draw up minimum standards on the protection of the victims of crime. Those standards were to include the rights to compensa...

Case F‑109/10

Fecha: 22-May-2012

Officials— Contract staff— Severance grant— Conditions for granting (Staff Regulations, Annex VIII, Art. 12) It clearly follows from the wording of Article12(2) of Annex VIII to the Staff Regulations that the benefit of the severance grant is subject to the condition that a member of the contract staff must, since taking up his duties with the Euro...

Case F‑27/08

Fecha: 15-May-2012

Officials— Actions— Amicable settlement of the dispute before the Civil Service Tribunal— Removal from the register (Rules of Procedure of the Civil Service Tribunal, Art.69) ...

Case F‑42/10

Fecha: 16-May-2012

1.Officials— Actions— Interest in bringing proceedings— Action by an official who is the supposed victim of psychological harassment against a refusal to grant a request for assistance— Interest in bringing proceedings retained even though facts date far back in time and there is no risk of their being repeated or of a claim for compensation (Staff...

Case F‑61/10

Fecha: 16-May-2012

1.Officials— Administration’s obligation to provide assistance— Field of application— Scope— Judicial review— Limits (Staff Regulations, Art. 24) 2.Officials— Psychological harassment— Definition— Conduct aimed at discrediting the person concerned or at impairing his working conditions— Requirement that the conduct be repetitive in character— Requi...

Case F‑91/11

Fecha: 24-May-2012

Officials — Actions — Act adversely affecting an official — Decision by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) to extend the deadline for registration for a competition — No prior administrative complaint — Manifest inadmissibility (Staff Regulations, Arts 90 and 91) Except where an action is directed against a measure not of the appointing...

(Case T-199/21 Action brought on 30 March 2021– EurO3zon v ECHA

Fecha: 01-May-2012

Language of the case: English Parties Applicant: EurO3zon (Zemst, Belgium) (represented by: Seze, F.Puel, and L.Marchal, lawyers) Defendant: European Chemicals Agency Form of order sought The applicant claims that the Court should: annul the defendant’s act to suspend the evaluation of the applicant’s active substance dossier on Ozone (O3), un...

(Case T‑169/10

Fecha: 24-May-2012

Community trade mark— Opposition proceedings— Application for Community word mark TORO XL— Early Community figurative mark XL— Relative ground for refusal— Article8(1)(b) of Regulation No207/2009— No likelihood of confusion Community trade mark— Definition and acquisition of the Community trade mark— Relative grounds for refusal— Opposition by the ...

(Case T‑179/11

Fecha: 22-May-2012

Community trade mark— Opposition proceedings— Application for Community figurative mark SEVEN SUMMITS— Earlier Community figurative mark Seven— Relative ground for refusal— Likelihood of confusion— Article8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No207/2009 Community trade mark— Definition and acquisition of the Community trade mark— Relative grounds for refusal—...

Case T‑184/11

Fecha: 15-May-2012

1.Appeals— Grounds— Plea against a ground of the judgment not necessary to support the operative part— Invalid plea in law 2.Appeals— Grounds— Mistaken assessment of the facts— Inadmissibility— Review of the assessment of facts by the General Court— Possible only where the clear sense of the evidence has been distorted (Art. 257 TFEU; Statute of th...

(Case T‑233/10

Fecha: 25-May-2012

Community trade mark— Opposition proceedings— Application for Community word mark JUMPMAN— Earlier national word mark JUMP— Relative ground for refusal— Likelihood of confusion— Article8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No207/2009 Community trade mark— Definition and acquisition of the Community trade mark— Relative grounds for refusal— Opposition by the p...

(Case T‑277/12

Fecha: 15-May-2012

Community trade mark— Opposition proceedings— Application for the Community figurative mark Caffè KIMBO— Earlier national word mark BIMBO— Relative grounds for refusal— Well-known trade mark within the meaning of Article6 bis of the Paris Convention— Article8(1) of Regulation (EC) No207/2009 1.Community trade mark— Definition and acquisition of the...

Case T‑317/11

Fecha: 22-May-2012

1.Procedure— Statement of reasons for judgments— Scope— Obligation to rule on every alleged violation of law (Statute of the Court of Justice, Art. 36 and Annex I, Art. 7(1)) 2.Official— Actions— Plea of illegality— Appointing authority lacking power to determine the legality of regulations— Consequences (Arts 263, second para., and 277 TFEU) 3.Uni...