Case C‑176/12

Fecha: 15-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Cour de cassation (France)) (Social policy— Directive 2002/14/EC— Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union— Article27— Subjecting the setting up of bodies representing staff to certain thresholds of employees— Calculation of the thresholds— National legislation contrary to EU law— Role of the na...

(Case C‑193/13

Fecha: 16-Ene-2014

Appeal— Community trade mark— Regulation (EC) No40/94— Figurative mark including the word element ‘nfon’— Opposition by the proprietor of Community figurative mark including the word element ‘fon’ and of the national word mark FON— Rejection of the opposition by the Board of Appeal of OHIM 1.Appeals— Grounds— Incorrect assessment of the facts and e...

Case C‑226/12

Fecha: 16-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Audiencia Provincial de Oviedo) (Directive 93/13/EEC— Consumer contracts— Contract for the purchase of immovable property— Unfair terms— Criteria for assessment) Summary— Judgment of the Court (First Chamber), 16January 2014 Consumer protection— Unfair terms in consumer contracts— Directive 93/13— Unfair t...

Case C‑24/13

Fecha: 16-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Fővárosi közigazgatási és munkaügyi bíróság) (Agriculture— Regulation (EC) No1698/2005— EAFRD— Requirements relating to the legal form of local action groups— Amendment of those requirements— Competence of the Member States— Limits) Summary— Order of the Court (Ninth Chamber), 16January 2014 1.Acts of the ...

(Case C‑25/13

Fecha: 30-Ene-2014

Reference for a preliminary ruling— Electronic communications networks and services— Directive 2002/20/EC— Fee for the private use or the special right of use for the area under and on local public land imposed on operators supplying electronic communications services— Article99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court— Answer able clearly to be dedu...

Case C‑270/12

Fecha: 22-Ene-2014

(Regulation (EU) No236/2012— Short selling and certain aspects of credit default swaps— Article28— Validity— Legal basis— Powers of intervention conferred on the European Securities and Markets Authority in exceptional circumstances) Summary— Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber), 22January 2014 1.Institutions of the European Union— Exercise of pow...

Case C‑285/12

Fecha: 30-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d’État (Belgium)) (Directive 2004/83/EC— Minimum standards for granting refugee status or subsidiary protection status— Person eligible for subsidiary protection— Article15(c)— Serious and individual threat to a civilian’s life or person by reason of indiscriminate violence in situations of armed c...

Case C‑292/11

Fecha: 15-Ene-2014

(Appeal— Compliance with a judgment of the Court of Justice establishing a failure to fulfil obligations— Periodic penalty payment— Claim for payment— Repeal of the national legislation which gave rise to the failure to fulfil obligations— Assessment by the Commission of the measures adopted by the Member State to comply with the judgment of the Co...

Case C‑296/12

Fecha: 23-Ene-2014

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations— Freedom to provide services— Free movement of capital— Income tax— Contributions paid to a savings pension— Tax reduction solely in respect of payments to institutions or funds established in that Member State— Coherence of the tax system— Efficacy of fiscal supervision) Summary— Judgment of the Cou...

Case C‑300/12

Fecha: 16-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzhof) (Value-added tax— Operations of travel agents— Granting of price discounts to customers— Determination of the taxable amount for services provided as part of an intermediary activity) Summary— Judgment of the Court (First Chamber), 16January 2014 Harmonisation of fiscal legislation— Common...

(Case C‑324/13

Fecha: 30-Ene-2014

Appeal— Community trade mark— Word mark PATRICIA ROCHA— Opposition by the proprietor of the national word mark ROCHAS— Refusal to register by the Opposition Division of OHIM— Inadmissibility of the action brought before the Board of Appeal of OHIM 1.Appeals— Grounds— Mere repetition of the pleas and arguments put forward before the General Court— I...

Case C‑328/12

Fecha: 16-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Judicial cooperation in civil matters— Regulation (EC) No1346/2000— Insolvency proceedings— Action to set a transaction aside by virtue of the debtor’s insolvency— Defendant resident in a third country— Jurisdiction of the court of the Member State wh...

(Case C‑332/13

Fecha: 16-Ene-2014

Reference for a preliminary ruling— Article30 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union— No implementation of EU law— Court manifestly lacking jurisdiction Questions referred for a preliminary ruling— Jurisdiction of the Court— Limits— Application for an interpretation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union— Sub...

Case C‑355/12

Fecha: 23-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale di Milano) (Directive 2001/29/EC— Copyright and related rights in the information society— Concept of ‘technological measures’— Protection device— Equipment and protected complementary products— Similar complementary devices, products or components from other undertakings— Exclusion of any intero...

Case C‑371/12

Fecha: 23-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale di Tivoli) (Compulsory insurance against civil liability in respect of the use of motor vehicles— Directive 72/166/EEC, Directive 84/5/EEC, Directive 90/232/EEC and Directive 2009/103/EEC— Road traffic accident— Non-material damage— Compensation— National provisions establishing methods of calcul...

(Case C‑372/13

Fecha: 30-Ene-2014

Article99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court— Questions referred for a preliminary ruling which are identical to questions on which the Court has already made a ruling— Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of International Property Rights (TRIPs)— Article27— Patentable Subject Matter— Article70— Protection of Existing Subject Matter 1.Common comm...

Case C‑378/12

Fecha: 16-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), London) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Directive 2004/38/EC— Article16(2) and (3)— Right of permanent residence of third-country nationals who are family members of a Union citizen— Taking into consideration of periods of imprisonment of those national...

Case C‑380/12

Fecha: 23-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden) (Tariff headings— Decolourising earth— Chapter 25 of the Combined Nomenclature— Tariff heading 2508— Concept of ‘washed products’— Elimination of impurities without changing the structure of the product— Chapter 38 of the Combined Nomenclature— Tariff heading 3802) Summary— Judgm...

(Case C‑397/13

Fecha: 29-Ene-2014

Appeal— Time-limit— Formal requirements— Manifest inadmissibility Judicial proceedings— Time-limit for instituting proceedings— Claim barred by lapse of time— No unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure (Art. 256(1) TFEU; Statute of the Court of Justice, Arts 45, second para., and 56; Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice, Art. 51) (see pa...

Case C‑400/12

Fecha: 16-Ene-2014

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), London) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Directive 2004/38/EC— Article28(3)(a)— Protection against expulsion— Method for calculating the 10‑year period— Whether periods of imprisonment are to be taken into account) Summary— Judgment of the Court (Second ...