(Agriculture— Agricultural products and foodstuffs— Regulation (EEC) No2081/92

Fecha: 08-May-2014

8‘Salame Felino’ is a pure pork salami sausage. Its name comes from the town of Felino, a conurbation located in the province of Parma (Italy). 9On 30January 1998, the Associazione fra produttori brought proceedings against Kraft Jacobs Suchard SpA (‘Kraft Jacobs Suchard’) before the Tribunale di Parma (District Court, Parma) for unfair competition...

(Agriculture— EAFRD— Regulation (EC) No1698/2005

Fecha: 15-May-2014

16On 30November 2009, Szatmári Malom applied for support for adding value to agricultural products. According to its application, Szatmári Malom planned to establish a new mill in Veszprém-Kádárta (Hungary) to combine the capacity of three existing mills which would be closed down. 17The defendant authority refused that application on the ground th...

(Appeal – Dumping – Regulation (EC) No 384/96

Fecha: 27-Feb-2014

6The appellant – Ningbo Yonghong Fasteners Co. Ltd – is a company governed by Chinese law which produces and exports iron and steel fasteners to the European Union. 7On 9November 2007, following a complaint lodged on 26September 2007 by the European Industrial Fasteners Institute AISBL (EIFI), the European Commission published a Notice of initiatio...

(Appeal— Agreements, decisions and concerted practices— Markets for zip fasteners and other fasteners and for attaching machines— Successive responsibilities— Legal upper limit of the fine— Article23(2) of Regulation No1/2003

Fecha: 04-Sep-2014

5The background to the dispute and the contested decision are set out as follows in paragraphs1 to 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 to 18 and 20 of the judgment under appeal: ‘1The first applicant, YKK Corp., is a Japanese company. It is a global leader in the market for zip fasteners, but also operates in the “other fasteners” sector. 2The second applicant, [...

(Appeal— Community trade mark— Invalidity proceedings— Figurative mark representing a locking device— No distinctive character— Partial invalidity— Regulation (EC) No40/94

Fecha: 15-May-2014

6The background to the dispute, as described in paragraphs1 to 10 of the judgment under appeal, may be summarised as follows. 7On 11March 2004, Louis Vuitton filed with OHIM an application for registration of a Community trade mark pursuant to Regulation No40/94. 8The trade mark in respect of which registration was sought is the following figurativ...

(Appeal— Community trade mark— Opposition proceedings— Application for registration of the word mark BIMBO DOUGHNUTS— Earlier Spanish word mark DOGHNUTS— Relative grounds for refusal— Regulation (EC) No40/94

Fecha: 08-May-2014

4The background to the dispute is summarised as follows in paragraphs1 to 14 of the judgment under appeal: ‘1On 25May 2006, [Bimbo] filed an application for registration of a Community trade mark with [OHIM] under [Regulation No40/94], as amended (replaced by [Regulation No207/2009]). 2The trade mark for which registration was sought is the word si...

(Appeal— Competition— Regulation (EC) No1/2003

Fecha: 25-Jun-2014

4The General Court summarised the background to the case as follows at paragraphs1 to 5 of the judgment under appeal: ‘1The applicants— [Nexans] and its wholly-owned subsidiary [Nexans France]— are two French companies which carry out their activities in the electric cable sector. 2By [the decision at issue], the Commission of the European Communit...

(Appeal— Dumping— Implementing Regulation (EU) No464/2011— Importation of zeolite A powder originating in Bosnia and Herzegovina— Regulation (EC) No1225/2009

Fecha: 01-Oct-2014

3The background to the dispute relevant for the purposes of the present appeal is set out as follows in paragraphs1, 3, 5 and 7 to 10 of the judgment under appeal: ‘1On 17February 2010, following a complaint lodged on 4January 2010, the European Commission published a notice of initiation of a proceeding concerning imports of zeolite A powder origi...

(Appeal— Dumping— Regulation (EC) No384/96— First indent of Article2(7)(c)— Regulation (EC) No2026/97— Regulation (EC) No91/2009

Fecha: 11-Sep-2014

12The appellants are Chinese companies which produce and export a product consisting of certain iron or steel fasteners as defined in paragraph B, section 1, of the contested regulation (‘the product concerned’). 13On 9November 2007, following a complaint lodged on 26September 2007 by European Industrial Fasteners Institute AISBL (EIFI) (‘EIFI’), t...

(Appeal— Regulation (EC) No1049/2001— Access to documents of the institutions— Documents relating to a proceeding under Article81 EC— Regulation (EC) No1/2003 and Regulation (EC) No773/2004

Fecha: 27-Feb-2014

11EnBW is an energy-distribution company which considers itself to have been affected by a cartel operated by producers of gas insulated switchgear (‘GIS’), which was censured by Commission Decision C(2006) 6762 final of 24January 2007 relating to a proceeding under Article81 [EC] and Article53 of the EEA Agreement (Case COMP/F/38.899 — Gas insulat...

(Appeals— Article181 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court— Regulation (EC) No1907/2006

Fecha: 04-Sep-2014

8By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 17February 2010, the appellants brought an action seeking partial annulment of the contested decision. 9In support of their action, the appellants put forward five pleas in law. 10By their first plea, the appellants submitted that, in its dossier on anthracene oil, the Federal Republic ...

(Appeals— Community trade mark— Regulation (EC) No207/2009

Fecha: 12-Jun-2014

3The General Court summarised the facts giving rise to the dispute as follows: ‘1On 17July 2008, the applicant, Delphi Technologies, Inc., filed an application for registration of a Community trade mark at OHIM, under Council Regulation (EC) No40/94 of 20December 1993 on the Community trade mark (OJ 1994 L11, p.1), replaced by Regulation No207/2009...

(Appeals— Protected geographical indications— Regulation (EC) No1234/2007

Fecha: 13-Feb-2014

17The lists of quality wines psr published by the Commission in the Official Journal of the European Union on 17February 2006 (OJ 2006 C41, p.1) and on 10May 2007 (OJ 2007 C106, p.1) in accordance with Article54(5) of Regulation No1493/1999 included the protected designation of origin ‘Vinohradnícka oblasť Tokaj’ to describe wine from the viticultu...

(Appeals— State aid— Decision 2010/787

Fecha: 11-Dic-2014

7By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 14March 2011, Carbunión brought an action seeking the annulment of Article3(1)(a), (b) and (f), and (3) of the contested decision (‘the contested provisions’). 8By order of the President of the Eighth Chamber of the General Court of 1August 2011, the Commission was granted leave to inte...

(Approximation of laws— Directive 2009/48

Fecha: 14-May-2014

19By letter of 18January 2011, the Federal Republic of Germany applied to the Commission, pursuant to Article114(4) TFEU, for permission to maintain the provisions of German law regarding five elements, namely lead, arsenic, mercury, barium and antimony, as well as nitrosamines and nitrosatable substances released from certain toys, beyond 20July 2...

«Aproximación de las legislaciones – Directiva 2001/83/CE – Directiva 2002/98

Fecha: 13-Mar-2014

20Mediante resolución de 20 de octubre de 2010, adoptada con arreglo a lo dispuesto en el artículo L. 1221-8 del code de la santé publique, el plasma SD fue clasificado entre los productos sanguíneos lábiles. Todos los productos sanguíneos destinados a la transfusión están clasificados entre los productos sanguíneos lábiles. 21El 30 de mayo de 2011...

«Aproximación de las legislaciones— Directiva 2009/48

Fecha: 14-May-2014

19Mediante escrito de 18 de enero de 2011, la República Federal de Alemania solicitó a la Comisión, en virtud del artículo 114TFUE, apartado 4, autorización para mantener las disposiciones previstas en la normativa alemana en lo que atañe a cinco elementos, a saber, el plomo, el arsénico, el mercurio, el bario y el antimonio, así como respecto a la...

(Area of freedom, security and justice— Directive 2008/115

Fecha: 17-Jul-2014

Case C‑473/13 9Ms Bero, who, according to the referring court, is probably a Syrian national, applied for asylum in Germany. Following the refusal of that application, the aliens office sought her removal from German territory before the Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main (Local Court, Frankfurt am Main). On 6January 2011 that court ordered that MsBero ...

(Area of freedom, security and justice— Regulation (EC) No2252/2004

Fecha: 02-Oct-2014

16The surname of the applicant in the main proceedings is U and his forenames are S P.His birth name, which is not part of his surname, is E.It is also apparent from the documents in the file that the applicant has acquired the title of ‘Doktor’ which, according to German law, is considered to be a component of the name. 17In the ‘Name/Surname/Nom’...