(Asunto T‑716/15

Fecha: 09-Nov-2016

«Marca de la Unión Europea— Procedimiento de oposición— Solicitud de marca figurativa de la Unión constituida por la representación de un bocado de caballo en forma de“H”— Marcas de la Unión y española figurativas anteriores— Motivo de denegación relativo— Uso efectivo de las marcas anteriores— Artículo 42, apartado 2, del Reglamento (CE) n.o207/20...

Asunto T‑720/14

Fecha: 30-Nov-2016

«Política exterior y de seguridad común— Medidas restrictivas respecto de acciones que ponen en peligro o amenazan a Ucrania— Congelación de fondos— Restricciones a la entrada en el territorio de los Estados miembros— Persona física que apoya activamente o ejecuta acciones que ponen en peligro o amenazan a Ucrania— Persona física que recibe benefic...

(Asunto T‑769/15

Fecha: 24-Nov-2016

«Marca de la Unión Europea— Procedimiento de oposición— Solicitud de marca figurativa de la Unión Dolokorn— Marca denominativa anterior de la Unión DOLOPUR— Motivo de denegación relativo— Riesgo de confusión— Artículo 8, apartado 1, letrab), del Reglamento (CE) n.o207/2009» 1.Marca de la Unión Europea— Definición y adquisición de la marca de la Uni...

Asuntos acumulados C‑313/15 y C‑530/15

Fecha: 10-Nov-2016

Eco-Emballages SAcontraSphère France SAS y otros y Melitta France SAS y otroscontraMinistre de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l’Énergie [Peticiones de decisión prejudicial planteadas por el tribunal de commerce de Paris y por el Conseil d’État (Francia) «Procedimiento prejudicial— Medio ambiente— Directiva 94/62/CE— Artículo3— Envases y...

(Asuntos acumulados C‑408/15P y C‑409/15

Fecha: 24-Nov-2016

«Recurso de casación— Recurso de anulación— Artículo 263TFUE, párrafo cuarto— Legitimación activa— Legitimación— Acto que afecta individualmente a personas físicas o jurídicas debido a “ciertas cualidades que les son propias”— Reglamento (UE) n.o511/2014— Medidas de cumplimiento de los usuarios del Protocolo de Nagoya sobre al acceso a los recursos...

(Case C‑137/16

Fecha: 24-Nov-2016

(Appeal— Article181 of the Rules of Procedure— Actions for failure to act— Failure on the part of the European Commission to initiate the procedure for failure to fulfil obligations against a Member State — Application for an injunction to be imposed on the Commission — Manifest inadmissibility) 1.Appeal— Grounds— Specific criticism of a point of t...

(Case C‑140/16

Fecha: 10-Nov-2016

(Reference for a preliminary ruling— Article99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court— Public procurement— Directive 2004/18/EC— Directive 2014/24/EU— Participation in a tendering procedure— Tenderer having failed to refer in the tender to the business charges relating to safety and security at work— Judicial obligation to include such a reference—...

Case C‑149/15

Fecha: 09-Nov-2016

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the cour d’appel de Liège) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Directive 1999/44/EC— Sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees— Scope— Concept of ‘seller’— Intermediary— Exceptional circumstances) Summary— Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber), 9November 2016 1.EU law— Interpretation— Principles— Indep...

(Case C‑162/16

Fecha: 10-Nov-2016

(Reference for a preliminary ruling— Article99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court— Public procurement— Directive 2004/18/EC— Directive 2014/24/EU— Participation in a tendering procedure— Tenderer having failed to refer in the tender to the business charges relating to safety and security at work— Judicial obligation to include such a reference—...

Case C‑174/15

Fecha: 10-Nov-2016

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Rechtbank Den Haag) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Copyright and related rights— Rental right and lending right in respect of copyright works— Directive 2006/115/EC— Article1(1)— Lending of copies of works— Article2(1)— Lending of objects— Lending of a digital copy of a book— Public libraries) Summar...

Case C‑199/15

Fecha: 10-Nov-2016

v Consip SpAandAutorità per la Vigilanza sui Contratti Pubblici di lavori, servizi e forniture (Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Directive 2004/18/EC— Article45— Articles49 TFEU and 56 TFEU— Public procurement— Conditions for exclusion from a procedure for the award of public works c...

Case C‑2/15

Fecha: 16-Nov-2016

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgerichtshof) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Directive 97/67/EC— Article9— Postal services in the European Union— Obligation to make a financial contribution to the operational costs of the postal sector’s regulatory authority— Scope) Summary— Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber), 16Novemb...

Case C‑212/15

Fecha: 09-Nov-2016

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunalul Mureș) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Judicial cooperation in civil matters— Insolvency proceedings— Regulation (EC) No1346/2000— Article4— Effects provided for by legislation of a Member State on claims which were not pursued by means of insolvency proceedings— Forfeiture— Fiscal nature o...

Case C‑216/15

Fecha: 17-Nov-2016

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesarbeitsgericht) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Directive 2008/104/EC— Temporary agency work— Scope— Concept of ‘worker’— Concept of ‘economic activities’— Nursing staff who do not have a contract of employment assigned to a health care institution by a not-for-profit association) Summary— Judgm...