En el asunto T‑333/03

Fecha: 16-Nov-2006

2A principios del año 1994, en el marco del Programa comunitario de asistencia técnica a la Comunidad de Estados Independientes (TACIS), se celebró un contrato con la referencia MO.94.01/01.01/B002 entre la Comisión, representada por el Director General Adjunto de la Dirección General (DG) «Relaciones Económicas Exteriores», y HelmicoSA, representa...

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Assessment of the effects of certain projects on the environment – Directives 85/337/EEC and 97/11

Fecha: 09-Nov-2006

8Following two complaints sent to the Commission in 2000 concerning Irish legislation proposed at that time on planning and development, the Commission, by letter of 29 August 2000, called on the Irish authorities to comment on certain aspects of the proposed legislation, in particular in relation to the payment of a fee in order for members of the...

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93

Fecha: 09-Nov-2006

Admissibility of the action 8As a preliminary point the United Kingdom raises, in its defence, two pleas of inadmissibility, alleging that the subject-matter of the action has been amended and that the action is devoid of purpose. Alteration of the subject-matter of the action 9The United Kingdom authorities claim that the letter of formal notice o...

«Fondo Social Europeo – Reglamento (CEE) nº4253/88

Fecha: 22-Nov-2006

6Mediante la Comunicación a los Estados miembros, de 18 de diciembre de 1990, relativa a la fijación de las orientaciones para los programas operativos o subvenciones globales que los Estados miembros están invitados a crear en el marco de una iniciativa comunitaria relativa a las nuevas cualificaciones, nuevas competencias y nuevas oportunidades d...

In Case C-120/05

Fecha: 09-Nov-2006

11In 1996, Schulze exported gingerbread to a number of third countries and applied for an export refund for the basic products contained therein. In the various export refund applications submitted by Schulze, it referred, as regards the basic products qualifying for the refund, to the manufacturing formula it had provided to the Hauptzollamt. 12Sc...

In Case C-243/05

Fecha: 09-Nov-2006

5The background to the dispute is set out in the contested judgment as follows: ‘5.By letter of 4 February 2000, the Commission requested the Chinese authorities to provide it as quickly as possible with the information necessary to fix the aid for the 2000/01 marketing year in the processed fruit and vegetable sector, by completing the attached qu...

In Case C-306/04

Fecha: 16-Nov-2006

11CCIC, a company established under Netherlands law, is a subsidiary of Compaq Computer Company (‘CCC’), a company established in the United States, sells Compaq data processing equipment in Europe and has, to that end, a distribution centre in the Netherlands. 12Under a contract between CCC and Microsoft Corporation (hereinafter ‘Microsoft’), Comp...

In Case C-433/04

Fecha: 09-Nov-2006

11By a letter of formal notice of 13 February 2001 and subsequently by a reasoned opinion of 23 October 2001, the Commission notified the Kingdom of Belgium that it considered the national legislation on the withholding obligation and joint liability to be incompatible with Articles 49 EC and 50 EC. That opinion called on the Member State in questi...

In Case C-513/04

Fecha: 14-Nov-2006

9In 1995 and 1996 Mr and Mrs Kerckhaert-Morres, who are resident in Belgium, received dividends from Eurofers SARL, a company established in France. 10A proportion of the amounts received corresponded to the tax credit, in the amount of 50% of the dividends paid, granted by the French tax authorities under Article 15(3) of the France-Belgium Conven...

In Case C-520/04

Fecha: 09-Nov-2006

9The Korkein hallinto-oikeus (Supreme Administrative Court) decided to stay the proceedings and refer the following questions to the Court of Justice for a preliminary ruling: ‘1.Is Article 18 EC, on the right of a citizen of the Union to move and reside freely in the territory of the Member States, or Article 39 EC, on ensuring the freedom of move...

In Case C‑238/05

Fecha: 23-Nov-2006

6On 21 May 1998, Asnef-Equifax, to which the Asociación Nacional de Entidades Financieras (National Association of Financial Institutions) belongs, as an associate, submitted a request pursuant to Article 4 of the LDC for authorisation of the register, which was to be administered by it. 7According to the rules drawn up for the operation of the reg...

In Case T-366/05

Fecha: 15-Nov-2006

18Anheuser-Busch claims that the Court of First Instance should: –partially annul the contested decision in so far as it rejects the trade mark application for goods in Class 33; –order OHIM to pay the costs. 19OHIM contends that the Court of First Instance should: –review the legality of the contested decision on the basis of the initial list of g...

In Case T‑217/02

Fecha: 23-Nov-2006

Verlipack Group and Beaulieu Group 10Until it was declared bankrupt on 18 January 1999, the Verlipack Group had been Belgium’s largest producer of hollow container glass, with a market share of 20% in Belgium and 2% in the European Union. It employed 735 people at its Ghlin, Jumet and Mol plants (Belgium). 11The Beaulieu Group, which is the name of...

In Case T‑32/04

Fecha: 16-Nov-2006

10The applicant claims that the Court should: –annul paragraph 2 of the operative part of the contested decision; –order the defendant to pay the costs. 11OHIM contends that the Court should: –dismiss the action; –order the applicant to pay the costs. ...

In Case T‑333/03

Fecha: 16-Nov-2006

2At the beginning of 1994, under the Community programme of Technical Aid to the Commonwealth of Independent States (TACIS), contract MO.94.01/01.01/B002 was signed between the Commission, represented by the Deputy Director-General of Directorate-General (DG) External Economic Relations, and Helmico SA, represented by its managing director. That co...

«Incumplimiento de Estado – Evaluación de las repercusiones de determinados proyectos sobre el medio ambiente – Directivas 85/337/CEE y 97/11

Fecha: 09-Nov-2006

8A raíz de dos quejas dirigidas a la Comisión en el año 2000, relativas a las disposiciones legislativas irlandesas en materia de ordenación del territorio, por aquel entonces en fase de proyecto, la Comisión solicitó a las autoridades irlandesas, mediante escrito de 29 de agosto de 2000, que presentaran sus observaciones acerca de determinados asp...

«Incumplimiento de Estado – Medio ambiente – Directiva 2000/60

Fecha: 30-Nov-2006

16Al considerar que el Derecho luxemburgués no había sido adaptado a la Directiva en el plazo señalado, la Comisión, tras requerir al Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo, mediante escrito de 26 de enero de 2004, para que presentara sus observaciones de conformidad con el artículo 226CE, emitió el 9 de julio de 2004 un dictamen motivado en el que instaba a di...