(Equal treatment for men and women in matters of social security – Directive 79/7

Fecha: 27-Abr-2006

14MsRichards was born on 28 February 1942 and her birth certificate registered her gender as male. Having been diagnosed as suffering from gender dysphoria, she underwent gender reassignment surgery on 3 May 2001. 15On 14 February 2002 she applied to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions for a retirement pension to be paid as from 28 Februar...

(Export refunds – Material condition – Regulation (EC) No 800/1999

Fecha: 27-Abr-2006

8By export declaration of 30 August 2000, Elfering Export notified the Hauptzollamt Münster – Zollamt (Customs Office) Coesfeld – of the export to Russia of 6 090.5 kilograms of frozen beef in respect of which it applied for an export refund. In its export declaration, Elfering Export supplied information to the effect that the goods in respect of ...

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Articles 8a and 48 of the EC Treaty (now, after amendment, Articles 18 EC and 39 EC) – Directives 64/221/EEC, 73/148/EEC and 90/364/EEC – Regulation (EEC) No 1612/68

Fecha: 27-Abr-2006

20After examining several dozen petitions and complaints sent to the European Parliament and the Commission by Italian nationals residing in the Land of Baden-Württemberg concerning measures taken against them by the German authorities on public policy grounds and affecting their right to reside in Germany, the Commission, in a letter of formal not...

(Failure to fulfil obligations – Directive 89/391

Fecha: 06-Abr-2006

28Following a first exchange of correspondence between the Austrian authorities and the Commission, legislation designed to transpose the Directive into national law was notified to the latter. 29On 12 January 1998, the Commission sent a letter of formal notice to the Republic of Austria concerning the points of the Directive which, in its view, ha...

In Case C-245/04

Fecha: 06-Abr-2006

14In 1996 and 1997, EMAG obtained non-ferrous metals from K GmbH (‘K’), which was also established in Austria. 15K itself acquired the goods concerned from suppliers in Italy or the Netherlands (‘the suppliers’). It is not disputed that EMAG did not know who K’s suppliers were. After each transaction was concluded, K instructed its suppliers to han...

In Case C-410/04

Fecha: 06-Abr-2006

8According to the order for reference, AMTAB Servizio is a joint stock company, the share capital of which is wholly owned by the Municipality of Bari and the sole activity of which is the provision of public transport services in that municipality. That company is wholly controlled by the Municipality of Bari. 9The same decision shows that, under ...

In Case C-96/04

Fecha: 27-Abr-2006

6 The child Leonhard Matthias was born on 27 June 1988 to a married couple, Dorothee Paul and Stefan Grunkin, both of German nationality. The child, who also had German nationality, was living in Denmark at the date of the order for reference. 7In accordance with a certificate (‘navnebevis’) issued by the competent Danish authority attesting to tha...

In Case T-17/03

Fecha: 06-Abr-2006

5In 1994, Gothaer Fahrzeugwerke GmbH (‘GFW’), a former State undertaking, was, together with another eight East German companies, transferred to the group run by Lintra Beteiligungholding GmbH with a view to being privatised. The privatisation failed and in 1996 the Bundesanstalt für vereinigungsbedingte Sonderaufgaben, a State body, resumed contro...

In Case T-309/03

Fecha: 06-Abr-2006

6From 1992 to 1997, Mr Camós Grau, an official of the Commission in Grade A3, was employed in the directorate responsible for Latin America of the Directorate General (DG) for external economic relations and was involved in the management of the Institute for European‑Latin American Relations (‘IRELA’), established in 1984. 7After a number of repor...

In Case T-74/05

Fecha: 03-Abr-2006

12By application lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 16 February 2005, the applicant brought the present action. 13On 3 June 2005, the Commission, by separate document, raised an objection of inadmissibility pursuant to Article 114(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance and lodged a statement of defence. 14...

In Joined Cases C‑443/04 and C‑444/04

Fecha: 27-Abr-2006

Case C-443/04 10Mr Solleveld is a physiotherapist registered as such in the Register established by the BIG Law. In addition to his ‘classical’ physiotherapy activities, Mr Solleveld carries out so-called ‘disturbance field diagnostics’, in respect of which he completed additional specific training in Germany. It is apparent from the order for refe...

«Incumplimiento de Estado – Artículos 8A y 48 del TratadoCE (actualmente artículos 18CE y 39CE, tras su modificación) – Directivas 64/221/CEE, 73/148/CEE y 90/364/CEE – Reglamento (CEE) nº1612/68

Fecha: 27-Abr-2006

20A resultas del examen de varias decenas de peticiones y denuncias remitidas al Parlamento Europeo y a la Comisión, por nacionales italianos residentes en el Land de Bade-Wurtemberg, en relación con las medidas restrictivas de su derecho de residencia en Alemania que adoptaron contra ellos las autoridades alemanas por motivos de orden público, la ...

«Incumplimiento de Estado – Directiva 89/391

Fecha: 06-Abr-2006

28A resultas de un primer intercambio de correspondencia entre las autoridades austriacas y la Comisión, se comunicaron a esta última los textos legales dirigidos a adaptar el Derecho nacional a lo dispuesto en la Directiva. 29El 12 de enero de 1998, la Comisión dirigió un escrito de requerimiento a la República de Austria relativo a los puntos de ...

Joined Cases C‑123/04 and C‑124/04

Fecha: 06-Abr-2006

(References for a preliminary ruling submitted by the Oberlandesgericht Oldenburg (Germany)) (EAEC Treaty – Supply arrangements – Property ownership – Enrichment of uranium on Community territory) 1.For many years there has been a question that constantly arises for the parties primarily involved in the European Atomic Energy Community (‘the Commun...

Joined Cases C‑282/04 and C‑283/04

Fecha: 06-Abr-2006

(Free movement of capital – ‘Golden shares’ held by the Netherlands State in KPN NV and TPG NV) 1.The present cases concern ‘golden shares’ held by the Netherlands State in KPN NV (‘KPN’) and TPG NV (‘TPG’) respectively. The Commission contends that, by retaining its golden shares in these undertakings, the Netherlands has failed to fulfil its obli...

«Marca comunitaria – Procedimiento de oposición – Marca internacional denominativa anterior ECHINACIN – Solicitud de marca comunitaria denominativa ECHINAID – Motivo de denegación relativo – Artículo 8, apartado1, letrab), del Reglamento (CE) nº40/94

Fecha: 05-Abr-2006

10La demandante solicita al Tribunal de Primera Instanciaque: –Reconozca que la OAMI incurrió en error al dictar la resolución impugnada. –Anule dicha resolución. –Ordene a la OAMI que adopte una nueva resolución por la que se deniegue el registro de la marca solicitada, debido a un riesgo de confusión, conforme al artículo 8, apartado 1, letrab), ...

(Maritime cabotage – Regulation (EEC) No3577/92

Fecha: 06-Abr-2006

7It is apparent from the order for reference that Agip Petroli chartered the Greek-registered tanker Theodoros IV to ship a cargo of crude oil from Magnisi to Gela, both in Sicily. In order to justify the derogation from the legislation of the host State, the Italian Republic, and the application instead of the legislation of the flag State, the He...