En el asunto T‑198/03

Fecha: 30-May-2006

5Mediante Decisión de 11 de junio de 2002, dictada en el marco del asunto COMP/36.571/D-1 – Bancos austriacos («Club Lombard»), la Comisión declaró que la demandante había participado, del 1 de enero de 1995 al 24 de junio de 1998, en una práctica colusoria con varios otros bancos austriacos (artículo 1), en razón de la cual decidió imponerle una m...

En el asunto T‑279/03

Fecha: 10-May-2006

22Mediante demanda presentada en la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia el 5 de agosto de 2003, las demandantes interpusieron el presente recurso. 23Visto el informe del Juez Ponente, el Tribunal de Primera Instancia (Sala Segunda) decidió iniciar la fase oral sin previo recibimiento a prueba. No obstante, este Tribunal formuló determinada...

En el asunto T‑328/03

Fecha: 02-May-2006

34Mediante demanda presentada en la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia el 25 de septiembre de 2003, O2 interpuso el presente recurso. 35Visto el informe del Juez Ponente, el Tribunal de Primera Instancia decidió abrir la fase oral del procedimiento tras haber acordado previamente una diligencia de ordenación del procedimiento. 36Mediante ...

En el asunto T‑354/99

Fecha: 31-May-2006

16Entre el 20 de septiembre de 1999 y el 19 de enero de 2000, se presentaron setenta y cuatro recursos ante el Tribunal de Primera Instancia contra la Decisión impugnada. 17El 9 de octubre de 1999, el Reino de los Países Bajos interpuso un recurso ante el Tribunal de Justicia contra la Decisión impugnada, registrado con el número C‑382/99. 18Median...

En el asunto T‑395/04

Fecha: 10-May-2006

9Mediante demanda presentada en la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia el 5 de octubre de 2004, la demandante interpuso el presente recurso. 10En la vista de 11 de enero de 2006, se oyeron los informes orales de las partes y sus respuestas a las preguntas del Tribunal de Primera Instancia. 11La parte demandante solicita al Tribunal de Prim...

En el asunto T‑87/94

Fecha: 30-May-2006

31El demandante, productor de leche en los Países Bajos, suscribió, el 1 de octubre de 1978, en el marco del Reglamento nº1078/77, un compromiso de no comercialización que expiró el 1 de octubre de1983. 32El demandante no reanudó la producción de leche ni al finalizar su compromiso ni antes de la entrada en vigor del Reglamento nº857/84. 33Tras la ...

(Failure by a Member State to fulfil obligations – Directive 92/43

Fecha: 18-May-2006

8On 19 April 2001, following a complaint registered in 2000, the Commission sent the Kingdom of Spain a letter of formal notice in which it maintained that that Member State had failed to fulfil its obligations under Article 12(1) of and Annex VI to the directive by authorising the setting of stopped snares in a hunting area in which some of the an...

(Failure to fulfil obligations –Directive 85/337

Fecha: 04-May-2006

11The Commission received a complaint concerning the practice in the United Kingdom, pursuant to section 191 of the TCPA, for issue of Lawful Development Certificates (‘LDCs’), in relation to a scrap yard which had been operating without planning permission or a waste licence and for which a number of LDCs were issued, in 1993 and again in 1998 in ...

In Case C-169/04

Fecha: 04-May-2006

22Abbey National Unit Trust Managers Limited and Scottish Mutual Investment Managers Limited, members of the Abbey National VAT group, are the managers of 15 and 11 authorised unit trusts respectively. 23The trustees of those trusts are either Clydesdale Bank plc (‘Clydesdale’), Citicorp Trustee Company Limited (‘Citicorp’) or HSBC Bank plc (‘HSBC’...

In Case C-384/04

Fecha: 11-May-2006

7Sections 17 and 18 of the Finance Act 2003 were enacted to combat ‘missing trader’ intra-Community fraud, including ‘carousel’ fraud, in the field of VAT. 8The Federation lodged an application for judicial review of those provisions, claiming in particular that they are not authorised by Community law. 9That application was first considered by the...

In Case C-397/03

Fecha: 18-May-2006

8The facts underlying the action before the Court of First Instance are set out in the judgment under appeal as follows: ‘1The applicants, [ADM Company] and its European subsidiary [ADM Ingredients], operate in the cereals and oil seed processing sector. They entered the lysine market in 1991. 2Lysine is the principal amino acid used for nutritiona...

In Case C-435/04

Fecha: 30-May-2006

7Mr Leroy, resident in Belgium, was found guilty, under Article 2(1) of Royal Decree of 20 July 2001 and Article 29 of Royal Decree of 16 March 1968, of having driven a vehicle which was not registered in that Member State and was not carrying the registration plate issued at the time of the prescribed registration. 8He admitted to being the main u...

In Case C‑343/04

Fecha: 18-May-2006

11The Province of Upper Austria is the owner of several pieces of land used for agriculture and agricultural trials, on which there is an agricultural college. The land is situated about 60 km from the Temelín nuclear power station, which was brought into operation on a trial basis on 9 October 2000. That power plant is operated by ČEZ, a Czech ene...

In Case C‑417/04

Fecha: 02-May-2006

6By decision of 22 December 1993 addressed to the Italian Republic (‘the decision to grant’), the Commission of the European Communities granted financial assistance from the ERDF for the construction of a motorway between Palermo and Messina in Sicily (‘the ERDF project’). The works necessary for the implementation of the project were divided into...

In Case T-198/03

Fecha: 30-May-2006

5By decision of 11 June 2002 in Case COMP/36.571/D-1 – Austrian banks (‘Lombard Club’), the Commission found that the applicant had taken part, from 1 January 1995 to 24 June 1998, in a cartel with several other Austrian banks (Article 1), for which the Commission decided to impose a fine (Article 3) on it and the other banks concerned by the proce...

In Case T-2/06

Fecha: 31-May-2006

6The applicant claims that the Court should: –annul Article 2 of Council Regulation (EC) No881/2002; –order the Council to pay the costs. ...

In Case T-354/99

Fecha: 31-May-2006

16Between 20 September 1999 and 19 January 2000, 74 actions against the contested decision were brought before the Court of First Instance. 17On 9 October 1999, the Kingdom of the Netherlands brought an action against the contested decision before the Court of Justice, registered under Case C‑382/99. 18By an application lodged with the Registry of ...

In Case T‑123/02

Fecha: 31-May-2006

16Under Article 87(6) of the Rules of Procedure, where a case does not proceed to judgment, the costs are to be in the discretion of the Court. 17In the present case, the applicant must be ordered to bear its own costs together with those of the Commission. On those grounds, THE COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE (Fifth Chamber) hereby orders: 1.There is no n...