En el asunto C‑386/08

Fecha: 25-Feb-2010

30La demandante en el litigio principal, Firma Brita GmbH, está establecida en Alemania. Importa dispensadores de agua con gas y sus accesorios, y siropes, fabricados por un proveedor israelí, Soda-Club Ltd, cuya fábrica está instalada en Mishor Adumin, Cisjordania, al este de Jerusalén. Soda-Club Ltd es un exportador autorizado, en el sentido del ...

En el asunto C‑541/08

Fecha: 11-Feb-2010

18La sociedad austriaca de responsabilidad limitada Finanzierungsberatung-Immobilientreuhand und Anlageberatung GmbH (en lo sucesivo, «FIAG»), domiciliada en Viena (Austria), adquirió, mediante contrato de compraventa de 18 de abril de 2007, y por un importe de 4.208.333,34euros, participaciones de un inmueble situado en esta misma localidad que le...

En el asunto C‑88/09

Fecha: 11-Feb-2010

8La actividad de reprografía ejercida por Graphic Procédé consiste en realizar con los propios materiales de esa empresa copias de documentos, de expedientes y de planos por encargo de una clientela compuesta en particular por estudios de arquitectura, oficinas de proyectos, museos, editores, anunciantes urbanos y ministerios. Los clientes de Graph...

En el asunto T‑456/07

Fecha: 12-Feb-2010

Solicitudes de realizar aportaciones al presupuesto general en concepto de contribución al régimen de pensiones comunitario correspondiente a los ejercicios presupuestarios comprendidos entre 1998 y2005 12Mediante nota del Director General de la Dirección General (DG) «Personal y administración», de 1 de julio de 1998 (en lo sucesivo, «nota de 1 de...

En el asunto T‑481/08

Fecha: 08-Feb-2010

19El 27 de agosto de 2004, la Oficina Europea de Lucha contra el Fraude (OLAF) abrió unas investigaciones sobre la demandante, de las que ésta fue informada el 3 de junio de 2005. Entre el 6 y el 10 de junio de 2005, la OLAF realizó una serie de inspecciones en relación con estas investigaciones en los locales de la demandante en Milán. Durante est...

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Directive 2004/113

Fecha: 04-Feb-2010

14Under Article 69(2) of the Rules of Procedure, the unsuccessful party is to be ordered to pay the costs if they have been applied for in the successful party’s pleadings. Since the Commission has applied for costs and the United Kingdom has been unsuccessful, the United Kingdom must be ordered to pay the costs. On those grounds, the Court (Sevent...

In Case C‑259/09

Fecha: 04-Feb-2010

11Under Article 69(2) of the Rules of Procedure, the unsuccessful party is to be ordered to pay the costs if they have been applied for in the successful party’s pleadings. Since the Commission has applied for costs and the United Kingdom has been unsuccessful, the latter must be ordered to pay the costs. On those grounds, the Court (Fifth Chamber)...

In Case C‑337/08

Fecha: 25-Feb-2010

6X Holding, which is established in the Netherlands, is the sole shareholder of company F, set up under Belgian law and established in Belgium, and which is not liable to corporation tax in the Netherlands. 7X Holding and F applied for recognition as a single tax entity within the meaning of Article 15(1) of the 1969 Netherlands Law on corporation ...

In Case C‑386/08

Fecha: 25-Feb-2010

30Brita, the applicant in the main proceedings, is established in Germany. It imports drink-makers for sparkling water, as well as accessories and syrups, all produced by an Israeli supplier, Soda-Club Ltd, at a manufacturing site at Mishor Adumin in the West Bank, to the east of Jerusalem. Soda-Club Ltd is an approved exporter within the meaning o...

In Case C‑541/08

Fecha: 11-Feb-2010

18The limited liability company Finanzierungsberatung-Immobilientreuhand und Anlageberatung GmbH (‘FIAG’), established under Austrian law, which has its seat in Vienna (Austria), acquired, by a sales contract of 18 April 2007, for the sum of EUR 4208333.34, shares in a Vienna property, giving it ownership of 28 flats and 24 parking spaces, which we...

In Case C‑88/09

Fecha: 11-Feb-2010

8The reprographics activities carried on by Graphic Procédé involve the production, using its own materials, of copies of documents, files and maps at the request of customers consisting, in particular, of firms of architects, design offices, museums, publishers, billboard advertisers and ministries. Graphic Procédé’s customers retain title to the ...

In Case T‑175/10

Fecha: 02-Feb-2010

6In its application, the applicant claims that the Court should: –annul the contested decision; –order OHIM to pay the costs. 7In its response, OHIM contends that the Court should: –dismiss the action; –order the applicant to pay the costs. 8In its observations on the written question put by the Court, the applicant submits that the Court should ac...

In Case T‑237/10

Fecha: 24-Feb-2010

11By application lodged at the Court Registry on 26 May 2010, Louis Vuitton brought an action against the contested decision, by which it claims that the Court should annul that decision in so far as it declares the mark at issue invalid in respect of the goods in Classes 9, 14 and 18 for which it was registered; order OHIM to pay the costs of the ...

In Case T‑385/05

Fecha: 04-Feb-2010

6Article 42 of the Statute of the Court of Justice, applicable to the procedure before the General Court pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 53 of that Statute, states that ‘Member States, institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the Union and any other natural or legal persons may, in cases and under conditions to be determined by the ...

In Case T‑456/07

Fecha: 12-Feb-2010

Requests for payment to the general budget of a contribution to the Community pension scheme in respect of the financial years 1998 to 2005 12By note from the Director General of the Personnel and Administration Directorate General (‘the Personnel and Administration DG’) of 1 July 1998 (‘the note of 1 July 1998’), the Commission of the European Com...

In Case T‑481/08

Fecha: 08-Feb-2010

19On 27 August 2004, the European Anti-fraud Office (OLAF) commenced an investigation of the applicant, which was informed of that fact on 3 June 2005. In that context, OLAF carried out, from 6 to 10 June 2005, a series of inspections in the applicant’s premises in Milan. During that period, employees of an external auditing firm also carried out a...

In Case T‑587/08

Fecha: 17-Feb-2010

4By application lodged at the Registry of the Court on 31 December 2008, the applicant brought an action against the contested decision in which it requested the Court to annul Articles 1, 2, 3 and 4 of that decision in so far as it pertains to the applicant; alternatively, substantially to reduce the fine imposed on it pursuant to Article 2(c) of ...