En el asunto C‑78/10

Fecha: 17-Feb-2011

16Mondia France es una sociedad especializada en la importación y exportación de productos derivados de la madera, en particular el papel y la pasta de papel, así como en el almacenamiento y la distribución de estas mercancías. Es titular de una licencia de explotación de almacenes y zonas de depósito temporal (MADT) en Rouen y El Havre. 17Asia P&a...

En el asunto T‑3/09

Fecha: 03-Feb-2011

7El 15 de enero de 2004, la República Italiana notificó un régimen de ayudas por el que pretendía aplicar el Reglamento nº1177/2002 mediante el artículo 4, apartado 153, de la legge nº350 su disposizioni per la formazione del bilancio annuale e pluriennale dello Stato (legge finanziaria 2004) [Ley nº350, de disposiciones para la elaboración del pre...

En el asunto T‑33/05

Fecha: 03-Feb-2011

58Mediante demanda presentada en la Secretaría del Tribunal el 21 de enero de 2005, la demandante interpuso el presente recurso. 59La fase escrita del procedimiento finalizó el 4 de julio de 2005, sin que la demandante presentara ningún escrito de réplica dentro del plazo señalado. 60Visto el informe del Juez Ponente, el Tribunal (Sala Cuarta) deci...

En el asunto T‑484/10

Fecha: 17-Feb-2011

18Mediante demanda presentada en la Secretaría del Tribunal el 14 de octubre de 2010, la demandante interpuso un recurso en el que solicitaba la anulación de la Decisión impugnada. 19Mediante escrito separado presentado en la Secretaría del Tribunal ese mismo día, la demandante ha interpuesto la presente demanda de medidas provisionales, en la que ...

En el asunto T‑584/08

Fecha: 03-Feb-2011

7La demandante, Cantiere navale De Poli SpA, explota un astillero naval situado en Venecia (Italia). 8El 15 de enero de 2004 la República Italiana notificó un régimen de ayudas por el que pretendía aplicar el Reglamento nº1177/2002 mediante el artículo 4, apartado 153, de la legge nº350 su disposizioni per la formazione del bilancio annuale e pluri...

In Case C‑25/10

Fecha: 10-Feb-2011

7Missionswerk is a religious association with its seat in Germany. By a holograph will dated 5 November 2003, Missionswerk was named as residuary legatee by Madame Renardie, a Belgian national. Madame Renardie, who resided in Belgium throughout her life, died in Malmedy (Belgium) on 12 June 2004. 8On 14 June 2005, Missionswerk filed a statement of ...

In Case C‑260/09

Fecha: 10-Feb-2011

10By the judgment under appeal, the General Court varied the contested decision in so far as that decision did not grant CD-Contact Data the benefit of the attenuating circumstance of its exclusively passive role in the infringement and, consequently, reduced the fine imposed on that company to EUR500000. As to the remainder, the action for annulme...

In Case C‑283/09

Fecha: 17-Feb-2011

14Mr Weryński brought an action before the Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy Śródmieścia (District Court for Warsaw City Centre) (Poland) against Mediatel 4B spólka z o.o., his former employer, for damages arising from a non‑compete agreement. 15In those proceedings, the referring court requested the Dublin Metropolitan District Court (Ireland) on 6 Januar...

In Case C‑52/09

Fecha: 17-Feb-2011

13The referring court acknowledges that, because of the procedural rules applicable to the action in the main proceedings, it is unable to provide the Court with a number of factual details. In particular, no relevant market has yet been defined and, consequently, it has not been established that TeliaSonera was in fact dominant. Likewise, it has n...

In Case C‑78/10

Fecha: 17-Feb-2011

16Mondia France is a company specialising in the import and export of forestry products, in particular paper and woodpulp, and the storage and distribution of those goods. For those purposes it holds a licence to operate warehouses and temporary storage places (MADT) in Rouen and Le Havre. 17Asia P & P, a customer of Mondia France, entrusted Mo...

In Case F‑76/09

Fecha: 15-Feb-2011

10The applicant, the widow of a former official of the Commission, suffers from a degree 1‑2 disability. Because of her condition, she needs a carer in her home at all times. She has been recognised, under the provisions of the Joint Sickness Insurance Scheme, as having a serious illness entitling her to reimbursement of 100% of the medical expense...

In Case F‑95/09

Fecha: 08-Feb-2011

5The applicant has been an official of the European Union since 1December 1996. On 18April 2003 she was posted to the Commission Delegation in Kazakhstan as Head of Section for Kyrgyzstan. After Kyrgyzstan was assigned a regionalised delegation of the Commission, coming under the Delegation in Kazakhstan, the applicant was posted to that regionalis...