(Asunto T‑61/11

Fecha: 12-Jul-2012

«Marca comunitaria — Procedimiento de nulidad — Marca comunitaria denominativa Clean Twist — Marcas comunitarias denominativas anteriores TWIX y TWIXTER — Motivo de denegación relativo — Inexistencia de riesgo de confusión — Artículos 8, apartado 1, letrab), y 53, apartado 1, letraa), del Reglamento (CE) nº207/2009» 1.Marca comunitaria — Definición...

(Asuntos acumulados C‑587/11P‑R y C‑588/11

Fecha: 19-Jul-2012

«Procedimientos sobre medidas provisionales — Recursos de casación — Demandas de medidas provisionales — Marca comunitaria» Procedimiento sobre medidas provisionales — Medidas provisionales — Requisitos para su concesión — Perjuicio grave e irreparable — Carga de la prueba (Art.279TFUE) (véase el apartado30) Objeto Recursos de casación formulados c...

Case C‑182/11

Fecha: 19-Jul-2012

(References for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato, (Italy)) (Management of the municipal hygiene service by a municipal company in which the municipality has a minority shareholding – Award without call for tenders – In-house contracts – Exercise by the contracting entity over that company of control similar to that which it exercise...

Case C‑300/10

Fecha: 05-Jul-2012

(Reference for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal da Relação de Guimarães (Portugal)) (Directives 72/166/EEC, 84/5/EEC and 90/232/EEC— Insurance against civil liability in respect of motor vehicles— Collision between two vehicles, which is not attributable to the fault of either driver— Person travelling in one of the vehicles who contributed t...

(Case C‑372/11

Fecha: 12-Jul-2012

Appeal— Non‑contractual liability— Project co‑funded by the financial instrument ‘LIFE’— Development of a new system of supplying power for use in mobile telephony (‘Pneuma’ project)— Commission decision to end the project and to recover the advance paid— Compensation for the loss allegedly sustained 1.Appeals— Grounds— Order of the General Court d...

(Case C‑433/12

Fecha: 03-Jul-2012

Appeal— Action to establish non-contractual liability— Refusal by the Court Registry to act on letters addressed by the appellant to the First Advocate General of the Court— Article256(2) TFEU— Request to initiate a review procedure in respect of certain decisions terminating proceedings delivered by the General Court in certain cases on appeal App...

Case C‑558/16

Fecha: 01-Jul-2012

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Kammergericht Berlin) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Area of freedom, security and justice— Regulation (EU) No650/2012— Succession and European Certificate of Succession— Scope— Ability to include the surviving spouse’s share in the European Certificate of Succession) Summary— Judgment of the Court (...

Case F‑22/11

Fecha: 12-Jul-2012

Officials— Actions— Act adversely affecting an official— Definition— Salary statement— Inclusion for the purposes of the exercise of the right to bring proceedings— Condition (Staff Regulations, Arts90 and 91) A pay slip, by its nature and purpose, does not as such have the characteristics of an act adversely affecting an official, since it merely ...

Case F‑4/11

Fecha: 10-Jul-2012

Officials— Members of the temporary staff— Recruitment— Medical examination— Candidate’s obligation to answer the questions asked— Consequences of incorrect or incomplete declarations— Justification for the retroactive application of medical cover deferment— Condition— Prior referral to the medical officer (Conditions of Employment of Other Servant...

Case F‑54/11

Fecha: 17-Jul-2012

1.Officials— Actions— Prior administrative complaint— Consistency between a complaint and the action which follows— Review by European Union Courts of their own motion— Scope of the rule (Staff Regulations, Arts90 and 91) 2.Officials— Disciplinary measures— Disciplinary proceedings— Disciplinary proceedings and criminal prosecution brought at the s...

Case F‑85/10

Fecha: 11-Jul-2012

1.Officials— Competitions— Selection board— Composition— Sufficient stability to ensure consistent marking of candidates (Staff Regulations, AnnexIII, Art.3) 2.Officials— Competitions— Principle of impartiality of the selection board— Acquaintanceship between a member of the selection board and a candidate— Risk of conflict of interests where there...

(Case T-135/11

Fecha: 10-Jul-2012

Community trade mark— Opposition proceedings— Application for Community word mark CLORALEX— Earlier national word marks CLOROX— Relative ground for refusal— Likelihood of confusion— Similarity of the signs— Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 1.Community trade mark— Definition and acquisition of the Community trade mark— Relative grounds...

(Case T-212/09

Fecha: 03-Jul-2012

EAGGF— Guarantee Section— Expenditure excluded from financing— Arable crops— Setting aside of land 1.Procedure— Measures of organisation of procedure— Request for production of documents— Discretion of the General Court (Rules of Procedure of the General Court, Art. 46(1)(d)) (see para. 24) 2.Union law— Interpretation— Methods (see para. 29) 3.Agri...

(Case T-346/09

Fecha: 12-Jul-2012

Community trade mark— Opposition proceedings— Application for Community word mark BAÑOFTAL— Earlier national word marks KAN-OPHTAL and PAN-OPHTAL— Relative ground for refusal— Likelihood of confusion— Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 1.Community trade mark— Appeals procedure— Action before the EU judicature— Rules on languages (Rules ...

(Case T-520/09

Fecha: 10-Jul-2012

State aid— Public service broadcasting— Aid intended to be granted by the French Republic to France Télévisions— Budgetary grant for 2009— Decision not to raise objections— Service of general economic interest— Criterion of proportionality— No serious difficulties 1.State aid— Planned aid— Examination by the Commission— Preliminary review and main ...

Case T‑308/10

Fecha: 12-Jul-2012

1.Officials— Actions— Action for damages— Autonomy in relation to the action for annulment— Limits— Damages claim aimed at circumventing the inadmissibility of an action for annulment (Staff Regulations, Arts90 and 91) 2.Officials— Actions— Act adversely affecting an official— Definition— Delay in adoption of a decision concerning the administratio...

(Case T‑430/12

Fecha: 05-Jul-2012

Community trade mark— Invalidity proceedings— Community figurative mark European Network Rapid Manufacturing— Absolute ground for refusal— Imitation of the emblem of an international intergovernmental organisation— Article7(1)(h) of Regulation (EC) No207/2009— Article6b of the Paris Convention 1.Community trade mark— Definition and acquisition of t...

Case T‑594/10

Fecha: 03-Jul-2012

Officials— Actions— Acts adversely affecting the applicant— Definition— No reply received to the request made— Implied decision rejecting the request (Staff Regulations, Art. 90) A letter by which the person concerned is informed that his request is under consideration does not entail acceptance of the request at issue, even if the letter in questi...