«Procedimiento prejudicial— Política pesquera común— Reglamento (CE) n.º1224/2009

Fecha: 10-Feb-2022

Reglamento (UE)n.º1380/2013 3El artículo 2, apartado 1, del Reglamento (UE) n.º1380/2013 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 11 de diciembre de 2013, sobre la política pesquera común, por el que se modifican los Reglamentos (CE) n.º1954/2003 y (CE) n.º1224/2009 del Consejo, y se derogan los Reglamentos (CE) n.º2371/2002 y (CE) n.º639/2004 del ...

«Procedimiento prejudicial— Política social— Directiva 2000/78

Fecha: 10-Feb-2022

Derecho internacional 3La Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad, aprobada en nombre de la Comunidad Europea mediante la Decisión 2010/48/CE del Consejo, de 26 de noviembre de 2009 (DO 2010, L23, p.35; en lo sucesivo, «Convención de la ONU»), enuncia en la letrae) de su preámbulo: «Reconociendo que la ...

«Procedimiento prejudicial— Validez— Cooperación judicial en materia civil— Competencia para conocer de una demanda de divorcio— Artículo 18TFUE— Reglamento (CE) n.º2201/2003

Fecha: 10-Feb-2022

3A tenor del considerando 12 del Reglamento (CE) n.º1347/2000 del Consejo, de 29 de mayo de 2000, relativo a la competencia, el reconocimiento y la ejecución de resoluciones judiciales en materia matrimonial y de responsabilidad parental sobre los hijos comunes (DO 2000, L160, p.19), que fue derogado el 1 de marzo de 2005 por el Reglamento n.º2201/...

«Productos fitosanitarios— Sustancia activa tiram— No renovación de la aprobación— Reglamento (CE) n.º1107/2009 y Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) n.º844/2012

Fecha: 09-Feb-2022

95Las demandantes alegan que, al haber retirado su solicitud de renovación de la aprobación del tiram para el uso de dicha sustancia activa por pulverización sobre las hojas, la Comisión no debería haber tenido en cuenta los problemas relativos únicamente a los usos sobre las hojas a los que se refería la conclusión de la EFSA. Ahora bien, a pesar...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Approximation of laws– Directive 97/23

Fecha: 10-Feb-2022

3According to recitals3 and 6 of Directive 97/23: ‘(3)Whereas the harmonisation of national legislation is the only means of removing these barriers to free trade; whereas this objective cannot be achieved satisfactorily by the individual Member States; whereas this Directive only lays down indispensable requirements for the free circulation of th...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Article99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court– Excise duties– Directive 2008/118

Fecha: 07-Feb-2022

3Article1 of Directive 2008/118 provides: ‘1.This Directive lays down general arrangements in relation to excise duty which is levied directly or indirectly on the consumption of the following goods (hereinafter “excise goods”): (a)energy products and electricity covered by Directive2003/96/EC [of 27October 2003 restructuring the Community framewo...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Article99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice– Quality schemes for agricultural products and foodstuffs– Regulation (EU) No1151/2012

Fecha: 09-Feb-2022

Regulation (EC) No510/2006 3Council Regulation (EC) No510/2006 of 20March 2006 on the protection of geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs (OJ 2006 L93, p.12), as amended by Council Regulation (EC) No1791/2006 of 20November 2006 (OJ 2006 L363, p.1) (‘Regulation No510/2006’), provided, in the se...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Common fisheries policy– Regulation (EC) No1224/2009

Fecha: 10-Feb-2022

12In July 2017, the SFPA, the Single Control Authority for Ireland, designated for the purposes of Article5(5) of Regulation No1224/2009, had serious doubts as to the veracity and accuracy of the data concerning catches of nephrops in FU16 during the first half of that year, as recorded in the electronic fishing logbook held by the masters of Irish...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Directive 2014/24

Fecha: 03-Feb-2022

5The first subparagraph of Paragraph13 of Chapter17 of Lagen (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling (Law No1145 of 2016 on public procurement; ‘the Law on public procurement’), provides that a contract or a framework agreement might be modified with one contractor being replaced by another, without a new procurement, if: ‘(1)the new contractor fully...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Judicial cooperation in civil matters– Law applicable to contractual obligations– Regulation (EC) No593/2008

Fecha: 10-Feb-2022

5Between January 2012 and June 2014, UE, a consumer resident in Austria, entered into a framework agreement with ShareWood, a company established in Switzerland, and a further four purchase contracts for the acquisition of teak and balsa trees in Brazil. 6The four contracts were for the purchase of 705 teak trees costing EUR67328.85, 2690 teak tree...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Social policy– Directive 2000/78

Fecha: 10-Feb-2022

3The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which was approved on behalf of the European Community by Council Decision 2010/48/EC of 26November 2009 (OJ 2010 L23, p.35; ‘the UN Convention’), states, in recital(e) of its preamble: ‘Recognising that disability is an evolving concept and that disability results from the...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Taxation– Value added tax (VAT)– Directive 2006/112

Fecha: 10-Feb-2022

3Recital24 of the VAT Directive states as follows: ‘The concepts of chargeable event and of the chargeability of VAT should be harmonised if the introduction of the common system of VAT and of any subsequent amendments thereto are to take effect at the same time in all Member States.’ 4Recital4 of Directive 2010/45 provides: ‘To help small and med...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Validity– Judicial cooperation in civil matters– Jurisdiction to hear and determine an application for divorce– Article18 TFEU– Regulation (EC) No2201/2003

Fecha: 10-Feb-2022

8On 9November 2011, OE, an Italian national, and VY, a German national, were married in Dublin (Ireland). 9According to the information provided by the referring court, OE left the habitual residence the couple shared in Ireland in May 2018 and has lived in Austria since August 2019. 10On 28February 2020, that is, after residing in Austria for more...

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Value added tax (VAT)– Directive 2006/112

Fecha: 03-Feb-2022

12Paragraph12 of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (Law on Turnover Tax) provides: ‘(1)The rate of tax shall be 19% of the taxable amount in respect of every taxable transaction (Paragraphs10 and 11, Paragraph25(3) and Paragraph25a(3) and (4)). (2)The rate of tax shall be reduced to 7% in respect of the following transactions: 1.supplies, imports and intra-c...