En el asunto T‑304/02

Fecha: 04-Jul-2006

15La demandante interpuso el presente recurso mediante escrito presentado en la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia el 7 de octubre de2002. 16Al haberse modificado la composición de las Salas del Tribunal de Primera Instancia a partir del 13 de septiembre de 2004, el Juez Ponente fue adscrito en calidad de Presidente a la Sala Quinta, a la...

En el asunto T‑319/05

Fecha: 07-Jul-2006

2Mediante escrito recibido en la Secretaría del Tribunal de Justicia el 13 de febrero de 2004 y registrado con el número C‑70/04, la Confederación Suiza solicitó la anulación de la Decisión 2004/12/CE de la Comisión, de 5 de diciembre de 2003, respecto de un procedimiento relativo a la aplicación de la primera frase del apartado 2 del artículo 18 d...

En el asunto T‑357/05

Fecha: 05-Jul-2006

5A tenor del artículo 111 del Reglamento de Procedimiento, cuando se haya interpuesto ante el Tribunal de Primera Instancia un recurso manifiestamente inadmisible o que carezca manifiestamente de fundamento jurídico alguno, el Tribunal de Primera Instancia puede, sin continuar el procedimiento, decidir por medio de auto motivado. 6En el presente as...

En el asunto T‑413/03

Fecha: 13-Jul-2006

5La demandante es una sociedad china productora y exportadora de paracresol. 6El paracresol es un producto químico orgánico tóxico, disponible con diferentes grados de pureza que tienen todos las mismas características físicas y químicas de base y los mismos usos. Se utiliza en la industria como producto intermedio para la fabricación de otros prod...

En los asuntos acumulados C‑18/05 y C‑155/05

Fecha: 06-Jul-2006

Asunto C‑18/05 6La Casa di cura privata Salus SpA (en lo sucesivo, «Salus») es un centro médico que presta servicios sanitarios en el marco de convenios celebrados con el Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (Servicio sanitario nacional). Dichas actividades están exentas del IVA en virtud de la normativa por la que se adapta el Derecho interno al artículo ...

En los asuntos acumulados C‑295/04 a C‑298/04

Fecha: 13-Jul-2006

7Mediante resoluciones de 8 de septiembre de 1999 y de 10 de noviembre de 1999, así como de 3 de febrero de 2000, la AGCM inició un procedimiento por la infracción del artículo 2 de la Ley nº287/90 contra varias compañías aseguradoras, entre las cuales figuran las tres demandadas en el litigio principal. En dicho procedimiento se imputó a estas com...

En los asuntos acumulados C‑439/04 y C‑440/04

Fecha: 06-Jul-2006

Asunto C‑439/04 10El órgano jurisdiccional remitente señala que la sociedad anónima Ang Computime Belgium (en lo sucesivo, «Computime») compró y revendió componentes informáticos y que, conforme a un acta levantada por la Administración tributaria, ésta consideró que Computime había participado deliberadamente en un fraude en el IVA de tipo «carrus...

In Case C-119/04

Fecha: 18-Jul-2006

8At the first paragraph of the operative part of the judgment in Case C-212/99 Commission v Italy the Court declared that: ‘[b]y not guaranteeing recognition of the rights acquired by former … assistants who have become associates and … linguistic experts, even though such recognition is guaranteed to all national workers, the Italian Republic has ...

In Case C-205/03

Fecha: 11-Jul-2006

6By application lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 10 November 1999, FENIN brought an action for annulment of the contested decision. 7In support of its action, FENIN put forward three pleas: (i) infringement of its rights of defence by the Commission, (ii) error in law or manifest error of assessment in the application of Art...

In Case C-251/05

Fecha: 06-Jul-2006

14By its question, the referring court essentially asks whether the fact that specific goods are counted as a single supply, including both a principal item which is by virtue of a Member State’s legislation subject to an exemption with refund of the tax paid within the meaning of Article 28(2)(a) of the Sixth Directive and items which that legisla...

In Case C-346/04

Fecha: 06-Jul-2006

7In 1998, Mr Conijn, a Netherlands national residing in the Netherlands, derived in Germany income from industry, trade or business (Gewerbebetrieb) amounting to DEM 146373.50 from a shareholding in a German limited partnership (Kommanditgesellschaft) which he had inherited as a joint heir. That sum accounted for less than 90% of his total income. ...

In Case C-4/03

Fecha: 13-Jul-2006

8GAT and LuK, companies established in Germany, are economic operators competing in the field of motor vehicle technology. 9GAT made an offer to a motor vehicle manufacturer, also established in Germany, with a view to winning a contract to supply mechanical damper springs. LuK alleged that the spring which was the subject of GAT’s proposal infring...

In Case C-406/04

Fecha: 18-Jul-2006

12Mr De Cuyper, a Belgian national who was born in 1942, was employed in Belgium. He was granted unemployment allowances on 19 March 1997. 13On 1 April 1998 he obtained dispensation, under the national legislation applicable at that time, from the obligation to submit to the local control procedures imposed on unemployed persons as a matter of cour...

In Case C-432/04

Fecha: 11-Jul-2006

7The principal facts, as set out in particular in the application, are as follows. 8Mrs Cresson was a Member of the Commission from 24January 1995 to 8September 1999. The Commission, of which Mr Santer was the President at the time, resigned collectively on 16 March 1999, but remained in office until 8September that year. Mrs Cresson’s portfolio co...

In Case C-519/04

Fecha: 18-Jul-2006

4On 11 October 2002, the present appellants brought an action before the Court of First Instance to have the decision at issue set aside. They raised three pleas in law in support of their action. First, the Commission made a manifest error of assessment in fact and in law, by deciding that the IOC is not an undertaking within the meaning of the Co...

In Case C-539/03

Fecha: 13-Jul-2006

13Drs Primus and Goldenberg, who are domiciled in the United States of America, are the proprietors of European patent No 131 627. 14On 24 March 1997, they brought an action before the Rechtbank te s’-Gravenhage against Roche Nederland BV, a company established in the Netherlands, and eight other companies in the Roche group established in the Unit...

In Case C-74/04

Fecha: 13-Jul-2006

11By application lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 10 September 2001, Volkswagen brought an action for annulment of the contested decision, or in the alternative a reduction of the amount of the fine imposed on it by that decision. 12In paragraph 32 of the judgment under appeal, the Court of First Instance, referring to parag...

In Case C-89/05

Fecha: 13-Jul-2006

6United Utilities is the representative member of a group of companies treated as a single taxable person within the meaning of the second subparagraph of Article 4(4) of the Sixth Directive. Vertex is also a member of that group. 7Littlewoods organises telephone bookmaking under the name of ‘Bet Direct’. Its customers can bet on the outcome of spo...

In Case C‑14/05

Fecha: 13-Jul-2006

10On 5 February 2003, Anagram applied to the Inspector for the issue of a binding tariff information for a product which it proposed be classified under subheading 9505 90 00 of the CN. The product was described as follows: ‘A plastic festive balloon with an aluminium coating, in various shapes, printed with different motifs depending on the occasi...