Asunto T‑94/13

Fecha: 14-Ene-2016

1.Recurso de casación— Motivos— Motivo formulado contra la decisión del Tribunal de la Función Pública que prorroga el plazo de presentación del escrito de contestación— Admisibilidad (Art.257TFUE; Estatuto del Tribunal de Justicia, anexoI, art.11, ap.1) 2.Procedimiento judicial— Presentación del escrito de contestación— Plazo— Prórroga— Circunstan...

Asuntos acumulados C‑283/14 y C‑284/14

Fecha: 28-Ene-2016

(Peticiones de decisión prejudicial planteadas por el Finanzgericht Düsseldorf y el Finanzgericht Hamburg) «Procedimiento prejudicial— Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) nº158/2013— Validez— Derecho antidumping establecido sobre las importaciones de determinados cítricos preparados o conservados originarios de China— Ejecución de una sentencia que declar...

Asuntos acumulados C‑359/14 y C‑475/14

Fecha: 21-Ene-2016

(Peticiones de decisión prejudicial planteadas por el Vilniaus miesto apylinkės teismas y el Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas) «Procedimiento prejudicial— Cooperación judicial en materia civil— Determinación de la ley aplicable— Reglamentos (CE) no864/2007 y (CE) nº593/2008— Directiva 2009/103/CE— Accidente causado por un camión con remolque, estand...

Asuntos C‑532/14 y C‑533/14

Fecha: 19-Ene-2016

Petición de decisión prejudicial planteada por el Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Países Bajos) «Nomenclatura Combinada— Partidas arancelarias 2206 y subpartida 220870— Bebidas fermentadas y otras» I.Introducción 1.Los dos pleitos que convergen ante el Hoge Raad (Tribunal Supremo neerlandés) dan buena prueba de las dificultades que suscita la clasificac...

(Case C‑103/15

Fecha: 21-Ene-2016

Appeal — Access to EU institution documents — Actions in areas interesting developing countries — Refusal to grant access to certain documents of the file concerning contract ‘LIEN 97-2011’ — Execution of a judgment of the General Court Judicial proceedings— Application initiating proceedings— Formal requirements— Brief summary of the pleas in law ...

Case C‑141/14

Fecha: 14-Ene-2016

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations— Directive 2009/147/EC— Conservation of wild birds— Kaliakra and Belite Skali special protection areas— Directive 92/43/EEC— Conservation of natural habitats and wild species— Kompleks Kaliakra site of Community importance— Directive 2011/92/EU— Assessment of the effects of certain projects on the en...

Case C‑161/15

Fecha: 13-Ene-2016

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d’État (Council of State, Belgium)) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— General principle of EU law— Rights of the defence— Right to be heard— Plea based on public policy— Plea raised of a court’s own motion— Principle of equivalence— Role of the national courts and the EU Courts— Union citizen— O...

Case C‑163/14

Fecha: 14-Ene-2016

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations— Article343 TFEU— Protocol on the privileges and immunities of the European Union— Article3— Tax exemptions— Brussels-Capital Region— Contributions in respect of the supply of electricity and gas) Summary— Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber), 14January 2016 1.Privileges and immunities of the Europe...

(Case C‑170/15

Fecha: 21-Ene-2016

Appeal— Community trade mark — Regulation No207/2009— Article43(2)— Amendment of Community trade mark— Reclassification of a colour mark as a figurative mark— Article7(1)(b)— No distinctive character— Refusal of registration— Colour mark made up of certain nuances of the colour green 1.Community trade mark— Registration procedure— Withdrawal, restr...

Case C‑234/14

Fecha: 14-Ene-2016

(Request for a preliminary rulingfrom the Augstākā tiesa) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Public procurement contracts— Directive 2004/18/EC— Economic and financial standing— Technical and/or professional ability— Articles47(2) and 48(3)— Tender specifications laying down the obligation for a tenderer to conclude a cooperation agreement or to ...

(Case C‑278/15

Fecha: 14-Ene-2016

Appeal— Article181 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice— Community trade mark— Application for a Community figurative trade mark comprising the word elements ‘Royal County of Berkshire POLO CLUB’ and the representation of a polo player on a horse — Opposition of the proprietor of the earlier Community figurative marks comprising the wo...

(Case C‑281/14

Fecha: 21-Ene-2016

Appeal — Trans-European Transport Network — Financial aid — Closure — Decision declaring certain costs to be ineligible and establishing the final account — Fourth paragraph of Article 263 TFEU — Action for annulment - Challengeable act — Locus standi — Person other than the beneficiary of the aid) 1.Actions for annulment— Application brought by th...

Case C‑335/14

Fecha: 21-Ene-2016

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the cour d’appel de Mons) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Taxation— Value Added Tax— Sixth VAT Directive— Exemptions— Article13A(1)(g)— Exemption for the supply of services closely linked to welfare and social security work, provided by bodies governed by public law or by other organisations recognised as...

Case C‑373/14

Fecha: 20-Ene-2016

(Appeal— Competition— Agreements, decisions and concerted practices— Article101(1) TFEU— Power transformers market— Oral market-sharing agreement (‘Gentlemen’s Agreement’)— Restriction of competition ‘by object’— Barriers to entry— Presumption of participation in an unlawful cartel— Fines— Guidelines on the method of setting fines (2006)— Point18) ...

(Case C‑374/15

Fecha: 28-Ene-2016

Appeal— Article181 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice— Community trade mark— Regulation (EC) No207/2009— Article8(1)(b) and (5)— Figurative mark comprising the word elements CLEANIC natural beauty— Application for registration — Earlier Community work marks CLINIQUE— Relative grounds for refusal— Likelihood of confusion 1.Appeal— Gro...

Case C‑375/14

Fecha: 28-Ene-2016

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunale di Frosinone) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Articles49 TFEU and 56 TFEU— Freedom of establishment— Freedom to provide services— Betting and gaming— Judgment of the Court of Justice which declared the national rules on licences for the collection of bets incompatible with EU law— Reorganisa...

(Case C‑382/15

Fecha: 20-Ene-2016

Appeal— Community trade mark— No need to adjudicate Community trade mark— Appeals procedure— No need to adjudicate— Appeal brought by the applicant for a Community trade mark against a judgment of the General Court upholding the decision of a Board of Appeal which refused the registration — Withdrawal of the opposition brought against the applicati...

(Case C‑383/15

Fecha: 20-Ene-2016

Appeal— Community trade mark— No need to adjudicate Community trade mark— Appeals procedure— No need to adjudicate— Appeal brought by the applicant for a Community trade mark against a judgment of the General Court upholding the decision of a Board of Appeal which refused the registration— Withdrawal of the opposition brought against the applicatio...

(Case C‑384/15

Fecha: 20-Ene-2016

Appeal— Community trade mark— No need to adjudicate Community trade mark— Appeals procedure— No need to adjudicate— Appeal brought by the applicant for a Community trade mark against a judgment of the General Court upholding the decision of a Board of Appeal which refused the registration — Withdrawal of the opposition brought against the applicati...

Case C‑395/14

Fecha: 14-Ene-2016

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesverwaltungsgericht) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services— Directive 2002/21/EC— Article7(3)— Procedure for consolidating the internal market for electronic communications— Directive 2002/19/EC— Articles8 and 13— Operator ...