Asunto T‑88/09

Fecha: 13-Ene-2017

«Procedimiento— Tasación de costas» Sumario — Auto del Tribunal General (Sala Primera) de 13 de enero de2017 1.Procedimiento judicial— Costas— Tasación— Costas recuperables— Concepto— Gastos indispensables efectuados por las partes [Reglamento de Procedimiento del Tribunal General, arts.91 y 140, letrab)] 2.Procedimiento judicial— Costas— Tasación—...

(Asunto T‑88/16

Fecha: 26-Ene-2017

«Marca de la Unión Europea— Procedimiento de oposición— Solicitud de marca denominativa de la Unión ALPHAREN— Marcas nacionales denominativas anteriores ALPHAD3— Motivo de denegación relativo— Riesgo de confusión— Artículo 8, apartado 1, letrab), del Reglamento (CE) n.o207/2009— Toma en consideración por la Sala de Recurso de nuevas pruebas a raíz ...

(Asunto T‑92/11

Fecha: 18-Ene-2017

«Ayudas de Estado— Transporte ferroviario— Ayudas concedidas por las autoridades danesas a favor de la empresa pública Danske Statsbaner— Contratos de servicio público para la prestación de servicios de transporte ferroviario de pasajeros entre Copenhague e Ystad— Decisión por la que se declara la ayuda compatible con el mercado interior con cierta...

(Asunto T‑96/16

Fecha: 24-Ene-2017

«Marca de la Unión Europea— Solicitud de marca denominativa de la Unión STRONG BONDS. TRUSTED SOLUTIONS.— Motivo de denegación absoluto— Falta de carácter distintivo— Artículo 7, apartado 1, letrab), y apartado 2, del Reglamento (CE) n.o207/2009» 1.Marca de la Unión Europea— Definición y adquisición de la marca de la Unión— Motivos de denegación ab...

Asuntos acumulados C‑247/15P, C‑253/15P y C‑259/15

Fecha: 26-Ene-2017

«Recurso de casación— Dumping— Reglamento de Ejecución (UE) n.o501/2013— Importaciones de bicicletas procedentes de Indonesia, Malasia, Sri Lanka y Túnez— Ampliación a estas importaciones del derecho antidumping definitivo impuesto a las bicicletas originarias de la República Popular China— Reglamento (CE) n.o1225/2009— Artículo13— Elusión— Artícul...

Asuntos C‑217/15 y C‑350/15

Fecha: 12-Ene-2017

[Petición de decisión prejudicial planteada por el Tribunale di Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Tribunal de Santa María Capua Vetere, Italia)] «Carta de los Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea— Legislación nacional que prevé una sanción administrativa y una sanción penal por los mismos hechos, relativos a la falta de pago delIVA— Violación del pri...

Case C‑128/15

Fecha: 11-Ene-2017

(Actions for annulment— Fisheries— Regulation (EU) No1380/2013— Regulation (EU) No1367/2014— Validity— Fishing opportunities— Precautionary approach— Principle of relative stability of fishing activities— Principle of proportionality— Principle of equal treatment— Roundnose grenadier and roughhead grenadier) Summary— Judgment of the Court (Fifth Ch...

Case C‑189/15

Fecha: 18-Ene-2017

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Consiglio di Stato) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Directive 2003/96/EC— Taxation of energy products and electricity— Tax reductions— Substantive scope— Incentives in respect of the amounts covering general electricity charges— Article17— Energy-intensive businesses— Incentives granted to such busine...

Case C‑28/16

Fecha: 12-Ene-2017

MVM Magyar Villamos Művek Zrt. v Nemzeti Adó- és Vámhivatal Fellebbviteli Igazgatóság (Request for a preliminary ruling from the Kúria) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Article99 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice— Value added tax— Directive 2006/112/EC— Articles2, 9, 26, 167, 168 and 173— Deduction of input tax— Taxable person s...

(Case C‑280/16

Fecha: 12-Ene-2017

(Appeal— Article181 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice— Protection of plant health— Directive 2000/29/EC— Protection against the introduction into and spread within the European Union of organisms harmful to plants or plant products— Implementing Decision (EU) 2015/789— Measures to prevent the introduction into and the spread within ...

Case C‑282/15

Fecha: 19-Ene-2017

v Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Request for a preliminary rulingfrom the Verwaltungsgericht Braunschweig) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Free movement of goods— Articles34 TFEU to 36 TFEU— Purely domestic situation— Food safety— Regulation (EC) No178/2002— Article6— Principle of risk analysis— Article7— Precautionary principle— Regulation (EC) ...

Case C‑289/15

Fecha: 11-Ene-2017

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Krajský súd v Prešove) (References for a preliminary ruling— Judicial cooperation in criminal matters— Framework Decision 2008/909/JHA— Article7— Condition of double criminality— Article9— Ground for non-recognition and non-enforcement based on the lack of double criminality— National of the executing Stat...

(Case C‑343/16

Fecha: 12-Ene-2017

(Appeal— Article181 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice— Refusal to submit a legislative proposal for the establishment of a European law association— Act not amenable to review) 1.Appeals— Grounds— Inadequate or contradictory grounds— Scope of the obligation to state reasons— Reliance by the General Court on implied reasoning— Lawful...

Case C‑344/15

Fecha: 19-Ene-2017

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Appeal Commissioners) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Common system of value added tax— Directive 2006/112/EC— Article13(1), second subparagraph— Activity of managing road infrastructure and making it available on payment of a toll— Activities engaged in by a body governed by public law acting as a pu...

Case C‑351/15

Fecha: 19-Ene-2017

v Total SAandElf Aquitaine SA (Appeal— Agreements, decisions and concerted practices— Market for methacrylates— Fines— Joint and several liability of parent companies and their subsidiary for the latter’s unlawful conduct— Payment of the fine by the subsidiary— Reduction of the amount of the subsidiary’s fine following a judgment of the General Cou...

Case C‑365/15

Fecha: 18-Ene-2017

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Finanzgericht Düsseldorf) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Customs Union and Common Customs Tariff— Reimbursement of import duties— Regulation (EEC) No2913/92 (Customs Code)— Article241, first paragraph, first indent— Obligation of a Member State to provide for the payment of default interest even wher...

Case C‑367/15

Fecha: 25-Ene-2017

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Najwyższy) (Reference for a preliminary ruling— Directive 2004/48/EC— Article13 —Intellectual and industrial property— Infringement— Calculation of damages— Legislation of a Member State— Twice the amount of the royalties normally due) Summary— Judgment of the Court (Fifth Chamber), 25January 2017 Appr...

Case C‑373/15

Fecha: 26-Ene-2017

(Appeal— European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)— Expenditure excluded from EU financing— Regulations (EC) No1698/2005, (EC) No1975/2006 and (EC) No796/2004— Rural development support measures— Areas with natural handicaps— On-the-spot controls— Coefficient density of livestock— Counting of animals) Summary— Judgment of the Court (...