In Case C-131/06

Fecha: 24-Abr-2007

4The background to the dispute was described in paragraphs 1 to 11 of the judgment under appeal: ‘1On 1 April 1996, [Castellblanch] filed an application for a Community trade mark with [OHIM] pursuant to…Regulation (EC) No 40/94…as amended. 2The mark in respect of which registration was sought is the following figurative sign (“the mark CRISTAL CAS...

In Case C-282/05

Fecha: 19-Abr-2007

3By application lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 31 January 2003, the applicant claimed that: –the Commission should be ordered to pay to the applicant the sum of EUR 139 002.21 together with interest at the rate of 5.75% a year for the period from 15 April 2000; –the Commission should be ordered to pay the costs. 4The defen...

In Case C‑195/04

Fecha: 26-Abr-2007

15The Republic of Finland contends that the Commission’s application is inadmissible. 16According to that Member State, the reasoned opinion does not refer to the same objections as those contained in the application. Thus, in the reasoned opinion, the Commission stated that the contracting authority ought to have ensured a sufficient degree of adv...

In Case C‑229/06

Fecha: 19-Abr-2007

9Sunshine has as its business the marketing of foodstuffs. It imports, from inter alia China, shelled pumpkin seeds which have lost their ability to germinate and are intended for the baking industry for use in bread. 10On 4 March 2004 it made a customs declaration at the customs office in Mölln (Germany) and requested the entry into free circulati...

In Case C‑276/06

Fecha: 17-Abr-2007

28It is apparent from the file that Mrs El Youssfi, a Moroccan national, born on 1 July 1939 and a widow since 1982, currently resides in Belgium, on the basis of family reunification, with her son who himself lives in that Member State. 29It is not disputed that Mrs El Youssfi is legally resident in Belgium. 30On 25 August 2005, Mrs El Youssfi app...

In Case C‑444/05

Fecha: 19-Abr-2007

9Mr Stamatelakis was treated from 18 May to 12 June 1998 and from 16 to 18 June 1998 in London Bridge Hospital, a private hospital in the United Kingdom. He paid the sum of GBP 13600for his treatment. 10By an action brought before the Polimeles Protodikio Athinon (Court of First Instance, Athens) (Greece), Mr Stamatelakis sought reimbursement of th...

In Case C‑455/05

Fecha: 19-Abr-2007

6In September 1998, Burmeister Immobilien GmbH (‘Burmeister’) sold a piece of land with a rented apartment building on it. In July 1999, two individuals executed a similar sale. In the two contracts of sale relating to those transactions, the vendors undertook to carry out the renovation work needed on the buildings concerned. The two individuals a...

In Case C‑523/04

Fecha: 24-Abr-2007

The 1957 Agreement 8On 3 April 1957, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States concluded the 1957 Agreement. 9That Agreement was added to by a protocol of 31 March 1978 (Tractatenblad 1978, No55; ‘the 1978 Protocol’), and amended by an exchange of notes on 13 October and 22 December 1987 (Tractatenblad 1988, No12), by an exchange of note...

In Case T‑195/05

Fecha: 18-Abr-2007

9On 14 December 2004, the Commission published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ 2004 S 243) a contract notice for the award of a framework contract entitled ‘Evaluation framework contract covering the policy areas of [the Directorate-General for] Health and Consumer Protection, Lot 1 (public health) – invitation t...

In Joined Cases T‑109/02, T‑118/02, T‑122/02, T‑125/02, T‑126/02, T‑128/02, T‑129/02, T‑132/02 and T‑136/02

Fecha: 26-Abr-2007

22By separate applications lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance between 11 and 18 April 2002, Bolloré (T‑109/02), AWA (T‑118/02), MHTP (T‑122/02), Koehler (T‑125/02), Zanders (T‑126/02), Mougeot (T‑128/02), Torraspapel (T‑129/02), Divipa (T‑132/02) and Zicuñaga (T‑136/02) brought the present actions. 23Bolloré claims that the Court...

In Joined Cases T‑333/04 and T‑334/04

Fecha: 18-Abr-2007

11During the hearing, House of Donuts abandoned its head of claim to the effect that the Court should order OHIM to register the two Community trade marks applied for, and this has been formally noted. 12The applicant now claims that the Court should: –declare that the applications are admissible and well founded; –annul the decisions of 12 May 200...

In Joined Cases T‑333/04 DEP and T‑334/04

Fecha: 18-Abr-2007

7Under Article 91(b) of the Rules of Procedure ‘expenses necessarily incurred by the parties for the purpose of the proceedings, in particular the travel and subsistence expenses and the remuneration of agents, advisers or lawyers’ are regarded as recoverable costs. It follows from that provision that recoverable costs are limited, first, to those ...

«Incumplimiento de Estado – Directiva 2002/65

Fecha: 19-Abr-2007

11A tenor del artículo 69, apartado 2, del Reglamento de Procedimiento, la parte que pierda el proceso será condenada en costas, si así lo hubiera solicitado la otra parte. Por haber solicitado la Comisión que se condene en costas al Reino de España y haber sido desestimados los motivos formulados por éste, procede condenarlo en costas. En virtud d...

Joined Cases C‑145/06 and C‑146/06

Fecha: 19-Abr-2007

Directive 92/12 4.Since the 1990s the harmonisation at Community level of the taxation of mineral oils has been regulated by a family of directives. Directive 92/12,(5) which is still in force, may be regarded as the parent directive. It sets out the general arrangements for mineral oils and other products (alcohol, alcoholic beverages and manufact...

Joined Cases F-44/06 and F-94/06

Fecha: 17-Abr-2007

1.Officials – Actions – Judgment annulling a measure – Effects – Obligation to comply (Art.233EC; Staff Regulations, Art.53; AnnexVIII, Art.14) 2.Officials – Actions – Claim for compensation linked to an application for annulment (Art.233EC; Staff Regulations, Arts90 and91) 3.Officials – Non-contractual liability of the institutions – Failure to fu...

(Joined Cases T-333/04 and T-334/04

Fecha: 18-Abr-2007

Community trade mark – Opposition proceedings – Applications for Community figurative marks ‘House of donuts’ – Earlier national word marks ‘DONUT’ and earlier figurative marks ‘donuts’ – Relative ground for refusal – Likelihood of confusion Community trade mark – Definition and acquisition of the Community trade mark – Relative grounds for refusal...

«Libre circulación de los trabajadores – Directiva 83/183

Fecha: 26-Abr-2007

22El Sr. Alevizos, oficial del Ejército del Aire griego, fue destinado desde el 12 de julio de 1995 hasta el 8 de agosto de 1997, por orden del Ministro de Defensa griego, al Cuartel General de las Fuerzas Aliadas en el Sur de Europa, situado en Nápoles (Italia), donde ocupó un puesto en el seno de la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (O...

«Pesca – Reglamento (CE) nº2287/2003

Fecha: 19-Abr-2007

13El Reino de España, considerando que desde el final del período transitorio tenía derecho a participar en el reparto de las especies sujetas a limitaciones de capturas en el Mar del Norte y en el Mar Báltico, presentó una solicitud al Consejo con vistas a obtener cuotas de pesca en los dos mares mencionados. 14Dicho Estado miembro sostenía que lo...