(Case T-183/08

Fecha: 13-May-2009

Community trade mark – Opposition proceedings – Application for Community figurative and word mark jello SCHUHPARK – Earlier national word mark Schuhpark – Relative ground for refusal – Proof of use of earlier mark – Article 43(2) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 Community trade mark – Observations of third parties and opposition – Examination of the op...

(Case T-22/07

Fecha: 14-May-2009

Action for annulment–State aid–Act of Accession–Condition imposed on the beneficiary to limit its sales of flat products in the ‘enlarged EU’–Commission letter interpreting the condition as applying to the Bulgarian and Romanian markets from the date of their accession–Act not amenable to review–Inadmissibility Actions for annulment – Actionable me...

Case T-318/09

Fecha: 01-May-2009

(Community trade mark – Application for the Community word mark TDI – Absolute ground for refusal – Descriptive character – No distinctive character acquired through use – Article 7(1)(c) and 7(3) of Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 – Articles 75 and 76(1) of Regulation No207/2009) Summary of the Judgment 1.Community trade mark – Definition and acquisit...

(Case T-414/05

Fecha: 07-May-2009

Community trade mark – Opposition proceedings – Application for the Community figurative mark LA KINGS – Earlier national figurative mark KING – Relative ground for refusal – No likelihood of confusion – Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94 Community trade mark – Definition and acquisition of the Community trade mark – Relative grounds for r...

(Case T-457/09

Fecha: 02-May-2009

Interim procedure – Authorisation of State aid for the restructuring of a bank – Abandonment of a branch as a compensatory indemnity – Urgency – Weighing up of interests 1.Application for interim measures – Suspension of operation of a measure – Interim measures – Conditions for granting – Prima facie case – Urgency – Cumulative nature – Order of e...

(Case T‑513/13

Fecha: 02-May-2009

Community trade mark— Application for Community word mark SafeSet— Absolute grounds for refusal— Descriptive character— Article7(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No207/2009— Obligation to state reasons— First sentence of Article75 of Regulation No207/2009— Examination of the facts by the Office of its own motion— Article76(1) of Regulation No207/2009 1.Com...

(Case T‑53/15

Fecha: 06-May-2009

Community trade mark— Opposition proceedings— Application for Community word mark Curodont— Earlier national word mark Eurodont— Relative ground for refusal— Likelihood of confusion— Article8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No207/2009 1.Community trade mark— Definition and acquisition of the Community trade mark— Relative grounds for refusal— Opposition b...

(Case T‑538/14

Fecha: 04-May-2009

Community trade mark— Application for Community word mark Multiprop— Absolute grounds for refusal— Descriptive character— Article7(1)(c) of Regulation (EC) No207/2009— No distinctive character— Article7(1)(b) of Regulation No207/2009— Obligation to state reasons 1.Community trade mark— Appeals procedure— Action before the EU judicature— Jurisdictio...

(Community trade mark – Application for a three-dimensional Community trade mark – Shape of an arrangement of sausages – Absolute ground for refusal – Lack of distinctive character – Article 7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94

Fecha: 05-May-2009

8The applicant claims that the Court should: –annul the contested decision; –order OHIM to pay the costs, including those incurred in the appeal proceedings. 9At the hearing, in reply to a question from the Court, the applicant indicated, first, that the subject-matter of this action is limited to requesting only the annulment of the contested deci...

(Community trade mark – Applications for Community word marks P@YWEB CARD and PAYWEB CARD – Absolute ground for refusal – Partial lack of distinctiveness – Article7(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No40/94

Fecha: 20-May-2009

13The applicant claims that the Court should: –annul the contested decisions; –order registration of the trade marks sought for all the goods and services within Classes 9, 36 and 38 of the Nice Agreement. 14At the hearing, in response to a question from the Court, the applicant stated that it was seeking annulment of the contested decisions only, ...

(Community trade mark – Opposition proceedings – Application for the Community figurative mark LA KINGS – Earlier national figurative mark KING – Relative ground for refusal – No likelihood of confusion – Article 8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No 40/94

Fecha: 07-May-2009

12The applicant claims that the Court should: –annul the contested decision; –order OHIM and the intervener to pay the costs. 13OHIM contends that the Court should: –dismiss the action; –order the applicant to pay the costs. ...

«Competencia judicial en materia civil − Reglamento (CE) nº44/2001

Fecha: 14-May-2009

28De los autos del litigio principal se desprende que el 19 de agosto de 2002, la Sra. Ilsinger recibió, a su nombre y en su domicilio particular, un sobre cerrado remitido por Schlank & Schick. El sobre, en el que figuraban las expresiones «¡Documentos importantes!», «Por favor, abrir inmediatamente» y «Personal», contenía una comunicación dir...

«Directiva 92/50

Fecha: 19-May-2009

9Mediante un anuncio de licitación de 30 de septiembre de 2003, la Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Milano inició un procedimiento abierto de adjudicación con el objetivo de adjudicar, sobre la base del criterio del precio más reducido posible, el servicio de correo, a saber, la recogida y distribución del correo y de do...

(Directive 92/50

Fecha: 19-May-2009

9By notice of 30 September 2003, the Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura di Milano announced a public invitation to tender for the award, on a lowest-price basis, of a courier-service contract (for collection and delivery of correspondence and miscellaneous documentation) for the Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e A...

En el asunto C‑150/08

Fecha: 07-May-2009

18Siebrand es una sociedad que fabrica bebidas alcohólicas y no alcohólicas. Produce en particular tres bebidas alcohólicas denominadas «Pina Colada», «Whiskey Cream» y «Apfel Cocktail», respectivamente. Dichos productos son elaborados a partir de sidra, a la que se añade alcohol destilado, agua, jarabe de azúcar, varios aromas y colorantes y, por ...

En el asunto C‑161/08

Fecha: 14-May-2009

18El 26 de noviembre de 1992, el kantoor der douane en accijnzen te Antwerpen (oficina de aduana e impuestos especiales de Amberes) (Bélgica) aceptó un cuaderno TIR – TABAK9445594 para el transporte de cigarrillos destinados a Macedonia. El titular del cuaderno era Jan de Lely. La asociación garante del transporte era la Fédération royale belge des...

En el asunto C‑531/06

Fecha: 19-May-2009

17Considerando que el régimen italiano de explotación de farmacias no era compatible con los artículos 43CE y 56CE, la Comisión incoó el procedimiento por incumplimiento previsto en el artículo 226CE, párrafo primero. Con arreglo a dicha disposición, y tras haber requerido a la República Italiana, mediante escrito de 21 de marzo de 2005, para que p...

En el asunto F‑39/07

Fecha: 06-May-2009

6El 15 de marzo de 2006, en su comunicación al personal nº46/06, la Secretaría General del Consejo publicó la convocatoria para proveer plaza vacante 60/06 con el fin de cubrir el puesto de jefe de unidad de lengua española en la DGA «Personal y administración», DirecciónIII «Traducción y producción de documentos» (CategoríaA, grado 14, 13 o12) (en...

En el asunto T‑116/04

Fecha: 06-May-2009

22Mediante demanda presentada en la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia el 24 de marzo de 2004, la demandante interpuso el presente recurso. 23Al modificarse la composición de las salas del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, el Juez Ponente fue adscrito a la Sala Octava, a la que se atribuyó por consiguiente el presente asunto. 24En la vista d...