En el asunto T‑347/03

Fecha: 30-Jun-2005

13La demandante presentó sendas solicitudes de ayudas económicas por importe de 11.736.792escudos portugueses (PTE) (expediente nº870302P3) y de 82.700.897PTE (expediente nº870301P1), para programas de formación destinados, respectivamente, a los adultos y a los jóvenes. 14El recurso se dirige contra la decisión final adoptada en relación con el pr...

En el asunto T‑349/03

Fecha: 15-Jun-2005

1.Compañías marítimas afectadas 5La demandante es una compañía marítima que ofrece servicios marítimos regulares a Córcega desde Francia continental (Tolón y Niza) e Italia (Savona y Liorno). 6La Société nationale maritime Corse‑Méditerranée (SNCM) es una compañía marítima que presta servicios regulares hacia Córcega, con origen en Francia continen...

En los asuntos acumulados C‑211/03, C‑299/03 y C‑316/03 a C‑318/03

Fecha: 09-Jun-2005

20En 1995 y 1996, HLH y Orthica solicitaron al Bundesministerium für Verbraucherschutz, Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (Ministerio Federal de Protección de los Consumidores, de Alimentación y de Agricultura), competente en el momento en que tuvieron lugar los hechos del litigio principal, que adoptara una decisión de alcance general con arreglo al ar...

(European Regional Development Fund – Withdrawal of financial assistance – Failure to take account of expenditure committed by the beneficiary of the assistance – Article 24 of Regulation (EEC) No4253/88

Fecha: 22-Jun-2005

Decision authorising the assistance 5By Decision C(93)256/4 of 16 February 1993, the Commission approved the grant to the Italian Republic of assistance from the European Regional Development Fund in the form of a global grant for the activities of an information centre for collaboration between undertakings and the promotion of investment as part ...

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Directive 98/44

Fecha: 16-Jun-2005

14After establishing that the Italian Republic had not informed it of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions adopted by the Italian Republic to comply with the Directive, and in the absence of any other information from which it could conclude that those measures had been adopted, the Commission sent a letter of formal notice under Art...

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Environment – Directive 85/337

Fecha: 02-Jun-2005

8After the matter was brought to its attention by environmental protection groups, the Commission requested the Italian authorities to provide information on the construction of a marina at Fossacesia in the Abruzzo region (‘the Region’). Those works were authorised without being made subject to an assessment of their effects on the environment and...

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Environment – Management of waste – Directive 75/442/EEC as amended by Directive 91/156

Fecha: 09-Jun-2005

9The Commission took the view that Article 30(4) of the decree-law infringed Article 12 of the directive and so, by letter of formal notice of 24 October 2001, invited the Italian Republic to submit its observations on the matter within two months. 10The Italian authorities replied to that letter of formal notice by letter of 27 February 2002 in wh...

(Failure of a Member State to fulfil obligations – Water pollution – Directive 76/464

Fecha: 02-Jun-2005

15Following a complaint, the Commission sent a formal letter of notice to Ireland on 4February 1991 in which it stated that that Member State had failed to forward summaries of the pollution reduction programmes for certain substances covered by List II of the annex to the Directive. 16The Commission sent a new letter of formal notice to Ireland on...

«Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional – Supresión de una ayuda financiera – Exclusión de los gastos realizados por el beneficiario de la ayuda – Artículo 24 del Reglamento (CEE) nº4253/88

Fecha: 22-Jun-2005

Decisión de autorizar la ayuda 5Mediante la Decisión C(93)256/4, de 16 de febrero de 1993, la Comisión aprobó que se concediera a la República Italiana una ayuda del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) consistente en una subvención global para las actividades de un centro informativo para la colaboración entre las empresas y el fomento de ...

In Case C-135/04

Fecha: 09-Jun-2005

7In February 1998, the Commission received a complaint that ‘a contrapasa’ hunting of woodpigeons was permitted in Guipúzcoa. 8On 30 June 1998, the Spanish authorities, when questioned on the subject by letter of 23 March 1998, argued that the permission for that method of hunting was justified by: –demand and social pressure, since ‘a contrapasa’ ...

In Case C-174/04

Fecha: 02-Jun-2005

7By letter of 23 October 2002, the Commission informed the Italian Government that it considered that Decree-Law No 192/2001, in so far as it provides, in relation to undertakings operating in the electricity and gas sectors, for the suspension of voting rights attached to holdings in excess of 2% where those holdings are acquired by public underta...

In Case C-190/04

Fecha: 22-Jun-2005

8By their appeal, in support of which they advance two pleas in law alleging an error of law and an infringement of Community law, the appellants claim that the Court should: –set aside the order under appeal; –grant the relief sought by the appellants in the form of the draft order annexed to the appeal; –in the alternative, refer the case back to...

In Case C-28/04

Fecha: 30-Jun-2005

6It is apparent from the order for reference that Tod’s is a company established under Italian law which claims to be the proprietor of artistic intellectual property rights in the shoes distributed under the Tod’s and Hogan trade marks. Tod’s France is the distributor of those shoes in France. 7Having learnt that Heyraud was offering for sale and ...

In Case C-281/04

Fecha: 22-Jun-2005

11By their appeal, in support of which they advance a single plea alleging an error of law, the appellants claim that the Court should: –set aside the order under appeal; –grant the relief sought by the appellants in the form of the draft order annexed to the application; –in the alternative, refer the case back to the Court of First Instance and, ...

In Case C-287/02

Fecha: 09-Jun-2005

13After receiving the annual accounts of expenditure effected by the Spanish paying agencies for the 2001 financial year, the Commission notified the Spanish authorities of the results of its checks by letter of 27 March 2002. Whilst stating that that letter constituted a communication under both Article 7(2) and Article 8(1) of the implementing re...

In Case C-378/02

Fecha: 02-Jun-2005

12WZV is a body governed by public law responsible for the public management of water in the territory of the Netherlands covered by it. In carrying out that activity, WZV acts as a public authority for the purpose of Article 4(5) of the Sixth Directive and is therefore not a taxable person in respect of VAT. 13In order to perform the tasks entrust...

In Case C-396/03

Fecha: 03-Jun-2005

6Where an appeal is clearly unfounded, the Court may, at any time, dismiss it by reasoned order pursuant to Article 119 of its Rules of Procedure. 7Four distinct grounds of appeal can be identified. MrKillinger alleges that the Court of First Instance: –applied Article 111 of its Rules of Procedure in an unjustified manner; –failed to recognise tha...

In Case T-125/05

Fecha: 02-Jun-2005

13By application lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 18 March 2005, the applicant brought an action for annulment under the fourth paragraph of Article 230 EC of the first and second decisions (together ‘the contested decisions’). 14By a separate document, lodged at the Registry of the Court on 21 March 2005 pursuant to Article...

In Case T-17/02

Fecha: 15-Jun-2005

I–Contract of 1978 21By notarised act of 4September 1978 the Spanish State and Trasmediterránea concluded a contract governing the operation and provision of maritime services of national interest for a period of 20 years beginning on 1January 1978 (hereinafter the ‘contract of 1978’), in accordance with Royal Decree No1876/78 and the specification...