C 412/30
Fecha: 19-Oct-2017
Tipo de documentos
Fecha: 19-Oct-2017
Fecha: 17-Feb-2017
(Common foreign and security policy— Restrictive measures taken against Iran with the aim of preventing nuclear proliferation— Freezing of funds— Plea of illegality— Legal basis— Misuse of powers— Rights of the defence— Legitimate expectations— Legal certainty— Ne bis in idem— Res judicata— Proportionality— Manifest error of assessment— Fundamental...
Fecha: 05-Jul-2017
18By application lodged at the Court Registry on 28January 2016, the applicant brought the present action. 19By letter of 13September 2016, the applicant submitted a request for a hearing. 20Following a change in the composition of the Chambers of the Court, the Judge-Rapporteur was assigned to the Third Chamber, to which the present case was there...
Fecha: 05-Jul-2017
21By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 6August 2015, the applicant brought the present action. 22By documents lodged at the Court Registry on 5October 2015 and 10November 2015 respectively, the Council and the Parliament applied for leave to intervene in the present case in support of the form of order sought by the Commiss...
Fecha: 07-Sep-2017
18Ms H. entered the service of the Land of Berlin in 1999 and has the status of civil servant for life in its administration. From 23September 2008 she occupied a post of counsellor in grade A16. Following a selection procedure, Ms H. was promoted on 20September 2011, pursuant to Paragraph97(1) of the LBG, to civil servant on probation with the pos...
Fecha: 28-Jun-2017
13It is apparent from the information before the Court that Malcon Navigation, a company with its registered office in Malta and its actual seat in Maroussi (Greece), is the owner of the ship Sea Pride flying under the Maltese flag and operated by Hellenic Star Shipping Company SA whose seat is in Panama and which also has offices in Maroussi. 14Th...
Fecha: 13-Jul-2017
17El artículo 95 de la forsikringsaftaleloven (Ley de contratos de seguro) dispone: «1.Cuando se establezca la obligación del asegurado de indemnizar a la parte perjudicada y se haya determinado el importe de la indemnización, la parte perjudicada se subrogará en los derechos del asegurado frente a la compañía, siempre que no haya sido indemnizada....
Fecha: 09-Nov-2017
Fecha: 05-Abr-2017
11Mediante demanda presentada en la Secretaría del Tribunal el 1 de julio de 2015, la República Francesa interpuso el presente recurso. 12En la demanda, la República Francesa solicitó, con arreglo al artículo 28, apartado 5, del Reglamento de Procedimiento del Tribunal, que una Sala, compuesta por al menos cinco Jueces, juzgase el asunto. 13Mediant...
Fecha: 23-Ene-2017
7By application lodged at the Court Registry on 14December 2015, the applicant claims that the Court should: –annul the initial decision and the confirmatory decision; –order the Commission to pay the costs. 8The Commission contends that the Court should: –dismiss the action as inadmissible as regards the initial decision; –dismiss the action as un...
Fecha: 05-Abr-2017
11By application lodged at the Court Registry on 1July 2015, the French Republic brought the present action. 12In the application, the French Republic requested, pursuant to Article28(5) of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court that the case be decided by a Chamber composed of at least five Judges. 13By separate document lodged at the Court R...
Fecha: 04-May-2017
9By application lodged at the Court Registry on 22July 2015, the applicant brought the present action, claiming that the Court should annul the contested decision. 10By separate document lodged at the Court Registry on 15October 2015, the Commission raised a plea of inadmissibility under Article130(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court,...
Fecha: 14-Dic-2017
3By Decision C(2009)4694 of 12June 2009, the Commission of the European Communities requested the BNetzA, pursuant to Article22 of Directive 2003/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26June 2003 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 98/30/EC (OJ 2003 L176, p.57), to amend its decisi...
Fecha: 21-Jun-2017
6By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 3June 2016, the applicant brought the present action, claiming that the Court should: –annul the contested measures and the ‘prior and strictly related measures taken by OLAF’; –order the European Commission to pay the costs of the proceedings. 7By separate document lodged at the Court ...
Fecha: 16-Nov-2017
Fecha: 27-Nov-2017
5By application lodged at the Court Registry on 21December 2016, the applicant brought the present action. 6By separate document lodged at the Court Registry on 2March 2017, the Commission raised an objection of inadmissibility under Article130(1) of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court. 7The applicant submitted its observations on the objec...
Fecha: 11-Ene-2017
15It is apparent from the observations submitted by the Council and the Commission that roundnose grenadier and roughhead grenadier are two deep-sea species which, to the naked eye, are distinguishable one from the other only by the shape of the head. Once the head has been removed from fish of these species and they have been frozen, it is practic...
Fecha: 22-Nov-2017
6It is apparent from the background to the dispute set out in paragraphs1 to 8 of the judgment under appeal that CTPHT is the residue from the distillation of high-temperature coal tar. This substance is among the substances of unknown or variable composition, complex reaction products or biological materials (‘UVCB substances’). 7In September 2010...
Fecha: 11-May-2017
5The facts behind the dispute are set out in paragraphs1 to 15 of the judgment under appeal as follows: ‘1On 3 and 5November 1999, [Yoshida] filed applications for registration of [EU] trade marks with [EUIPO, pursuant to Regulation No40/94]. 2The trade marks for which registration was sought are the signs reproduced below: 3The goods in respect of...
Fecha: 26-Jul-2017
4On 15February 2012, Continental Reifen Deutschland filed an application for registration of an EU trade mark with EUIPO pursuant to Regulation No207/2009. 5Registration as a mark was sought for the following figurative sign: 6The goods in respect of which registration was sought are in Class 12 of the Nice Agreement concerning the International Cl...