(Action for annulment – Action brought by a legal person – Act of individual concern to it – Decision 2003/82/EC – Targets for recovery and recycling of packaging materials and packaging waste – Directive 94/62

Fecha: 16-Feb-2005

17By application lodged at the Court Registry on 28 April 2003, the applicant brought this action. 18By separate document lodged at the Court Registry on 10 July 2003, the defendant raised, pursuant to Article 114 of the Rules of Procedure of the Court of First Instance, an objection to the action’s admissibility. The applicant submitted its observ...

(Action for annulment – Admissibility – Challengeable act – Failure to bring infringement proceedings – Communication 2002/C244/03

Fecha: 19-Sep-2005

14The applicants, Asociación de exportadores españoles de productos farmacéuticos (‘Aseprofar’), and Española de desarrollo e impulso farmacéutico, SA (‘Edifa’), are two representative associations established in Spain. The undertakings whose interests they represent are involved in the wholesale distribution of, and parallel trade in, medicinal pr...

(Action for annulment – Commission’s refusal to authorise the use of heavy fuel oils with a maximum sulphur content of 3% by mass in part of Greek territory – Directive 1999/32

Fecha: 15-Dic-2005

18The Greek Government claims that the Court should: –annul the contested decision; –declare, in the event that the interpretation of the Directive put forward by the Commission is accepted, that the Directive is inapplicable on the basis of Article 241 EC; – order the Commission to pay the costs. 19The Commission contends that the Court should: –d...

(Action for annulment – Competition – Commission decision declaring a concentration to be incompatible with the common market – Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89

Fecha: 14-Dic-2005

2General Electric Company (‘GE’ or ‘the applicant’) is a diversified industrial undertaking active in the following fields: aircraft engines, domestic appliances, information services, power systems, lighting, industrial systems, medical systems, plastics, broadcasting, financial services and transportation systems. 3Honeywell International Inc. is...

(Action for annulment – Competition – Commission decision declaring a concentration to be incompatible with the common market – Regulation (EEC) No4064/89

Fecha: 14-Dic-2005

2Honeywell International Inc. (hereinafter ‘the applicant’) is an undertaking active in the following fields: aeronautical products and services, automotive products, electronic materials, speciality chemicals, performance polymers, transportation and power systems as well as home and building controls and industrial controls. 3General Electric Com...

(Action for annulment – Decisions 2004/247/EC and 2004/248

Fecha: 28-Nov-2005

13In each of these cases, there are two applicants. The first is the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), an association under Belgian law, the formal goal of which, according to its statutes, is inter alia to promote the protection and the conservation of the environment within the context of the countries of the European Union. The EEB participat...

(Action for annulment – Objection of inadmissibility – Directive 2003/112

Fecha: 28-Nov-2005

9There are six applicants. The first is the European Environmental Bureau (EEB), an association under Belgian law, the formal goal of which, according to its statutes, is inter alia to promote the protection and the conservation of the environment within the context of the countries of the European Union. The EEB participates in various consultativ...

(Action for annulment − Regulation (EC) No 864/2004

Fecha: 08-Sep-2005

8By applications lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 22 July 2004, the applicants brought the present actions. 9The applicant in Case T-295/04, Centro Provincial de Jóvenes Agricultores de Jaén (ASAJA), is a professional farming organisation which, according to its memorandum and articles of association, was constituted to repr...

(Action for annulment – Regulation (EC) No316/2004

Fecha: 28-Jun-2005

15By application lodged at the Registry of the Court of First Instance on 18 May 2004, the applicants brought the present action. 16The applicants, of whom there are 21, are the following: –FederDoc (Confederazione nazionale dei consorzi volontari per la tutela delle denominazioni di origine e delle indicazioni geografiche tipiche dei vini italiani...

(Action for annulment − Regulations (EC) No 864/2004 and (EC) No 865/2004

Fecha: 08-Sep-2005

12The applicants are Lorte SL, a company governed by Spanish law, acting in its capacity as an olive oil producer and member of the association Oleo Unión, Federación empresarial de organizaciones de productores de aceite de oliva (‘Oleo Unión’), and two associations of olive oil producers, Oleo Unión and Unión de organizaciones de productores de a...

(Action for annulment – State aid – Decision 2002/581

Fecha: 15-Dic-2005

10Following a parliamentary question, the Commission of the European Communities, by letter of 24 March 1999 sent in the context of its powers in relation to State aid, requested the Italian authorities to supply information in order to assess the scope and effects of Law No 461/98. 11By letters of 24 June and 2 July 1999, the Italian authorities p...

(Action for anuulment – Regulation (EC) No 2204/2002 – Horizontal State aid – Aid for employment – Legal certainty – Subsidiarity – Proportionality – Coherence of Community action – Non‑discrimination – Regulation (EC) No 994/98

Fecha: 14-Abr-2005

23In support of its application for annulment of the contested regulation, the Kingdom of Belgium puts forward three pleas in law. 24The first plea alleges failure to comply with the limits of the authority conferred by Regulation No 994/98 in that the contested regulation does not ensure attainment of the objective of transparency and legal certai...

«Acuerdo de AsociaciónCEE-Turquía – Artículo 9 de la Decisión nº1/80

Fecha: 07-Jul-2005

10La Sra. Gürol, demandante en el litigio principal, es una nacional turca nacida en Alemania; sus padres, también de nacionalidad turca, residen, como su hija, en este mismo Estado miembro, donde están legalmente empleados. 11Desde el inicio del año académico 1995/1996, la Sra. Gürol estudia en la Universidad de Tubinga (Alemania) la carrera de Ci...

«Agricultura – Indicaciones geográficas y denominaciones de origen de los productos agrícolas y alimenticios – Denominación “feta” – Reglamento (CE) nº1829/2002

Fecha: 25-Oct-2005

11Mediante escrito de 21 de enero de 1994, el Gobierno helénico solicitó el registro de la denominación «feta» como denominación de origen, con arreglo al artículo 17 del Reglamento debase. 12El 12 de junio de 1996, la Comisión adoptó el Reglamento (CE) nº1107/96, relativo al registro de las indicaciones geográficas y de las denominaciones de orige...

«Agricultura – Lucha contra la fiebre aftosa – Medidas cautelares adoptadas como complemento de las medidas previstas por la Directiva 85/511

Fecha: 10-Mar-2005

11Como se desprende de la resolución de remisión en el asunto C‑96/03, el Sr. Tempelman tenía una explotación de cabras de angora en Wenum, localidad situada en un área de 25kilómetros alrededor de Oene. El 3 de abril de 2001, el Ministro de Agricultura decidió la vacunación y el sacrificio de todos los animales de pezuña hendida de la región de Oe...

«Agricultura – Organización común de mercados en el sector de los productos transformados a base de frutas y hortalizas – Ayuda a la producción para los productos transformados a base de tomate – Método de cálculo del importe – Campaña 2000/2001

Fecha: 17-Mar-2005

5Mediante escrito de 4 de febrero de 2000, la Comisión pidió a las autoridades chinas que cumplimentaran el formulario adjunto con el objeto de obtener lo antes posible la información necesaria a efectos de la fijación de las ayudas para la campaña 2000/2001 en el sector de las frutas y hortalizas transformadas. Este escrito quedó sin respuesta. 6T...

(Agriculture – Geographical indications and designations of origin for agricultural products and foodstuffs – The name ‘feta’ – Regulation (EC) No 1829/2002

Fecha: 25-Oct-2005

11By letter of 21 January 1994, the Greek Government applied under Article 17(1) of the basic regulation for registration of the word ‘feta’ as a designation of origin. 12On 12 June 1996, the Commission adopted Commission Regulation (EC) No 1107/96 of 12 June 1996 on the registration of geographical indications and designations of origin under the ...