Case C‑453/20

Fecha: 16-Dic-2021

77.As regards the use of railway infrastructure, I have already recalled that the charge for minimum access and for access to infrastructure connecting service facilities ‘shall be set at the cost that is directly incurred as a result of operating the train service’. 78.The items listed in AnnexI must be taken into account in the calculation of th...

Case C‑533/20

Fecha: 16-Dic-2021

13.Regulation No1925/2006 harmonises the provisions laid down by law, regulation or administrative action in Member States which relate to the addition of vitamins and minerals and of certain other substances to foods, with the purpose of ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market, whilst providing a high level of consumer protectio...

Case C‑54/20

Fecha: 16-Dic-2021

85.In the first part of the first ground of the appeal, the Commission claims that the General Court (in paragraphs48 to 64 of the judgment under appeal) erred in law in its interpretation of Article91(1) of the Staff Regulations, and that such interpretation runs contrary to the position of the Court of Justice as adopted in the review judgment. ...

Case C‑568/20

Fecha: 16-Dic-2021

23.I think it is necessary, as a preliminary step, to make a number of observations concerning the relatively complex legal regime for refusal of enforcement established by Regulation No1215/2012. 24.First, it has been observed in the literature that, in the context of Regulation No1215/2012, it is for the sentenced person to respond in order to s...

Case C‑570/20

Fecha: 09-Dic-2021

4.Article50 provides: ‘No one shall be liable to be tried or punished again in criminal proceedings for an offence for which he or she has already been finally acquitted or convicted within the Union in accordance with the law.’ 5.Article51 stipulates: ‘1.The provisions of this Charter are addressed to the institutions, bodies, offices and agencie...

Case C‑645/20

Fecha: 02-Dic-2021

27.The appeal in cassation criticises the appeal court for not having determined of its own motion whether it had jurisdiction under Article10 of Regulation No650/2012, when it should (allegedly) have done so. 28.The analysis of that ground of the appeal in cassation falls logically to the referring court, which is in the best position to examine ...

Case C‑885/19

Fecha: 16-Dic-2021

12.The Commission outlined the transfer pricing guidelines of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and indicated that transfer prices referred to prices charged for commercial transactions between various entities belonging to the same corporate group. It stated that, in order to avoid a situation where multinational co...

Case C‑898/19

Fecha: 16-Dic-2021

10.The Commission described the tax ruling at issue as endorsing a method for arriving at a profit allocation to FFT within the Fiat/Chrysler automobile group, which enabled FFT to determine its corporate income tax liability to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg on a yearly basis. The Commission stated that that ruling was binding on the tax administr...

(Case T-500/16 Judgment of the General Court of 8December 2021– BZ v ECB

Fecha: 08-Dic-2021

Language of the case: English Parties Applicant: BZ (represented by: H.Tettenborn, lawyer) Defendant: European Central Bank (represented by: E.Carlini and F.Feyerbacher, acting as Agents, and by B.Wägenbaur, lawyer) Re: Application under Article270 TFEU and Article50a of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union for, first, annulmen...

(Case T-689/20 Judgment of the General Court of 15December 2021– HB v EIB

Fecha: 15-Dic-2021

Language of the case: English Parties Applicant: HB (represented by: C.Bernard-Glanz, lawyer) Defendant: European Investment Bank (represented by: G.Faedo and K.Carr, acting as Agents, and by B.Wägenbaur, lawyer) Re: Action under Article270 TFEU and Article50a of the Statute of the Court of Justice of the European Union seeking annulment of the dec...

(Case T-755/21 Action brought on 1 December 2021– Illumina/Commission

Fecha: 01-Dic-2021

Language of the case: English Parties Applicant: Illumina, Inc. (Wilmington, Delaware, United States) (represented by: D.Beard, Barrister-at-law, and P.Chappatte, lawyer) Defendant: European Commission Form of order sought The applicant claims that the Court should: annul the Commission’s decision of 29 October 2021 in case COMP/M.10493 taken pursu...

(Case T-758/21 Action brought on 1December 2021– Dorsum v EUIPO– ID Quantique (Clavis)

Fecha: 01-Dic-2021

Language in which the application was lodged: Hungarian Parties Applicant: Dorsum Informatikai Fejlesztő és Szolgáltató Zrt. (Budapest, Hungary) (represented by: Gy. Hajdu, lawyer) Defendant: European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) Other party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal: ID Quantique SA (Carouge, Switzerland) Details ...

(Case T-761/21 Action brought on 6December 2021– Courtois and Others v Commission

Fecha: 06-Dic-2021

Language of the case: French Parties Applicants: Fabien Courtois (Rueil-Malmaison, France) and 2088 other applicants (represented by: A.Durand, lawyer) Defendant: European Commission Form of order sought The applicants claim that the Court should: declare the applicants’ claims admissible and well founded; annul the implied decision of rejection of...

(Case T-762/21 Action brought on 8 December 2021– C&C IP UK v EUIPO– Tipico Group (t)

Fecha: 08-Dic-2021

Language of the case: English Parties Applicant: C&C IP UK Ltd (Bristol, United Kingdom) (represented by: A.von Mühlendahl and H.Hartwig, lawyers) Defendant: European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) Other party to the proceedings before the Board of Appeal: Tipico Group ltd. (St.Julian’s, Malta) Details of the proceedings before EUIP...

(Case T-763/21 Action brought on 7 December 2021– SE vCommission

Fecha: 07-Dic-2021

Language of the case: English Parties Applicant: SE (represented by: L.Levi and A.Blot, lawyers) Defendant: European Commission Form of order sought The applicant claims that the Court should: annul the decision dated 23 April 2021 to reject the applicant’s candidacy to the Junior Professional Pilot program (hereinafter “JPP program”); annul, insof...

(Case T-765/21 Action brought on 7December 2021– Imdea Materiales v Commission

Fecha: 07-Dic-2021

Language of the case: Spanish Parties Applicant: Fundación Imdea Materiales (Madrid, Spain) (represented by: P.Suárez Fernández, J.Salinas Casado and Z.Marcos Vaquero, lawyers) Defendant: European Commission Form of order sought The applicant submits that the Court should: declare that the European Commission has failed to comply with Article II.22...