Joined Cases T‑307/12 and T‑408/13

Fecha: 05-Nov-2014

(Common foreign and security policy— Restrictive measures against Syria— Freezing of funds— Functions of the Governor of the Central Bank of Syria— Actions for annulment— Communication of an act imposing restrictive measures— Time-limit for bringing proceedings— Admissibility— Rights of the defence— Fair hearing— Obligation to state reasons— Burden...

Judgment of the General Court (Third Chamber) of 3July 2013—GRE v OHIM— Villiger Söhne (LIBERTE brunes)(Case T‑78/12

Fecha: 03-Jul-2013

Community trade mark— Opposition proceedings— Application for the Community figurative mark LIBERTE brunes— Earlier Community word and figurative marks La LIBERTAD— Relative ground for refusal— Likelihood of confusion— Article8(1)(b) of Regulation (EC) No207/2009 1.Community trade mark— Definition and acquisition of the Community trade mark— Relati...

* Language of the case: English. (Access to documents— Regulation (EC) No1049/2001

Fecha: 05-Jul-2017

18By application lodged at the Court Registry on 28January 2016, the applicant brought the present action. 19By letter of 13September 2016, the applicant submitted a request for a hearing. 20Following a change in the composition of the Chambers of the Court, the Judge-Rapporteur was assigned to the Third Chamber, to which the present case was there...

* Language of the case: German for a preliminary ruling— Social policy— Directive 2010/18

Fecha: 07-Sep-2017

18Ms H. entered the service of the Land of Berlin in 1999 and has the status of civil servant for life in its administration. From 23September 2008 she occupied a post of counsellor in grade A16. Following a selection procedure, Ms H. was promoted on 20September 2011, pursuant to Paragraph97(1) of the LBG, to civil servant on probation with the pos...

* Language of the case: Greek. for a preliminary ruling— Judicial cooperation in civil matters— Jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters— Regulation (EC) No44/2001

Fecha: 28-Jun-2017

13It is apparent from the information before the Court that Malcon Navigation, a company with its registered office in Malta and its actual seat in Maroussi (Greece), is the owner of the ship Sea Pride flying under the Maltese flag and operated by Hellenic Star Shipping Company SA whose seat is in Panama and which also has offices in Maroussi. 14Th...

* Lengua de procedimiento: danés. ento prejudicial— Cooperación judicial en materia civil— Reglamento (CE) n. o44/2001

Fecha: 13-Jul-2017

17El artículo 95 de la forsikringsaftaleloven (Ley de contratos de seguro) dispone: «1.Cuando se establezca la obligación del asegurado de indemnizar a la parte perjudicada y se haya determinado el importe de la indemnización, la parte perjudicada se subrogará en los derechos del asegurado frente a la compañía, siempre que no haya sido indemnizada....