Case C‑214/20

Fecha: 11-Nov-2021

MG, a retained firefighter employed on a part-time basis by Dublin City Council (Ireland), is, by virtue of a system of stand-by time according to a stand-by system, retained by the brigade of the fire station by which he was trained. He is required to participate in 75% of that brigade’s interventions and has the option of refraining from the rema...

Case C‑235/20

Fecha: 18-Nov-2021

(Appeal– Access to documents– Regulation (EC) No1049/2001– First indent of Article4(2)– Exception relating to the protection of the commercial interests of a third party– Mobile satellite system operator– General presumption of confidentiality of documents provided by an operator that was selected in a call for applications to the Commission– Refus...

Case C‑271/20

Fecha: 25-Nov-2021

Aurubis AG is a company governed by German law that operates a primary copper production installation which is subject to the EU-wide greenhouse gas emission trading scheme (‘the ETS’) as established by the directive on the scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading.(1) In that context, that installation falls within a sector of activity ...

Case C‑289/20

Fecha: 25-Nov-2021

That concept implies that a spouse, even if he or she divides his or her time between two Member States, can have only one habitual residence IB, a French national, and FA, an Irish national, were married in Ireland in 1994. They had three children, who are now adults. In 2018, IB filed an application for divorce before the tribunal de grande insta...

Case C‑479/21

Fecha: 09-Nov-2021

45.The Withdrawal Agreement, including Article62(1)(b) thereof, is based on Article50(2) TEU. According to the second sentence of Article50(2) TEU, the European Union is to negotiate and conclude an agreement with a withdrawing State which sets out the arrangements for its withdrawal and takes account of the framework for its future relationship w...

Case C‑485/20

Fecha: 11-Nov-2021

(Request for a preliminary ruling from the Conseil d’État (Council of State, Belgium)) (Reference for a preliminary ruling– Social policy– Directive 2000/78/EC– Equal treatment in employment and occupation– Prohibition of any discrimination based on disability– Person completing a training period in the context of his recruitment– Worker permanentl...

Case C‑519/20

Fecha: 25-Nov-2021

62.As I have indicated, the aim of Directive 2008/115 is to establish an effective removal and repatriation policy based on common standards, so that the persons concerned are repatriated in a humane manner and with full respect for their fundamental rights and dignity.(41) 63.Article18 of that directive aims to attain those objectives even in the...

Case C‑79/20

Fecha: 11-Nov-2021

27.By its third ground of appeal, which challenges paragraphs129 to 135 of the judgment under appeal, Yieh United argues that the General Court infringed Article2(2) of the basic regulation. According to Yieh United, the General Court erred in holding that that provision, and in particular the words ‘intended for domestic consumption’, did not mea...

Case C‑819/19

Fecha: 11-Nov-2021

By decision of 17March 2017, the European Commission found that, by coordinating various elements of their pricing relating to airfreight services, 19 airlines had infringed Article101 TFEU and/or Article53 of the Agreement on the European Economic Area (‘the EEA Agreement’),(1) as well as Article8 of the Agreement between the European Community an...

Case C‑833/19

Fecha: 23-Nov-2021

The General Court should not have cancelled Hamas’ listing on the ground that the Council had failed to authenticate by means of a signature the statements of individual reasons for those acts By a judgment of 4September 2019, Hamas v Council,(1) the General Court annulled, in an action for annulment under Article263 TFEU, four acts of the Council ...

Case C‑938/19

Fecha: 11-Nov-2021

Energieversorgungscenter Dresden-Wilschdorf GmbH & Co. KG (‘EDW’) is a German company which operates an industrial, gas engine combined heat and power plant that is subject to the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme at EU level (‘the ETS’). That cogeneration plant includes, as ancillary units, absorption chillers, which convert hea...

Case C‑948/19

Fecha: 11-Nov-2021

(Reference for a preliminary ruling– Social policy– Temporary agency work– Directive 2008/104/EC– Article1– Scope– Concepts of ‘public undertaking’ and ‘being engaged in economic activities’– European Union agencies– European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) as a ‘user undertaking’ within the meaning of Article1(2) of that directive– Article5(1...

(Case T-257/19 Judgment of the General Court of 24November 2021– Al Zoubi v Council

Fecha: 24-Nov-2021

Language of the case: English Parties Applicant: Khaldoun Al Zoubi (Damascus, Syria) (represented by: L.Cloquet, lawyer) Defendant: Council of the European Union (represented by: S.Kyriakopoulou and V.Piessevaux, acting as Agents) Re: Application under Article263 TFEU for annulment of Council Implementing Decision (CFSP) 2019/87 of 21January 2019 i...

(Case T-271/19 Order of the General Court of 12November 2021– Proodeftiki v Commission

Fecha: 12-Nov-2021

Language of the case: Greek Parties Applicant: Proodeftiki ATE (Athens, Greece) (represented by: M.Panagopoulou, lawyer) Defendant: European Commission (represented by: A.Bouchagiar and L.Haasbeek, acting as Agents) Interveners in support of the defendant: Hellenic Republic (represented by: K.Boskovits), Aftokinitodromos Kentrikis Elladas AE Parach...

(Case T-515/16 Order of the General Court of 29November 2021– Kanellou v Council

Fecha: 29-Nov-2021

Language of the case: French Parties Applicant: Despina Kanellou (Brussels, Belgium) (represented by: S.Pappas, lawyer) Defendant: Council of the European Union (represented by: M.Bauer and R.Meyer, acting as Agents) Intervener in support of the defendant: European Parliament (represented by: E.Tavena and M.Ecker, acting as Agents), European Commis...