In Case T-189/20
Fecha: 13-Ene-2021
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Fecha: 13-Ene-2021
Fecha: 06-Oct-2021
Reglamento n.o261/2004 3Los considerandos 1, 4, 14 y 15 del Reglamento n.o261/2004 exponen: «(1)La actuación de la [Unión] en el ámbito del transporte aéreo debe tener como objetivo, entre otros, garantizar un elevado nivel de protección de los pasajeros. Además, se deben tomar plenamente en consideración los requisitos de protección de los consumi...
Fecha: 06-Oct-2021
Resolución de Banco Popular 1Banco Popular Español, S.A. (en lo sucesivo, «Banco Popular»), era una entidad de crédito establecida en España que estaba sujeta a la supervisión prudencial directa del Banco Central Europeo (BCE) con arreglo al Reglamento (UE) n.º1024/2013 del Consejo, de 15 de octubre de 2013, que encomienda al BCE tareas específicas...
Fecha: 29-Sep-2021
1En su Decisión (UE) 2015/1826, de 15 de octubre de 2014, relativa a la ayuda estatal SA.33797 (2013/C) (ex 2013/NN) (ex 2011/CP) ejecutada por Eslovaquia en favor de NCHZ (DO 2015, L269, p.71), la Comisión Europea estimó que Novácke chemické závody, a.s. (en lo sucesivo, «NCHZ»), una empresa química eslovaca, había recibido una ayuda estatal ilega...
Fecha: 14-Jul-2021
o1049/2001, que tiene por objeto proteger los intereses comerciales 25Las demandantes critican, en esencia, la aplicación de la excepción prevista en el artículo 4, apartado 2, primer guion, del Reglamento n.o1049/2001 en el presente asunto, debido a que, por una parte, no puede aplicarse ninguna protección por derechos de autor a las normas armoni...
Fecha: 29-Sep-2021
107The applicant claims that, in the contested decision, the Commission applied in a discriminatory manner, in breach of Article20 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, exceptions to the disclosure of information relating to the recovery of State aid. In the first place, it submits that, in six State aid cases, the Commission made public informati...
Fecha: 15-Dic-2021
In 2016, the European Research Executive Agency (REA) concluded a grant agreement with a consortium concerning a research project under the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation ‘Horizon 2020’, seeking to contribute to the management of the European Union’s external borders. The applicant, who is a natural person, requested, on the bas...
Fecha: 21-Abr-2021
11By application lodged at the Court Registry on 15April 2019, the applicant brought the present action. 12On 4July 2019, the Council lodged its defence at the Court Registry. 13By document lodged at the Court Registry on 8August 2019, the Kingdom of Sweden applied for leave to intervene in the present proceedings in support of the form of order so...
Fecha: 12-Jul-2021
20The applicants brought the present action by an application lodged at the Court Registry on 19December 2019. 21By document lodged at the Court Registry on 20March 2020, the Kingdom of the Netherlands sought leave to intervene in the present case in support of the forms of order sought by the Commission. 22By separate document lodged at the Court ...
Fecha: 22-Nov-2021
4By application lodged at the Court Registry on 16July 2020, the applicant brought this action, in which it claims that the Court should: –annul the contested regulation, with the exception of Article1(2), in so far as it provides for the temporary withdrawal of the tariff preferences referred to in Article1(2)(c) of Regulation No978/2012 for produ...
Fecha: 02-Sep-2021
10The Commission claims that the Court should annul the contested decisions, maintain their effects, and order the Council to pay the costs. 11The Council contends that the action should be dismissed and that the Commission should be ordered to pay the costs. In the alternative, in the event that the contested decisions are annulled, it requests th...
Fecha: 28-Jul-2021
8By application lodged at the Court Registry on 23October 2020, the applicants brought the present action. 9The applicants claim that the Court should: –annul the first contested provision and the second contested provision (together ‘the contested provisions’); –order the Parliament and Council to pay all costs, including all costs reserved in the...
Fecha: 28-Jul-2021
5By application lodged at the Court Registry on 23October 2020, the applicants brought the present action. 6The applicants claim that the Court should: –annul the contested provision; –order the Parliament and the Council to pay the costs. 7By separate document lodged at the Court Registry on 4January 2021, the Parliament raised a plea of inadmissi...
Fecha: 16-Nov-2021
Directive 2013/32 2Article6 of Directive 2013/32, under the heading ‘Access to the procedure’, provides: ‘1.When a person makes an application for international protection to an authority competent under national law for registering such applications, the registration shall take place no later than three working days after the application is made....
Fecha: 21-Ene-2021
6By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 6July 2017, the appellant brought an action seeking the annulment of the decision at issue. The Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden applied to intervene in the proceedings in support of the forms of order sought by the appellant. 7On 14November 2017, the General Court, by a me...
Fecha: 06-Oct-2021
2Article9(3) of the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, signed at Aarhus (Denmark) on 25June 1998 and approved on behalf of the European Community by Council Decision 2005/370/EC of 17February 2005 (OJ 2005 L124, p.1), provides: ‘In addition and without prejud...
Fecha: 14-Ene-2021
2The Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters, signed at Aarhus on 25June 1998 and approved on behalf of the European Community by Council Decision 2005/370/EC of 17February 2005 (OJ 2005 L124, p.1; ‘the Aarhus Convention’), provides in Article2(2): ‘For the purpose...
Fecha: 15-Jul-2021
2Directive 2003/55 was repealed and replaced by Directive 2009/73/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 2003/55/EC (OJ 2009 L211, p.94). 3Article32 of Directive 2009/73, entitled ‘Third-party access’, which is identical to Article18 of ...
Fecha: 23-Nov-2021
2On 28September 2001, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1373(2001) setting out wide-ranging strategies to combat terrorism and, in particular, the funding of terrorism. Paragraph1(c) of that resolution provides, in particular, that all States are to freeze without delay funds and other financial assets or economic resources of...
Fecha: 28-Ene-2021
5The background to the dispute is set out in paragraphs1 to 18 of the judgment under appeal. For the purposes of the present proceedings, this may be summarised as follows. 6Qualcomm and Qualcomm Europe are companies established in the United States which are active in the design and marketing of baseband chipsets. 7Following a complaint lodged on ...