(Case C-365/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Düsseldorf (Germany) lodged on 4August 2020– Eurowings GmbH v GDVI Verbraucherhilfe GmbH

Fecha: 04-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Landgericht Düsseldorf Parties to the main proceedings Appellant: Eurowings GmbH Respondent: GDVI Verbraucherhilfe GmbH Questions referred Does a passenger have a ‘confirmed reservation’ within the meaning of Article3(2)(a) of Regulation (EC) No261/20041 if he has received, from a tour operator with whic...

(Case C-366/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Cataluña (Spain) lodged on 5August 2020– CZ v Tribunal Económico-Administrativo Regional de Catalunya (TEAR de Catalunya)

Fecha: 05-Ago-2020

Language of the case: Spanish Referring court Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Cataluña (High Court of Justice, Catalonia, Spain) Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: CZ Defendant: Tribunal Económico-Administrativo Regional de Catalunya (Regional Tax Tribunal of Catalonia) (TEAR de Catalunya) Questions referred Is a provision of national law ...

(Case C-367/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Amtsgericht Hamburg (Germany) lodged on 6August 2020– SP v KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Direktion für Deutschland

Fecha: 06-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Amtsgericht Hamburg Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: SP Defendant: KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Direktion für Deutschland Question referred Must Article5(1)(c) and Article7(1) of Regulation No261/2004,1 read together with Article3(5) of that regulation, be interpreted as meaning that, in the case ...

(Case C-368/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark (Austria) lodged on 5August 2020— NW v Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark

Fecha: 05-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark Parties to the main proceedings Appellant: NW Respondent authority: Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark Questions referred Does EU law preclude domestic legislation in the form of consecutive domestic decrees prolonging border control which, cumulatively, allow for the r...

(Case C-369/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark (Austria) lodged on 5August 2020— NW v Bezirkshauptmannschaft Leibnitz

Fecha: 05-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Landesverwaltungsgericht Steiermark Parties to the main proceedings Appellant: NW Respondent authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Leibnitz Questions referred Does EU law preclude domestic legislation in the form of consecutive domestic decrees prolonging border control which, cumulatively, allow for the rei...

(Case C-370/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesgerichtshof (Germany) lodged on 7August 2020– Pro Rauchfrei e.V. v JS e.K.

Fecha: 07-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Bundesgerichtshof Parties to the main proceedings Appellant on a point of law: Pro Rauchfrei e.V. Respondent in the appeal on a point of law: JS e.K. Questions referred Does the concept of ‘placing on the market’ within the meaning of the first sentence of Article8(3) of Directive 2014/40/EU1 cover the o...

(Case C-372/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Bundesfinanzgericht (Austria) lodged on 6August 2020– QY v Finanzamt Wien für den 8., 16. und 17. Bezirk

Fecha: 06-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Bundesfinanzgericht Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: QY Defendant: Finanzamt Wien für den 8., 16. und 17. Bezirk Questions referred Question 1: Is Article11(3)(e) of Regulation (EC) No883/20041 to be interpreted as covering a situation in which a female worker who is a national of a Member Stat...

(Case C-373/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Szczecinie (Poland) lodged on 6August 2020– A.M. v Dyrektor Z.Oddziału Regionalnego Agencji Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa

Fecha: 06-Ago-2020

Language of the case: Polish Referring court Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Szczecinie Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: A.M. Defendant: Dyrektor Z.Oddziału Regionalnego Agencji Restrukturyzacji i Modernizacji Rolnictwa Question referred Is the national authorities’ interpretation of the definition of ‘permanent pasture’– set out in Arti...

(Case C-375/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Tribunal da Relação de Coimbra (Portugal) lodged on 10August 2020– Liberty Seguros SA v DR

Fecha: 10-Ago-2020

Language of the case: Portuguese Referring court Tribunal da Relação de Coimbra Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: Liberty Seguros SA Defendant: DR Interveners: Fundo de Garantia Automóvel, VS, FN, JT, Seguradoras Unidas, SA Question referred Does [EU] law, and in particular Directive 2009/103/EC1 of the European Parliament and of the Counc...

(Case C-378/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landesverwaltungsgericht Oberösterreich (Austria) lodged on 11August 2020– Stadtapotheke E

Fecha: 11-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Landesverwaltungsgericht Oberösterreich Parties to the main proceedings Appellant: Stadtapotheke E Respondent authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Linz-Land Other party to the proceedings: AW Questions referred Are rules of national law that oblige a court, when taking expert evidence as required in a proce...

(Case C-379/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Østre Landsret (Denmark) lodged on 11August 2020– B v Udlændingenævnet

Fecha: 11-Ago-2020

Language of the case: Danish Referring court Østre Landsret Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: B Defendant: Udlændingenævnet Question referred Does Article13 of Decision No1/80 of the Association Council of 19September 19801 on the development of the Association, which is linked to the Agreement establishing an Association between the Europ...

(Case C-380/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Köln (Germany) lodged on 12August 2020– BQ v Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Fecha: 12-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Landgericht Köln Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: BQ Defendant: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Question referred Does a strike by the air carrier’s own employees that is called by a trade union constitute an extraordinary circumstance within the meaning of Article5(3) of Regulation (EC) No261/2004?1 ___...

(Case C-381/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Köln (Germany) lodged on 12August 2020– VR v Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Fecha: 12-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Landgericht Köln Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: VR Defendant: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Question referred Does a strike by the air carrier’s own employees that is called by a trade union constitute an extraordinary circumstance within the meaning of Article5(3) of Regulation (EC) No261/2004?1 ___...

(Case C-382/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Köln (Germany) lodged on 12August 2020– AL v Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Fecha: 12-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Landgericht Köln Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: AL Defendant: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Question referred Does a strike by the air carrier’s own employees that is called by a trade union constitute an extraordinary circumstance within the meaning of Article5(3) of Regulation (EC) No261/2004?1 ___...

(Case C-383/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Köln (Germany) lodged on 12August 2020– LK v Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Fecha: 12-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Landgericht Köln Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: LK Defendant: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Question referred Does a strike by the air carrier’s own employees that is called by a trade union constitute an extraordinary circumstance within the meaning of Article5(3) of Regulation (EC) No261/2004?1 ___...

(Case C-384/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Landgericht Köln (Germany) lodged on 12August 2020– DP v Deutsche Lufthansa AG

Fecha: 12-Ago-2020

Language of the case: German Referring court Landgericht Köln Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: DP Defendant: Deutsche Lufthansa AG Question referred Does a strike by the air carrier’s own employees that is called by a trade union constitute an extraordinary circumstance within the meaning of Article5(3) of Regulation (EC) No261/2004?1 ___...

(Case C-387/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Justyna Gawlica, Notary in Krapkowice– Krapkowice (Poland) lodged on 12August 2020– OKR

Fecha: 12-Ago-2020

Language of the case: Polish Referring court Justyna Gawlica, Notary in Krapkowice Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: OKR Questions referred Must Article22 of Regulation (EU) No650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enf...

(Case C-389/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Juzgado de lo Contencioso-Administrativo n.º 2 de Vigo (Spain) lodged on 14August 2020– CJ v Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social

Fecha: 02-Ago-2020

Language of the case: Spanish Referring court Juzgado de lo Contencioso-Administrativo n.º 2 de Vigo Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: CJ Defendant: Tesorería General de la Seguridad Social Questions referred Must Article4(1) of Council Directive 79/7/EEC of 19December 1978 on the progressive implementation of the principle of equal treatm...

(Case C-392/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy-Mokotowa w Warszawie (Poland) lodged on 12August 2020– European Chemicals Agency v Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej

Fecha: 12-Ago-2020

Language of the case: Polish Referring court Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy-Mokotowa w Warszawie Parties to the main proceedings Applicant: European Chemicals Agency Defendant: Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Questions referred Must Article299 TFEU be interpreted as being applicable solely to decisions taken by the Council, the Commission ...

(Case C-393/20 Request for a preliminary ruling from the Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie (Poland) lodged on 18August 2020– T.B., D. sp. z o.o. v G.I.A/S

Fecha: 18-Ago-2020

Language of the case: Polish Referring court Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa-Śródmieścia w Krakowie Parties to the main proceedings Applicants: T.B., D. sp. z o.o. Defendant: G.I.A/S Questions referred Must Article13(2), in conjunction with Article11(1)(b), of Regulation (EU) No1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12December 2012 on ...