Affaire T‑745/17

Fecha: 09-Sep-2020

En 2013, Kerkosand spol. sr.o. (en lo sucesivo, «demandante») presentó una denuncia ante la Comisión Europea relativa a una ayuda a la inversión concedida a una de sus competidoras, la sociedad NAJPI a.s. (en lo sucesivo, «empresa beneficiaria»). Esta ayuda se había concedido en el marco de un régimen eslovaco de ayudas para apoyar el despliegue de...

(Appeal– Access to documents of the institutions, bodies, offices or agencies of the European Union– Regulation (EC) No1049/2001

Fecha: 29-Oct-2020

6The background to the dispute and the content of the contested decision are set out in paragraphs1 to 9 of the judgment under appeal. For the purposes of the present proceedings, they may be summarised as follows. 7The appellants market, under the name ‘Ocaliva’, an orphan medicinal product for the treatment of primary biliary cholangitis in combi...

(Appeal– Access to European Central Bank (ECB) documents– Decision 2004/258

Fecha: 17-Dic-2020

2Recitals3 and 4 of Decision 2004/258/EC of the European Central Bank of 4March 2004 on public access to European Central Bank documents (OJ 2004 L80, p.42), as amended by the Decision (EU) of the European Central Bank of 21January 2015 (OJ 2015 L84, p.64), (‘Decision 2004/258’) state as follows: ‘(3)Wider access should be granted to ECB documents...

(Appeal– Approximation of laws– Regulation (EU) No305/2011

Fecha: 17-Dic-2020

Case C‑475/19P 14The background to the dispute is set out in paragraphs5 to 13 of the first judgment under appeal, in the following terms: ‘5On 12November 1997, the European Commission gave a mandate to the European Committee for Standardisation [(CEN)], under reference M/119, concerning the development of harmonised standards on floorings. Those s...

(Appeal— Competition— Cartels— European market for submarine and underground power cables— Market allocation in connection with projects— Regulation (EC) No1/2003

Fecha: 16-Jul-2020

6The Guidelines on the method of setting fines imposed pursuant to Article23(2)(a) of Regulation No1/2003 (OJ 2006 C210, p.2) (‘the 2006 Guidelines’) state, in points2 and 4 thereof, that, in relation to setting fines, ‘the Commission must have regard both to the gravity and to the duration of the infringement’ and that ‘fines should have a suffic...

(Appeal– Decision 2004/258

Fecha: 21-Oct-2020

5The Insolvent Estate of Espírito Santo Financial Group SA (‘ESF’) is a company incorporated under Luxembourg law which directly and indirectly held a part of the share capital of Banco Espírito Santo SA (‘BES’). 6From May 2014, BES came under financial pressure and its liquidity position deteriorated, inter alia as a result of difficulties faced b...

(Appeal— EAGGF, EAGF and EAFRD— Expenditure excluded from EU financing— Expenditure incurred by the Republic of Lithuania— Aid for early retirement— Regulation (EC) No1257/1999

Fecha: 27-Feb-2020

Regulation No1257/1999 2Article10 of Council Regulation (EC) No1257/1999 of 17May 1999 on support for rural development from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF) and amending and repealing certain Regulations (OJ 1999 L160, p.80), as amended by the Act concerning the conditions of accession of the Czech Republic, the Repub...

(Appeal– EU trade mark– Regulation (EC) No207/2009

Fecha: 11-Nov-2020

2The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property was signed in Paris on 20March 1883, last revised in Stockholm on 14July 1967 and amended on 28September 1979 (United Nations Treaties Series, vol.828, No11851, p.305; ‘the Paris Convention’). Article6 septies of that convention provides: ‘(1)If the agent or representative of the pers...

(Appeal– European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD)– Implementing Decision (EU) 2017/2014

Fecha: 17-Dic-2020

2Article2(c) of Commission Regulation (EC) No1120/2009 of 29October 2009 laying down detailed rules for the implementation of the single payment scheme provided for in TitleIII of Council Regulation (EC) No73/2009 establishing common rules for direct support schemes for farmers under the common agricultural policy and establishing certain support ...

(Appeal– Non-contractual liability– Access to documents– Protection of personal data– Allegedly irregular disclosure of such data– Regulations (EC) No1049/2001 and No45/2001

Fecha: 16-Sep-2020

3By application lodged at the General Court Registry on 30November 2016, the appellant brought an action seeking compensation for the damage which she claims to have suffered as a result of various instances of allegedly unlawful conduct on the part of FRA. That conduct had consisted in (i) the irregular disclosure, following the request for access...

(Appeal— Order for interim relief— Directive 2001/83

Fecha: 26-Feb-2020

17By its appeal, the appellant claims that the Court should: –set aside the order under appeal; and –order the Commission to pay the costs. 18The Commission contends that the Court should: –dismiss the appeal; –in the alternative, dismiss the application for interim relief; and –order the appellant to pay the costs. ...

(Appeal– Regulation (EC) No1107/2009– Placing of plant protection products on the market– Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/2324

Fecha: 03-Dic-2020

The approval of the active substance glyphosate by the European Union 9Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No540/2011 of 25May 2011 implementing Regulation No1107/2009 as regards the list of approved active substances (OJ 2011 L153, p.1) adopted the list provided for in Article78(3) of Regulation No1107/2009. Glyphosate appeared on that list, w...

(Application for interim measures— Plant protection products— Regulation (EC) No1107/2009— Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/17

Fecha: 08-Jun-2020

22By application lodged at the Court Registry on 10February 2020, Ascenza and the applicant brought an action for annulment of the contested regulation. 23By separate document lodged at the Court Registry on 13February 2020, the applicant brought the present application for interim measures, in which it claims, in essence, that the President of the...

(Application for interim measures– Regulation (EC) No561/2006

Fecha: 13-Nov-2020

General considerations 9It is apparent from a combined reading of Articles278 and 279 TFEU, on the one hand, and Article256(1) TFEU, on the other, that the judge hearing the application for interim measures may, if he or she considers that circumstances so require, order that application of an act contested before the General Court be suspended or ...

(Application for interim relief— Energy— Trans-European energy infrastructure— Regulation (EU) No347/2013— Commission Delegated Regulation amending Regulation No347/2013

Fecha: 22-Abr-2020

9By application lodged at the Registry of the General Court on 25December 2019, the applicants brought an action for the annulment of the contested delegated regulation. 10By a separate document, lodged at the Court Registry on 10January 2020, the applicants brought the present application for interim measures, in which they claim, in essence, that...

(Application for interim relief— Plant protection products— Regulation (EC) No1107/2009— Implementing regulation (EU) 2020/17

Fecha: 08-Jun-2020

23By application lodged with the Court Registry on 10February 2020, the applicant and Industrias Afrasa, SA brought an action for the annulment of the contested regulation. 24By separate document lodged at the Court Registry on 13February 2020, the applicant brought the present application for interim measures, in which it claims, in essence, that ...

Asunto C‑323/18

Fecha: 03-Mar-2020

«Procedimiento prejudicial— Libertad de establecimiento— Impuesto sobre el volumen de negocios en el sector del comercio al por menor en establecimientos comerciales— Impuesto progresivo que afecta en mayor medida a las empresas propiedad de personas físicas o jurídicas de otros Estados miembros que a las empresas nacionales— Tramos del impuesto pr...

Asunto C‑371/18

Fecha: 29-Ene-2020

«Procedimiento prejudicial— Aproximación de las legislaciones— Marca comunitaria— Reglamento (CE) n.º40/94— Artículos 7y51— Directiva 89/104/CEE— Artículos 3y13— Identificación de los productos o servicios a los que se refiere el registro— Incumplimiento de los requisitos de claridad y precisión— Mala fe del solicitante— Falta de intención de utili...